Stop now and just install 64bit.
If patches like that were deemed robust, ignoring the drivers aspect and inability to run true 64bit apps and any potential issues with Windows update, then you would see this on production systems.
I can tell you one thing for sure, the only advantage to a 32 bit system is it's ability to run 16 bit apps.
Unless you are a geeky nerd with a hankering for the 80's you will never need that.
The vast majority of people and serious gamers are all running 64bit, any one who syas 32 bit is superior is demented and/or seriously deluded.
Any time you move away from the core install by patching to gain extra functionality (yes you can say 'Mods') you are entering a world of potential pain and there will be few with the experience to aid you.
Install 64bit over the top and be done with it, seriously Mick. After 20 plus years in the business that is the best advise I can give you.
PAE and similar workarounds are no more than kludges that will introduce latency, your CPU has to work to do the remapping, why bog it down with more work?