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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. I had a problem using the UI panel menus. This has been solved by using the precision mode and slowing down the yaw in Track IR. If you use TrackIR the menu panels open when you look at them and close when you look away.
  2. Just seen this on the Elite Dangerous forum
  3. Fortunately not Arthur
  4. After having issues with a Asus Xonar 5.1 card (the installer kept asking for me to insert the Xonar DG device) I have swapped it for a Creative Sound Blaster Z PCIe and in my opinion its a lot better than the on board sound, With the Realtek I was getting crackles every time I used the scroll wheel on the mouse, and the sound wasnt that clear when playing games. Now its very good and should add a lot to flying and it works well with the Buttkicker
  5. Has now installed and tested his new 5.1 soundcard and is very pleased :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Crash


      Creative Soundblaster Z PCIe

    3. DD_Brando


      AH, RIGHT,oops, sorry caps - I have used the Xonar, with limited success, and now I'm back to the Realtek on the mobo.

    4. Crash
  6. He says sorry I didnt stop to talk and he sent me a PM, Hello buddy....I feel a complete fool....I saw you fellas....stood behind you..read your T-shirts....I had left our group and was on my own and had just gone to the top of the grassy knoll to meet an old friend of mine...I didn't make the connection between the DD and the jolly boys thread that you posted on...What a dingbat...Let the squad know and apologise to them for me..I'll make sure I don't make that mistake next year..Doh! Anyways I hope you fellas enjoyed the show.. I asked if he saw Athur and he sent another reply No...I only saw you guys.....Did my head in when I got back and re-read the 'Jolly Boys' thread and saw you had posted on it...Geesh...I actually stopped and was stood behind you fellas on the bank scratchin my head...You know, we got a small group go every year and I speak to as many folks as I can from flight sim...I'm a big believer in community....I don't care which squads..they are all brothers to me..thats why I was so miffed when I got home...Oh well... we had a couple new lads from ATAG stay on the campsite with us so that was fun...met some Tangmere fellas at the Eagle..and met 'Wandso' at the campsite too..so all was not lost..... Did you have a free go on 'Oculus Rift' at the Red Bull tent?...I was blown away by it.... Hope you guys had a good time...Lew
  7. Crash

    Sea Fury

    From the album: Dux 14

  8. Crash

    Dux 14

    A couple of shots from Saturday
  9. Crash

    Sally B

    From the album: Dux 14

  10. Crash

    Red Bull B 25

    From the album: Dux 14

  11. Crash

    Bear Cat

    From the album: Dux 14

  12. sorted http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=126712
  13. Yep, I think ED havnt thought this through. 21 pages and still climbing, it looks like most of us arnt exactly ecstatic about the proposed scheme. Not the best idea they ever had
  14. The important thing is how comfortable it is for you. If it feels awkward then center mount isnt for you. As FT says you need to have your controls set up and if you have the space and the time to try it out then see how you get on.
  15. Jason who?? Yeah, what he said
  16. Not forgetting our dear leader bombing the crap out of friendly convoys or landing in France in a BoB mission and wondering why people were shooting at him.
  17. Back on topic, it is now possible to use a BK with USB headphones.http://www.shakercentre.co.uk/aspbite/faq/faq.asp?intFaqID=5 however the program costs $35
  18. From a post about 5.1 sound to Hughie Green and Bob Monkhouse in 13 posts
  19. For Jabo. Opportunity Knocks just like Britain's Not Got Much Talent without Simon Cowbell. Only worse.
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