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Everything posted by Jabo

  1. Nice to see she's there safely. Good shots JP. Jabo
  2. OK, I'm uploading it now - it might take a while. Jabo
  3. Not the UK Government Enforcer, BP have a deal in place for drilling tests in Libya. The Libyans threatened not to go ahead with this unless al-Megrahi's name was included in a prisoner transfer exchange. It is highly unusual (it says here) for a specific individual to be named in this way as these deals normally are done just in numbers. As you say though, I suspect the oil companies concerned have a hand in this somewhere. It makes me sad for the familes of the innocents on flt103 (get that AJW? 'innocent' not 'possibly innocent') that the deaths of so many can be brushed aside for reasons of political expediency and the interests of big business. Just my (non-racist) two cents. Jabo
  4. No, it's available now Colin, I had a trial go with it yesterday evening, and then deleted the thread (deliberately) Jabo
  5. LOL Painless, but you'll possibly be losing the non-red dwarfers here. The event thing's quite straight-forward BG, I'll create the thread, and you push the 'register' button to...um...well...register and then when you're sure you're going to be able to make it, you push the 'confirm' button and everybody knows what's happening. It's possible to de-register later if the need arises. Jabo
  6. Guys, does anyone have any particular objections if this thread is locked and I start another using Roger's new Event Register thing? This will mean that people will be able to register themselves rather than having to modify an existing post (which causes problems). If no-one's too bothered, I'll do it on Saturday. Jabo
  7. Good to see he's feeling better according to the Libyan press. I should think that a certain person formerly of this parish will be pleased about that. He might just be in the minority though... Jabo
  8. Well, the mystery of what Mr P wears on Tuesdays, Thursdays etc is all cleared up. Nice work Mick. I was going to mention the lounge, but it looks like you've beaten me to it. Jabo
  9. Like all the best fairy tales there's a moral there, but I'm damned if I can work it out... Jabo
  10. Not there yet m8, that's why you can't see 'em - It's a BIG set of files, so it's taking me some time to get them downloaded. I'll link to 'em when I manage to get them uploaded. Jabo
  11. I see your good lady Helen is in full 'supervisor' mode. Good for her. Jabo
  12. I'm downloading it now. I've got an unrestricted RS account so I'll rip it and sling it in the vault for you chaps. Jabo
  13. Brilliant - but why is there no 40cm box canvas of (for example) Painless? Oh no, wait, yep, THAT's why... Jabo
  14. Hmm, cheap. I may have to invest. Jabo
  15. I'm not at all sure that Iggy even owns a shirt, much less a comb. You need to realise m8, that not everyone looks like Bond when they put on a tux.
  16. Robotics in general aren't something I can get too excited about, but this is way frickin' cool. Jabo
  17. ~S~ m8, nice to hear from you again...Don't leave it so long next time ya hear me? Jabo
  18. Pooka, Knight & JP - I've added you all as 'prospective'. Let me know here or by PM if/when you confirm (or modify the post
  19. Exactly Enforcer, the CAA have screwed with the historic scene here in the UK on more than one occaison. For instance, ending DC-3 passenger operations at a stroke two years ago by classifying the Dak as a regular airliner, and therefore requiring operators to fit all the anti-terrorist measures required on the jets - which was financially not viable and now we have no passenger DC-3's flying in the UK. Well done indeed - tossers. Not forgetting that this year they grounded EVERY warbird in the UK until the operators provided full documented histories from point of manufacture to today. That's why so many of TFC's aircraft were languishing in the hangars over the Legends weekend. Jabo
  20. Given that I can't do anything about the building work at the RL, I intend to deal with it like a true dawg...and not worry about it. Sid, Gec & GK, I've added you all as 'prospective'. If this is incorrect, let me know and I'll fix it. If I can get enough confirmed peeps, I'll re-visit the block booking arrangements again, just to see if it's worthwhile... Any ideas for the Sunday? Jabo
  21. Jabo

    It's 1945...

    Rest assured Rattler, this is a completely different install to my Coop-ing one. I have no intention of pushing to add the Sea Fury to our mods as the problems I think it will cause outweigh the benefits of having the best piston-engined fighter EVER in the game. 570 km/h in level flight? Sheesh. Jabo
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