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1. DDz Quorum
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Everything posted by B16Enk

  1. Is that right, this is a kind of paid beta of SoW or is that guy talking horse shit in their forums?
  2. Wahay, I got a G19 for Fathers day! very nice bit of kit, didn't realise they are self powered and run linux.. Finding the 4 way buttons a little cooky, very stiff when trying to scroll through the menus. But it's cool watching YouTube on it and slide shows etc. Don't know why you can't quote Toad, going to look into that now.
  3. is hoping that the lack of summer means it is about to start!

  4. Want me to hop on TS and see if I can help Jim?
  5. My apologies .. I had got the screenies arse about face, second screenies should have been the first to show you how to run the manager (you can also run it from system tray of course if it is set to run at startup). Then the second screenie shows the ticks that are required. Tutorial has been updated now. If you can think of any more that we can add to it let me know, and I'll do it.
  6. As far as I know it doesn't associate your name here on the forums mate!
  7. Wow. Would never see an auction of that ilk here in the UK. Bloody hell, had one of those as standard issue back in the 70's when I was serving in the British Army. Wish I had kept the piece of shit now.. So funny how archaic stuff has actually garnered an interest and risen in value, My grandfather had several WWI and WWII bayonets, I was left one in his will and my landlord of 15 yrs ago nicked it the bastard.. He (my Grandad) had some really cool stuff, WWI German helmet, a SS Dagger and a really cool '20s model aeroplane flat two engine..it was an OHV too!
  8. B16Enk


    So you are saying the '50s are under modelled right? Cool recount mate, not many of us get the chance to pilot a 'real' simulator..
  9. B16Enk

    Gb V Usa

    Those knees look like they have taken some action, perhaps to make up for deficiencies elsewhere?
  10. Always helps BG Glad the tutorial was of benefit to you!
  11. You can find us on FaceBook now, and can also login using your face book ID (it should pick up your current login but make sure you input your email and password for the forum NOT your user name!). You can then import your status from FaceBook to here, or from here to FaceBook if you want.. Just tick the appropriate box. Unticking means no update to/from face book
  12. finally got to Friday, no more dealing with incompetents and tossers in general, until Tuesday ;)

    1. Snacko


      Does that mean you won't be on the forums till next Tuesday? ;)

    2. B16Enk


      lmao, no this is a couple of twats at work, one incompetent who created a shed load of work for me and one arsehole who threw a virtual molotov at me, he got napalm back 'cos I'm very careful ;) - he accused me of not reading a doc and getting a config wrong and copied my boss in, I replied with a screen shot of the document he wrote that was wrong *snigger*

  13. And looks like a work in progress still..
  14. How Fast Can You Guess The Words? How fast can you guess the words? 1. B o o _ s 2. _ _ n d o m 3. F _ _ k 4. P _ n _ s 5. P u _ s _ Answers Below, Don't cheat Answers:
  15. My word - the G19 is only.. £133.99 inc VAT
  16. The G series keyboards are very good indeed. Aside from the programmability aspect, the keyboard is very nice with a good positive feel. All in all a high quality, and price accordingly, product. G19 is going to go on my wish list, my son can have my G15 MK1 when my wish is granted
  17. Sound like a good topic for a tutorial?
  18. B16Enk

    Weird Error

    It is an Intel integrated card. This page at Intel.com has a Driver Update Utility
  19. is wondering where Sunday went

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. B16Enk


      is definitely talking to himself

    3. Jabo


      is listening though

    4. Rattler


      yeah, we're listening mate!

  20. In pit shot is awesome, the level of detail and the reflections on the gauges
  21. The 'unsubscribe link' in email request is a sadly lacking feature, been requested many times on the IPS forums.. Can't be that difficult to do surely!
  22. Click on 'My Settings' or Profile and under the forums tab you can unsubscribe from posts/topics: Your background is now yellow, and not showing an image! The forum uses a cache, in addition to your own cache so ctrl+f5 should work, but you may need to wait for the main cache to expire.
  23. Will rectify this for you Jim. Upgrade should have left perms alone..
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