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Everything posted by B16Enk

  1. Happy birthday Jim. Sorry it is a tad belated, pre-Christmas knock off rush (have an enforced 3 week break starting Friday).
  2. I REALLY DO LIKE THIS ONE......& THE REST TOO!!!! _____ Let's put the seniors in jail and the criminals in a nursing home. This way the seniors would have access to showers, hobbies and walks. They'd receive unlimited free prescriptions, dental and medical treatment, wheel chairs etc and they'd receive money instead of paying it out. They would have constant video monitoring, so they could be helped instantly, if they fell, or needed assistance. Bedding would be washed twice a week, and all clothing would be ironed and returned to them. A guard would check on them every 20 minutes and bring their meals and snacks to their cell. They would have family visits in a suite built for that purpose. They would have access to a library, weight room, spiritual counseling, pool and education. Simple clothing, shoes, slippers, PJ's and legal aid would be free, on request. Private, secure rooms for all, with an exercise outdoor yard, with gardens. Each senior could have a PC a TV radio and daily phone calls. There would be a board of directors to hear complaints, and the guards would have a code of conduct that would be strictly adhered to. The "criminals" would get cold food, be left all alone and unsupervised. Lights off at 8pm, and showers once a week. Live in a tiny room and pay £900.00 per month and have no hope of ever getting out. Justice for all we say. Think about this (more points of contention): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COWS Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Bourne almost three years ago, right to the stall where she slept in the county of Lincolnshire? And, they even tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 125,000 illegal immigrants wandering around our country. Maybe we should give each of them a cow. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE BRITISH CONSTITUTION They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq ... Why don't we just give them ours? It was drawn up by a lot of really smart guys, it has worked for centuries and we're not using it anymore. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE 10 COMMANDMENTS The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse or Parliament, is this - You cannot post 'Thou Shalt Not Steal', 'Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery' and 'Thou Shall Not Lie' in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians ..... It creates a hostile work environment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Also; Think about this ... If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone -- YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! It is time for us grumpy old folk of Britain to speak up!
  3. Sorted hopefully, 1500 limit for all groups Friar is a member of.
  4. Johnny wanted to have sex with a girl in his office, but she belonged to someone else... One day, Johnny got so frustrated that he went up to her and said, "I'll give you a $100 if you let me have sex with you. But the girl said NO. Johnny said, "I'll be fast. I'll throw the money on the floor, you bend down, and I'll be finished by the time you pick it up. " She thought for a moment and said that she would have to consult her boyfriend... So she called her boyfriend and told him the story. Her boyfriend says, "Ask him for $200, pick up the money very fast, he won't even be able to get his pants down." So she agrees and accepts the proposal. Half an hour goes by, and the boyfriend is waiting for his girlfriend to call. Finally, after 45 minutes, the boyfriend calls and asks what happened. She responded, "The bastard used coins!" Management lesson: Always consider a business proposal in its entirety before agreeing to it and getting screwed!
  5. Upgraded the Download software today, to the current Release Candidate. It is stable, only bugs known are image URLs (which I fixed) and the paid downloads feature (which we don't use ). The layout is much better, and some nice new functions have been added! I have also fixed the Clean Cut template, but think those of you who had set it as their default may have lost that setting. Apologies for that, if you reselect it at the bottom you will be back where you were! The next anticipated upgrade will be to the gallery component, no ETA on that except it is alleged to be before the year end
  6. B16Enk

    Pc Crashes Prob

    That is an old PATA (IDE) drive, so ignore the bit about SATA cables. I think your drive is gasping it's last breaths, and you should get a replacement on order ASAP. What Motherboard (mobo) do you have? If it is PATA only you can still pick up decent PATA (IDE) drives, I would recommend either Western Digital or Seagate again. Both have software for copying your OS and files. Seagate have a tools page here: http://www.seagate.com/ww/v/index.jsp?locale=en-US&name=seatools-win&vgnextoid=552bd20cacdec010VgnVCM100000dd04090aRCRD Where you can download the drive check utility, but i would say judging from age of the drive your best use of it's last days is to clone it to a new drive.
  7. B16Enk

