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Everything posted by B16Enk

  1. B16Enk

    Hello All

    Hey Glenn, good to see you around! I can't claim any for the honouring, Snacko did the banner and I just put in place what was requested MDS.. I thought of you when I first stumbled across it, we have a dedicated MDS server too that you are more than welcome to play with. Could do with some of your input!
  2. So are we approaching the point where a dedicated server might be useful?
  3. It may not be as bad as it once was, but I found MSE to be the culprit for me. Specifically it was defender that was a pos and was pulling my system down. File operations in particular as well as browsing as it fought for io time.... Sent from my Galaxy using TapaTalk
  4. lmao. quality is not what we expect from ITV
  5. Nope he's keeping his chosen one pure.... Sent from my Galaxy using TapaTalk
  6. Hmm. I'm beginning to think it may have to be the other way around, the sheep definitely need to be warned at least.
  7. Crikey. He saw the latter and wasn't put off? Who let this guy in.. err wait.. OK I'll get my coat
  8. ..would she let you come back home afterwards?
  9. SSD.. Did a long post on this when Cold_Gambler was thinking off SSD too. In short you are better of spending the premium on a decent SATA drive, unless booting a few seconds quicker is really important to you! To get real gaming performance benefits and reliability/longevity your spend will need to be many hundreds of pounds.. like into the thousands! Samsung Spinpoints are cheap and quick, Raptors are quicker but much more expensive.
  10. He is not trying to fly with the mouse is he? It should work with view, map and IIRC the gunner positions.
  11. LOL and I have had bad experience with Gigabyte and prefer Asus.. Horses for courses as they say. I think your shopping list looks good, haven't followed the links you possted so not sure about a hard drive off Ebay there are some good deals to be had on Samsung drives, and they are quick too. Check overclockers.co.uk for current offers..
  12. Larfing me stump of at that thar'un 'n me glass eye popped too..
  13. Welcome to the DangerDogz Leon! You live just up the road from me too - I'm 6 miles north of Cambridge. Small world and close to Duxford
  14. There was a brief peak in the share prices of KY inc, most overlooked the milk bit then..
  15. Well I just have to welcome you in Joe. Anything that is likely to wind PropNut up is a must! Welcome aboard Joe!
  16. Expect a post from Catch22 imminently
  17. Change your UP3 settings to: RAM 512 4GB Address space. This is a 'feature' of UP3 with MDS/AI I believe. Happened to me too..
  18. Nice one Andy! Got them downloaded. Will replace spaces with a '_' and then upload to MDS server and create a map cycle for them. Most likely tomorrow night now though
  19. Was a pleasure meeting the guys there! My lot got a bit restless and insisted on dragging me off to view the fixed exhibits. So I made sure to dawdle while outdoors and got to enjoy most of the displays. The Strike Eagle, Aerostars, Apache and of course the spits were my favourites too. And great photos Nick!
  20. Impressive, both in workmanship and design! First viewed this on my mobile and thought you had used solvent weld for the joints, but now I see you (also) screwed them. Must have taken a high degree of skill, especially with only one hand to do the work. Photo makes it look like the central columns make getting the feet on the pedals a bit awkward though? Is that just the angle of the shot?
  21. Well me and my lot will be there, barring any unseen events. Mid morning is our planned arrival. Sent from my Galaxy using TapaTalk
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