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Everything posted by Pooka

  1. I've promised the wife that next year I'll take her to England for an Anniversary present. (so happens to be July 12th) We've obtained passports, now its just up to saving enough, or obtaining extra Credit Cards.
  2. GreyKnight m8, I have the disc for the "red ball" Model # starts X08....if Rogers doesn't work and he can explain on how to up load a disc, I can send it out to you. Not to brag, I think BG has 4 MS sticks, I have 5.
  3. GreyKnight m8, I have the disc for the "red ball" Model # starts X08....if Rogers doesn't work and he can explain on how to up load a disc, I can send it out to you. Not to brag, I think BG has 4 MS sticks, I have 5.
  4. Agree 100% with you Ash.
  5. Agree 100% with you Ash.
  6. Congrats BA... Now I know why he was always running off during Coops.
  7. I have a set of these, been wrapped around my head for 5 years, since I stated with the Dogz. This is the only site I can find them, I believe they are discontinued, But I highly recommend.
  8. Something is getting ready to give up the Ghost ! I've noticed for some time that my monitor is flashing.
  9. I've had AVG (Grisoft) for 5 years or better.. Never had a problem.
  10. Pooka

    Re: ~S~

    No No BG, not this guy... I flew the graduation dog fight and was shot down by erWatson. I only had an opportunity to fly the DF, but was very impressed by this graduation class.
  11. Told the wife about this, she said it was on the major network morning shows.
  12. It brought tears to my eyes and a tinkle up the back.
  13. Pooka

    Hi All

    Welcome Doogerie,
  14. If I remember correctly your an AGP card.
  15. All is well, it shifts into position as it used to.
  16. I am unable to move within the cockpit to see through the German gunsights (Mossie too). I can adjust the seat in a F4U after opening the cockpit to see over the front end somewhat. I brought the User files from my previous setup and all was working well.
  17. Looks like a church I walked into once.
  18. Time for Friar to start his "Dogz Time" suggestion again. Pooka
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