    Pc Crashes Prob

    What make/model is the hard drive? Most of the manufacturers will supply a drive fitness utility that will read the SMART log, this could tell you your drive is on it's last legs. In any event you need to ensure you have a backup!< Some of the drive makers, WD for example, also have a free version of Acronis (Seagate may be the same) that you can use to clone the old drive to a new one. Be aware that if your drive is indeed on the way out, you may have some corrupt system files already, and will be looking at a clean install of Windows. I have also experienced SATA cables failing, the cheap ones, for no apparent reason. This can for all the world look like drive failure, and the drive fitness utilities can also be fooled, so buy a good quality SATA cable and test with that
  8. Brando will be able to make a recommendation..
  9. © © DangerDogz.com

  10. That worries me, a lot. Jedi did not state his stance on any other levels of nakedness, like three-quarters, fully or whatever.. I like the sound of the calendar idea too!
  11. More for the UK guys, some of whom I know have used overclockers for PC supplies in the past. Generally a very good company to deal with, but this recent experience (so far) has me smiling a bit: Bought an Apad for my eldest, she is 14 today and a FaceBook/Social site addict, picked the Apad because as an Android device it can play Flash unlike the Apple offerings, plus it is significantly cheaper! When it arrived I snuck it upstairs to set it up for her, plugging in the wireless details etc. First thing I noticed was it had a 600Mhz CPU instead of the advertised 800Mhz, so right there I decided it was going back.. Thought we'd have to do a 'bait and switch' with Bella though, give her this device on her birthday and swap it for a replacement I had ordered when it arrives. Bloody touch screen was porked, required imense finger pressure or a stylus to get it to respond. So I thought I'd calibrate it, using the supplied stylus. Nope it failed.. So sent this to Overclockers for RMA request: They responded: WTF, did they even read my email!! So sent this back: Lets see if 'Fit for purpose' and 'represented' rings any bells for them, those two terms themselves are part of our consumer protection laws and should assure me of a full and complete refund including costs. I could have invoked distance selling rules, which entitles me to change my mind for a refund. However that would leave me to pick up the original delivery costs, and the cost of returning the item to them. And waiting up to 30 days for a refund (weird how I have to extend them credit but they do not do the same for customers...)
  12. We are not alone wanting this #1 We are not alone wanting this #2 Works on member names too
  13. Just installed topic hover preview, when you hover your mouse over a topic a preview of first post pops up:
  14. Cheers Kev, it was your post I quoted there so credit goes to you!
  15. Just a heads up, the server we use to see who is on TS3 is being moved tonight (just found out) so for a while our TS3 may appear to be off-line - but it will NOT be off-line. Rog.
  16. is slightly bemused (in a happy way) to realise he is actually 50!!!

    1. Snacko


      Wow! That took exactly 15 days Rog. Better get a Alzheimer's checkup.

    2. GreyKnight


      Half century, not out! Happy Birthday Rog.

    3. B16Enk


      15 days - I must have hit the Facebook sign in for once!

  17. We'll help you keep that attitude as best we can Jim, and reciprocate the positivity any way we are able.
  18. Cheers Andy. Downloading now! When was this released?
  19. Posted on behalf of JP. PDF version attached too Airvibes Nov 10 - 72 dpi.pdf
  20. Can't help except to say DCS is pooched on my ATI too, the menu is pure white but mousing over the items highlights them.. Doesn't seem to like ATI much, and no sign of an updated release yet (or did I miss it?).
  21. B16Enk

    Will This Work ?

    Mileage can vary but.. I have found Win7 to be much more tolerant of hardware changes than it's predecessors. If I'm reading you right Pook, you are hoping to install a disk containing a Win 7 install from the old 'box' into a new one. It should work, you will find it needs re-activating though.
  22. Now there's a thing. Not only do we share a birthday (separated by a few years perhaps) but neither of us possesses a credit card! (wow a lot of 'ss' in that word). Used to have several, paid the bastards off because temptation tempts, and I'm a sucker for temptation. But at 18%+ interest it is a mugs game if you lack the discipline (as I do) to only use what you can pay off each month. Soul destroying innocuous appearing pieces of plastic, that are there to enslave you if you give in to the temptation - 'I'll sneak a couple of extra cookies out of the jar this month, can soon pay them back if I live to 150'. Been without a credit card for four years now, Debit does the job and I know I won't owe my kids incomes for the next four thousand years to make the banks profits grow.
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