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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Great to see you again, Nick!
  2. What they need is more refining capacity for the oil that's already available.
  3. Rattler


    Hmmmmm..... 1. Check TIR is functioning 100%. 2. Check other mods are ok. 3. Reinstall the 352nd package??
  4. Aye, mate on both counts.
  5. Rattler


    Aye, 6DOF only works with your head away from the gunsight.
  6. I'll check that out mate, for sure.
  7. I think that Scotch and Drambuie are both in order... After that, I don't know what to out into the drink, but I've had a nice scotch and a dram too.....
  8. Very nice, Dave! I'm doing a P-38 right now, and will do a -47 eventually.
  9. Here ya go... Navel Assets
  10. From their website: Not sure if I qualify on #2, or #3, definitely not on #1 right now. I doubt #2 consistently, but that's upgradable easily.
  11. They look like Turks.... And that would be their women.... Sorry, I couldn't resist....
  12. Yeah, one of the B-26 (the 'K"?) had a 8 gun nose and 3 in each wing, plus the 2 turrets yet. Plus rockets and bombs; used in Vietnam.
  13. Happy Birthday, Tim! I pray that you have a great year! Here's your birthday pics... [attachimg=1]
  14. BTR-80, but I'm just picky. 13.5 years of armoured vehicle recognition teaching..... I'll say one thing, armoured vehicles really do help to pick up chicks! That is, until they get inside and smell all the diesel and oil...
  15. It was last night on the dogfight server, and they forgot that the first pass was suposed to be a 'pass', not a head on!
  16. I was just going to ask about that one as well....strange marking.
  17. Dagnibbit, if you aren't one lucky SOB, mate!
  18. Isn't Virtual Dub such a nice free proggy? Some guys are really nice.....
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