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1. DDz Quorum
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Everything posted by B16Enk

  1. http://ultrapack.il2war.com/index.php/topic,3879.msg36712.html#msg36712
  2. Or this one:http://dangerdogz.com/forums/files/file/496-il2cod-14072rar/No ads, no waiting and pretty quick DOH! Downloading from the Vault now as the first attempt from 1c crapped out mid-way through. Jabo Advantage, once again, of having a dedicated server. I was able to use torrent to pull it direct to the server, did it in 10 minutes or so - significantly better than the 2 or so hours it would take to download to my PC and then upload. I can create accounts for a select few to do the torrents to the box if there is any interest?
  3. Or this one: http://dangerdogz.com/forums/files/file/496-il2cod-14072rar/ No ads, no waiting and pretty quick
  4. You should be able to create a new sub-album, then move all images into it. Also (but may be bugged) you should be able to move this album too: Then: Should get the drop down there, hopefully it shows your main Album...
  5. Err.. I like the way you attached those Toad... how did you do that!!
  6. Happy to report, since my last post, finally nailed the upload problem. All groovy now I hope.. And uploading the All-In-One now to the vault.
  7. Thanks! I would not have spotted that, been sweating buckets over a weird email server issue and managed to break the web server too. Got it working again, but file system permissions (well the user dangerdogz.com runs under) got screwed up. Found and reported a bug, and hopefully got it corrected
  8. Even easier if someone were to upload that to our own vault so we don't have to use megaupload. Seems daft paying for web space and bandwidth only to use some add ridden site When I get home I'll pull it down and upload, my work proxy deems that site dodgy
  9. Codebase is stll XP though... so no DX10 Better bet would be a 180 day trial of: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2008/en/us/trial-software.aspx Can be extended too...
  10. Do you still have the original install, it may be looking to that. What other Steam games do you have? One trick with Steam, and may not apply in your case, is it can be moved from default c:\progra~1\steam without having to download everything again! https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=7418-YUBN-8129
  11. I have added these to the Vault Kev. So please feel free to link to them in your tutorial Also increased max file size to 122MB
  12. Win 7 and XP dual boot (no upgrade path from XP direct to 7) requires at least 2 partitions, or disks. So XP on disk 1 and install 7 on disk 2, easy enough. MSFFB2 works fine under 7, but you loose ability to map keys to buttons. 32 bit vs 64 bit, 64 bit every time IMHO, when you put > 3GB in your system you can use it
  13. She's a nurse??!! Oh yeah, now you mention it.. didn't notice
  14. Look at it another way.. ..buy it and put the cost down to paying for all those patches and mods you now have with IL2. You will get the added bonus of a really nice BoB sim eventually too
  15. B16Enk


    Hey.. there are so many bloody variants now it is hard to keep up. I had to look it up myself!
  16. Welcome Bongo! I think your Nick will get shortened Fruity will tell you
  17. B16Enk


    Another ATI user here Not tried my copy of Fraps yet with CoD. 5970 is a rare beast Jim, none on eBay here in the UK. 58xx still available as new buy. FYI, the 5xxx series do support DX11, and having seen what that can do (on my lads 6xxx equipped PC) I want... and shame CoD isn't DX11
  18. Going to try the Affinity setting, this looks to be what is causing my CH Controls to not respond. I think CPU may be maxing out on one core, and this core is where the CH Control is running. Will check the EpilepsyFilter setting, used the in-game control to toggle that and have assumed it worked..
  19. Hmm. Needs a lot of salt this... My 4870... and I can run at high settings! No way... Mind you the bugs in this sim, I find my CH Controls are near useless as COD doesn't register the axis changes for quite some time. So unimportant things like throttle, pitch, mixture changes etc register minutes later (and some times not at all)..
  20. This server is running on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS With the Ubuntu Live DVD you can, as suggested, boot off it and try it out. You can also install it alongside windows, it creates a file system within a file on your hard drive, no need to partition, and give you dual boot. Learning curve can be a little steep, for example you will have an ordinary user account and have to 'sudo' to do any admin stuff - like system updates. The root account in Ubuntu does not have a password, but that can be easily changed so you can log on as root Running Windows Apps, not as hard as it used to be as WINE has evolved, I have run IL2 on Linux quite well. Dedicated servers can also lend themselves to running well under Linux - again this server we are on here runs a Windows based dedicated server (Warband) very well and attracts sufficient donations to pay for itself (a hungry server that consumes upto 165GBytes daily!!!). If you want to experiment without installing you can also grab a copy of Virtualbox and setup a VM, this is also open source: http://www.virtualbox.org/ I also have a server running Centos, which is essentially RedHat but the free version without support and somewhat delayed updates.
  21. Done! Locking this thread to keep things tidy
  22. Looks good doesn't it! Image 5 - wtf? It's upside down but not...??
  23. Classic IL2 support there They are living up to the pedigree we all know and love, being forced to release before ready is a big gamble. 1C:Maddox can afford to take that gamble to a degree, because of the history of long term support and open dialogue. Biggest risk is with newcomers to the franchise, who will not yet be aware of Maddox & company's highly principled approach to what they do and sell. The Steam Forums have wailer's all over
  24. Minecrack aka Methcraft, a strangely addictive game. You can even find a server at dangerdogz.com:25575 (it needs updating to 1.4 though) Got around 70 active players on it too...
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