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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Rattler


    Jews, juice....potato, potahto...
  2. @Greyknight - I'm not much into weathering yet.
  3. Major decals... [attachthumb=1] [attachthumb=2]
  4. A few more pics in better light.
  5. I thought you'd like that one, John! I had to re-do the whole paint scheme from scratch after it was 90% completed, but it turned out really nice. It's a North African model, G4 Trop, 3/JG 53, Bizerta Feb. '43.
  6. Well, can't believe that it's been a whole year and a half, but I finally got off of my arse and stripped the paint off of my botched 109, and started all over again. Now that I know how to use my airbrush, the second time around was a breeze!
  7. Happy New Year to you and yours too, Artie!
  8. Salute, all! It's been great flying with you all again this year, and I look forward to the upcoming 2009! Nice to meet all the new guys from 2008, and fly with the UbiZoo guys on Saturdays.
  9. Picture of Canadian Loepard 2A6M in the desert near Kandahar. [attachimg=1]
  10. Cheers to you all, and God Bless you in the new year too! It's been great flying with you all for another year.
  11. Downloading now. Thanks, BG!
  12. :k9lmao: That reminds me - just the other day, I was trying to deal with a TIR problem, so I washed my TIR vector clip with soap and water!
  13. Geez, I thought you said you were going to turn 40; my hearing must be going in my old age!
  14. Good flying with you and Kevin last night.
  15. This looks to be what my birthday/Christmas present/mid-life crisis toy will be:
  16. Holy crap! We barely get that for the whole year!
  17. Very nice, BG - I need to get us one of those for next season. I figured that you'd get one of those 40 foot jobs for behind the Kubota....
  18. Thank you all; I'll let you know what I got when I get back home this afternoon! Big 40 for me today!
  19. Happy birthday, old man! I just realized that you're 1 year older than my mother!
  20. All the best in the new year too, mate!
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