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Everything posted by B16Enk

  1. I have put this in the Vault now. Created a new category specifically for UP here
  2. Whether UP3 is historically modelled or not I do not think meritorious of debate. If the Dogz adopt it then to fly with us you have to accept it. HSFX can of course also be installed (the two can be combined and switched) so historical connoisseurs can indulge off line or with like minded souls. Ultimately the Dogz is about comradeship in a shared passion, and accuracy I think is of secondary importance.
  3. From Zuti: So sounds like release has been held pending MDS bugfixes, or am I reading that wrong. Also didn't realise this is an RC release only, final is still a way off.
  4. For the torrent challenged amongst us I will torrent it to the server and break it up into chunks, when it is released. Need to go through our vault any way, a lot of unused files there just taking up space..
  5. Got an I44 server running now. Looks good this mod..
  6. I picked up a 1TB Samsung Spinpoint F3 for £36, during transfer of my C drive to it I got 190MBs RAID 0 a pair of those and you will be in SSD read territory without the cost overhead or longevity issues 32MB buffer. 13.5MS average seek time and 7200 RPM. SATA 300 and pretty good on power consumption too.
  7. reseat your RAM would be step 1, see if that fixes it. If Win 7 you can use diagnosticcs o check RAM, press F8 during post to get prompt for that.
  8. Hi Angus. I wrote that quite late at night after some loopy juice had been consumed. Not saying I retract it though, had I been more inclined I would have gone into more technical detail - but Friday nights are usually a blur due to the efforts of the week and a drop or two! So here you go, this is my reasoning: SSD data is divided into 'pages' and 'blocks'. A single page is the smallest chunk that can be written to or read, usually 4K on a Windows system (the default NTFS size) so a 1KB file will take 4KB of disk for exclusive use. A block is 128 pages usually on an SSD. When changing the contents of a single page you have to erase the entire block (all 128 pages) and then write it back with the changes required, this is half a megabyte of data change for a 1KB file change.. ouch. Upshot is that just changing 1KB of date means the disk has to process half a million bytes - read and then write back each one so a total of 1 million bytes of transfer is done. Actual figures are for a 1KB write a total of 511,999 bytes are erased and rewritten 'write amplification'. In read only scenarios an SSD leaves mechanical in the dust, but you have to consider what the read and write characteristics profile your system will employ. For streaming video, fantastic. Photo editing.. pretty good but an overhead when you write back the edits, offset by the sheer number of pages that will be written back. Games.. Loading will be supremely fast. But what write operations do the games need to do as part of their operation? All write-backs will suffer a performance hit as they are likely to be small (sub half meg) data changes that carry a high write amplification overhead. SSDs fall behind on non-sequential operations on small files. Example of Samsung Spinpoint F3 vs Intel 510 SSD: The F3 tops 80MBs on random reads and comes in at 4.5p per gigabyte. The 510 manages 20MBs and comes in at 183p per gigabyte. Upshot is SSDs are great fr large files, but for day to day Windows operations in a consumer setting they will not carry as much benefit. Many have invested and claim great benefits, I would not personally admit my $200+ investment failed Reuters have trialled Enterprise class SSDs, and for now stick with mechanical drives because of the performance issues, and we are very hot on lowering latency for obvious reasons!
  9. wants to share a health tip:If you can't afford a doctor, go to an airport - you'll get a free x-ray and a breast exam, and; if you mention Al Qaeda, you'll get a free colonoscopy..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Birdawg


      hillarious, but true LOL

    3. Birdawg


      Question? Will the SMOKE Mod work with UP3 RC4? If so do i activat it with JGSME or do i put files in the #UP# Folder?

    4. Birdawg


      Question? Will the SMOKE Mod work with UP3 RC4? If so do i activat it with JGSME or do i put files in the #UP# Folder?

