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1. DDz Quorum
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Everything posted by B16Enk

  1. Brando will be able to make a recommendation..
  2. © © DangerDogz.com

  3. That worries me, a lot. Jedi did not state his stance on any other levels of nakedness, like three-quarters, fully or whatever.. I like the sound of the calendar idea too!
  4. More for the UK guys, some of whom I know have used overclockers for PC supplies in the past. Generally a very good company to deal with, but this recent experience (so far) has me smiling a bit: Bought an Apad for my eldest, she is 14 today and a FaceBook/Social site addict, picked the Apad because as an Android device it can play Flash unlike the Apple offerings, plus it is significantly cheaper! When it arrived I snuck it upstairs to set it up for her, plugging in the wireless details etc. First thing I noticed was it had a 600Mhz CPU instead of the advertised 800Mhz, so right there I decided it was going back.. Thought we'd have to do a 'bait and switch' with Bella though, give her this device on her birthday and swap it for a replacement I had ordered when it arrives. Bloody touch screen was porked, required imense finger pressure or a stylus to get it to respond. So I thought I'd calibrate it, using the supplied stylus. Nope it failed.. So sent this to Overclockers for RMA request: They responded: WTF, did they even read my email!! So sent this back: Lets see if 'Fit for purpose' and 'represented' rings any bells for them, those two terms themselves are part of our consumer protection laws and should assure me of a full and complete refund including costs. I could have invoked distance selling rules, which entitles me to change my mind for a refund. However that would leave me to pick up the original delivery costs, and the cost of returning the item to them. And waiting up to 30 days for a refund (weird how I have to extend them credit but they do not do the same for customers...)
  5. We are not alone wanting this #1 We are not alone wanting this #2 Works on member names too
  6. Just installed topic hover preview, when you hover your mouse over a topic a preview of first post pops up:
  7. Cheers Kev, it was your post I quoted there so credit goes to you!
  8. Just a heads up, the server we use to see who is on TS3 is being moved tonight (just found out) so for a while our TS3 may appear to be off-line - but it will NOT be off-line. Rog.
  9. is slightly bemused (in a happy way) to realise he is actually 50!!!

    1. Snacko


      Wow! That took exactly 15 days Rog. Better get a Alzheimer's checkup.

    2. GreyKnight


      Half century, not out! Happy Birthday Rog.

    3. B16Enk


      15 days - I must have hit the Facebook sign in for once!

  10. We'll help you keep that attitude as best we can Jim, and reciprocate the positivity any way we are able.
  11. Cheers Andy. Downloading now! When was this released?
  12. Posted on behalf of JP. PDF version attached too Airvibes Nov 10 - 72 dpi.pdf
  13. Can't help except to say DCS is pooched on my ATI too, the menu is pure white but mousing over the items highlights them.. Doesn't seem to like ATI much, and no sign of an updated release yet (or did I miss it?).
  14. B16Enk

    Will This Work ?

    Mileage can vary but.. I have found Win7 to be much more tolerant of hardware changes than it's predecessors. If I'm reading you right Pook, you are hoping to install a disk containing a Win 7 install from the old 'box' into a new one. It should work, you will find it needs re-activating though.
  15. Now there's a thing. Not only do we share a birthday (separated by a few years perhaps) but neither of us possesses a credit card! (wow a lot of 'ss' in that word). Used to have several, paid the bastards off because temptation tempts, and I'm a sucker for temptation. But at 18%+ interest it is a mugs game if you lack the discipline (as I do) to only use what you can pay off each month. Soul destroying innocuous appearing pieces of plastic, that are there to enslave you if you give in to the temptation - 'I'll sneak a couple of extra cookies out of the jar this month, can soon pay them back if I live to 150'. Been without a credit card for four years now, Debit does the job and I know I won't owe my kids incomes for the next four thousand years to make the banks profits grow.
  16. Interesting. My result with a stock PhenomII x2 (2 cores unlocked so an x4 now): Detail: No over clocking, and I can see my CPU and RAM (can't remember brand but it's running at a paltry 667MHz ) are holding things back. Pleased to see the 1024 HD4870 has some life in it yet though! OK my RAM is G.Skill and rated for 800MHz, not sure why I didn't get it running at it's optimum speed... Me thinks there may be some fettling to do
  17. Very nice. I like the sunsets and street shots too, envious
  18. Fingers crossed Jim, sounding much more satisfactory now and pleased to hear you are feeling better day by day too. Jane and co send our love and thoughts to you and Helen.
  19. B16Enk

    Ch Throttle

    Run the manager as admin. Make sure it is in direct mode Jim, not mapped, for Calibration. Also download the map too, no doubt done but.. They work fine in 7 64bit, so long as you run as admin! I'm working on a map that will work with FFB2 stick too using Pinnacle that you may be interested in too.
  20. Also a long shot but... As it is a different case make sure it doesn't have an extra mobo mounting post that is touching the board, generally moving a board into a new case will at worse result in a loose compnent or two. But having too many posts is very common.
  21. So what is this label about then? Clickable cockpit, I thought that had been ruled out or have I had another brain fart?
  22. Hi Guys. Quick heads up for you all: IPB are releasing the latest version of our forum software on Tuesday, applying some bug fixes and enhancements that prepare the system for further updates. I am planning on updating the software Wednesday, providing there are no known compatibility issues with any of our add-ons. Down time should be minimal for a few minutes. Addons will be temporarily disabled during the upgrade, Gallery, Downloads, Turorials, Member Map etc.. The upgrade paves the way for a new Gallery that is much easier to use and feature rich, Downloads is also going to be updated. I will also finally be able to create a new Web page set, replacing the home page and re-instating the rosters and Chapel pages etc. These are scheduled for release, one at a time, each Tuesday leading up to Christmas. The order has not yet been published though! In the meantime I have just applied a mod that has added an 'Up' button to the default skin for those that use it:
  23. Got a lot of people rooting for you Jim, and I know support will be more than forthcoming from all here. Disturbing news, hope you are able to get back on the best chance treatment again. Do you want this to remain in the open forum?
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