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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Very nicely done, mate! You have a great talent for algebra. Your solution is exactly correct, and quite elegant. It's really well done. Congrats!
  2. I congratulate the pilot on saving the plane, but at the same time, it scares me that the pilot even tried it. To risk 200 people like that is the epitome of foolishness. Go around, divert, and bus the people over. There's no excuse for a landing like that. He's only a 'hero' because no one died. He be vilified as a fool if it crashed. Sorry, but that kind of stuff just plain scares the crap out of me......
  3. I LOVE the Canadian Army one!
  4. This is a 'newer' way of teaching algebra, called 'algebra tiles.' If it confuses, go back to just using the regular algebra notation. [attachthumb=1] [attachthumb=2] [attachthumb=3] [attachthumb=4] Diagrams with balances also work well. Check out this website for help. http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/frames_asid_201_g_4_t_2.html
  5. group your "like" terms together; get the "x"'s on one side, and the numbers on the other, typically the "x"'s on the left equal to the number on the right. for this one.... 5x - 5 = 16 + 2x 1. Subtract 2x from both sides: 5x - 2x - 5 = 16 + 2x - 2x (the 2x's on the right now cancel each other out; they = 0) 3x - 5 = 16 2. Now, add 5 to both sides: 3x - 5 + 5 = 16 + 5 3x = 21 3. Now, you need to divide out the 3 on both sides... 3x/3 = 21/3 x = 7 I'll post a diagram that shows how this works if you need it - I find that understanding why this happens helps internalize the math rather than just "following the rules." Cheers, mate! PS - check the answer is correct by putting the 7 back in the original problem, and both sides should equal each other. 5x7 - 5 = 16 + 2x7 35 - 5 = 16 + 14 30 = 30
  6. Me brother just left this morning. Little bugger got his assignment changed - no longer in the Provincial Reconstruction Team (which stays near the airport at Kandahar) but now part of the Lord's Strathcona Horse (RC) battlegroup. While it's outside the "wire", I think that he'll still be very safe - he knows lots of the guys, and the Sergeant-Major is an ex-Brit buddy of mine and a Gulf War 1 veteran; he'll look after Derek quite nicely. Having all those Leopard 2 A6M's around is also nice - walk loudly and carry a real BIG stick, and all that! I hope to keep in touch with him as much as possible, and will post pics and emails that he can get out.
  7. Awesome. Nice to be able to meet up with people face to face - I'm coming out east for 3-4 weeks probably next year with the family; x-country trip to the Rock. Victoria this year (planning it right now!) Hope to see at least a couple of the guys for an hour or so - it's still family time, you know! Nice to see what Tom looks like too. Get any new info to share about him?
  8. That's what I thought too. I couldn't make out the Red guy, of course, because it was taken from the Blue's perspective. It's a great battle!
  9. Ah, I see - 'tis Glenn! Who were the participants??
  10. Check the sub-forum title, el jefe!
  11. I've looked at it for school, but the site licence is prohibitive (for my school). It's a good piece of software, though. I'd recommend it if you do intermediate level web publishing.
  12. Drink 1/2 a glass of Southern Comfort first then - steadies you right up!
  13. 48 hrs and try again?! Holy crap, man! That's terrible service! I get a service call the next day - had my modem replaced, and now all is tickety-boo.
  14. Good one, and congrats on your own forum section, dude! Keep up the fine work!
  15. Nice job. Dave! I hope my 32nd scale Petie 2nd comes out as nice! You make tanks too, Chet?? [attachthumb=1]
  16. Alright then, next artist begins with "O", from Mr. Roboto. Get on it then!!!
  17. "thingies" - you're so tech, dude!
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