  10. Do NOT go for the SSD - you will be sorely disappointed and will have bought into hype. They suck big time on small file transfers/changes and you can get better performance from a fraction of the price from 2 SATA disks in RAID 0.. Or deal with a few milliseconds longer for game/app loads and spend the difference on a GPU upgrade. SSDs are shackled with housekeeping routines that are not yet mature, for example file deletes mean that clusters have to be copied, modified and then copied back before they are finalised, meaning the controller has to queue pending system quiet times. Read performance is superb, no doubt, but for day to day OS mainstay use writing and changing files really pulls performance down.
  11. Here in the UK it is £29 for CO.. So a special deal for EU only?
  12. I have managed to create an ACE Dedicated server now too, got some maps to upload to it. Would suggest SixUpdater is the way to go, it can download the required packages to join selected server and works well. Shame that it is so hit and miss with Linux Dedi hosting though, Windows hosting is a snap!
  13. It all began with an iPhone... March was when our son celebrated his 17th birthday, and we got him an iPhone. He just loved it. Who wouldn't? I celebrated my birthday in July, and my wife made me happy when she bought me an iPad. Our daughter's birthday was in August so we got her an iPod Touch. My wife celebrated her birthday in September so I got her an iRon. It was around then that the fight started... What my wife failed to recognize is that the iRon can be integrated into the home network with the iWash, iCook and iClean. This inevitably activates the iNag reminder service. I should be out of the hospital next week!!
  14. Had you adjusted the curves for your X45? If so you will need to do it again for the MSFFB2. It is of course possible that the new stick is that much more sensitive, and responsive, than the X45. I have an X45, it has sat unused after a mere 4 or 5 months of active service. But I never used the stick itself, so am unable to offer comparison judgement for you. The MSFFB2 is vastly superior and is easily worth the time tuning it to suit your own style, when forces are turned on it really comes into it's own when you can feel the edges of the flight envelope
  15. I posted the zip file containing the configs in your other MSFFB2 topic, along with instructions. Would link you to it, but a couple (as in 2) glasses of wine and an epic battle (won) with installing server 2008 over the network on my own HP server have left me drained. Will happily give more guidance tomorrow
  16. I fly with it on, the feedback is good, but toning down the gun and cannon forces is a must I would say. That said the quality of the stick is such that even with forces off it is superior to most other sticks.
  17. You only need the software if you want to map key combinations to buttons. Single key mapping requires no software, and is done within the controls section of IL2. Like TOAD says, plug it in and assign axis in game then enjoy
  18. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that how rumours start. And wasn't this type of behaviour why Jedi's parental units were concerned about him being corrupted hosted by old farts at Duxford?
  19. From: BBC Article Newly released photographs show how a team of World War II experts disrupted Nazi plans to bombard Britain - with the help of 3D glasses like those in modern cinemas. Hitler's deadly V-1 and V-2 missiles were early but effective weapons of mass destruction - unmanned flying bombs which brought terror to southern England. But their impact could have been all the more devastating - costing thousands more lives, lengthening the war and threatening the D-Day landings - were it not for the fact that British intelligence worked in three, rather than two, dimensions. One of the Royal Air Force's most significant successes came with Operation Crossbow, when it tracked down, identified and destroyed many of the V-weapons which could have prolonged the war. It did so by meticulously photographing the landscape of occupied Europe in a way that allowed officers to study every contour. Now the pictures have been brought to life using computer graphics in a BBC documentary thanks to research by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. During the war, the images were painstakingly analysed by a team of photographic interpreters - known as PIs - at RAF Medmenham in Buckinghamshire. Their secret weapon was a stereoscope - a simple Victorian invention which brought the enemy landscape into 3D. Working on the same principles as modern-day 3D glasses, it allowed the PIs to measure height, especially of unidentified new structures - such as rockets and their launch sites. This technique was to prove decisive, and it saved thousands from the V-missile barrage. The Spitfire is well-known for the role it played in the Battle of Britain, but less celebrated is its contribution to this crucial phase of the conflict. Pilots from the Photographic Reconnaissance unit, created in 1940, risked their lives by flying unarmed over Europe to take tens of millions of photographs, generating 36 million prints. To make the 3D effect work, images had to be captured in carefully-plotted sequences which would overlap each other by 60% so everything would stand up when viewed through the stereoscope. It made the job of the pilots - who, in addition, had to avoid enemy fire - an especially skilled and arduous one. Flying at 30,000ft, they were unarmed because of the weight of the five cameras carried on each Spitfire.
  20. If sensor is dirty it is less sensitive and can do as you experience, cleaned up it increases sensitivity and lowers chance of FFB disengaging. I have not had this problem, but as suggested a piece of tape will work. Stick, IIRC, jumps when system is first powered up too!
  21. Downside to that is your stick will continue to feedback. So if you are crashing and take you hand off it will hop off your desk, same if/when the FFB activate game crashes. I do the opposite and keep the sensor cleaned, crap gets in there and reduces sensitivity until it thinks your hand is always on, otherwise it picks up proximity really well when clean
  22. B16Enk


    So you found Painless' outfitters at last!
  23. I too used the keys. Now I have a CH Quad throttle that I have trims on, and pitch and mixture too. Mapping trims to the hatswitch is genius, wish I had thought of that!
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