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1. DDz Quorum
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Everything posted by B16Enk

  1. It's a 50MB cable.. a very soggy one at that. ADSL would probably be better! Just realised those are live realtime graphs, 100s samples..
  2. Hi Augusto. See this post of mine here for an MD5Sum of the entire packs and instructions, you will need a copy of MD5Summer and follow the instructions in my other post.
  3. My broadband is continuing to be a non starter for anything time sensitive, like games/VOIP/video streaming etc.. Turns out that my ISP Virgin Media have oversold in my area and have too many modems on a concentrator in Cambridge, resulting in latency spikes and packet loss of up to 40% between 15:30 and 23:59+ This is a ping monitor courtesy of thinkbroadband.com, the red bits are when packets are lost and the yellow is maximum ping peaks: This is the same graph against the server hosting our site, and moving a steady 10GB a day..
  4. That is why I used the smiley Jedi Sarcasm bbcode.. good idea!
  5. Your only saying that 'cos he said he has sheep you have yet to add to your conquest list JP. And the class bar was set pretty low..
  6. I don't quite know how to respond. On one hand I want to ask you what your success record is, and on the other I wonder if a spot of therapy may be in order. As for the second part of your statement.. passing any comment on another guys, errr, wiener seems so wrong and I'm wondering what your google search history would reveal
  7. Well it is a release candidate, hence why it has not been officially adopted as the defacto version for us.. Using it and finding the bugs hopefully will result in a finished product like UP2
  8. Welcome to the pound Coco
  9. Are you certain you have the right code Jim? (daft question I know but the XP key follows same format) The product key should be 5 groups of 5 each separated by a '-': e.g. 1ab2b-2ab3b-3ab4b-4ab5b-5ab5b So the message actually says '1' and '0' (zero) are invalid characters? Coincidence or not, I have a lot of keys (too many to count) for XP through 2011 plus Office etc, and none of them have a 0,1,L or O.. possibly because they can be mistaken when lower case letters are used? +1 - I was looking up all my TechNet keys to confirm Don't think they would be L, I (eye) or O either
  10. I just find it curious that some pleb has actually trawled through the proxy logs, seen dangerdogz.com and decided it is not business relevant (granted it isn't) and barred it. Yet FaceBook and twitter, the two greatest wastes of corporate time, are still allowed...
  11. Nice find/rescue. I have at least 3 AMD64 boards and RAM sitting in boxes... Plus a couple of Bartons
  12. Attached is MD5 sum for good files. Place this in same folder as your UP3 download. Run MD5Summer. Select your UP3 downloads folder as the 'root folder' by browsing to it. Select 'Verify sums' Next window wants to know where you put the attached file, browse to it and select then click 'Open'. It will then verify your files, all should be green! UP3.md5
  13. Hold on, I'll create a file for you
  14. Could get messy! Tonar, have you checked the integrity of your downloads with MD5Summer? I know it is possible to install UP3 with a corrupt file, and for the message to be missed in the installer (happened to me a couple of times). MD5 Summer lives here The correct MD5 Sums:
  15. this is one of the reasons I like Mumble, plus it has built in overlay.. and it always just works!
  16. ... have deemed 'Dangerdogz.com' inappropriate for work.... Yet I can get on FaceBook, so stoopid the proxy admins are. Thanks goodness I can still get to my PC at home
  17. B16Enk

    I Am Back

    Allright. Moooove along.
  18. B16Enk

    Email Hacked?

    Could be that it was no more than spoofing. Often looking at headers you can see the true source..
  19. B16Enk


    Hmm. Just occurred to me, a wolf in sheeps clothing perhaps... So he's likely to get laid more than the rest of us, better get our sheep rounded up guys Welcome to the pound Wolf
  20. B16Enk


    Hi Wolf. BG will no doubt be along shortly, and will pass judgement Courageous of you to admit to being acquainted with PropNut, we have a support group for that We use IL2 1946 4.10.1 and are nudging towards UP3 too. I'm in the process of fixing a newly discovered bug with our web server that deems files over 100MB or so are not really needed when we attempt to download them..
  21. Guys if you think a file is corrupt in the vault let me know (you can put a comment to that effect against the file) and I will re download. I'm thinking of clearing the entire vault out, to be honest, save for recently contributed missions and skins. We have a lot of old crap in there.
  22. Not surprised Jim. I have a reformat on my near Horizon too, SP1 won't install and the easiest option is backup, format and re-install.
  23. I live next door but one to a pub. Rarely go there though, too far to crawl when pissed... Prices are shocking aren't they, bought kids new shoes today. £32 for an 11 year olds shoes.. Special offer, gents for £50 - I can remember when £100 a week was a good wage, I spend double that on fuel alone now just commuting.
  24. I am sure that there is something on the UP site about direct to drive. Worth a look If you have a Direct 2 Drive (downloaded) version of IL-2 you will need to install the SAS D2D Patch. Available at SAS D2D Patch http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=1531.0
  25. Here are the MD5Sum results for the files in our vault: (Blue text is the values from the UP thread at UltraPack) Our server files are verified (twice) complete and unbastardised. Please follow suggestion and links in previous Mod posts (search forums for 'golden') for details on checking download integrity. Then, and only then, if you find you have a corrupt file download that file again. Downloading files at random to attempt to find a corrupt file is a senseless waste of finite resources. This post took 40 minutes to compose, working remotely from work on my PC at home
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