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Everything posted by B16Enk

  1. Private areas? ?? I just don't know what to say Bn16enk, We hardly know each other. Oh dear, not another one with a sense of humour, this place really is going to the dogz now
  2. B16Enk

    Dog Training

    That wants captioning. Dog looking at camera 'Dog Training for Dummies? That'll show you I'm no dummy' Other Dog 'errr... I think it means he's the dummy.. now look what you've started'
  3. Welcome Hog and, err.. Mosh - I too seem to have glazed over and missed your arrivals! Now where is that booze again.. p.s. Hog, if you want to remove the 341_ prefix at any time let us know (or you should be able to rename your alias too if you wish) and we can do that too. Keeping it is fine too of course!
  4. Welcome to the Dogz Zzulu, you should see the private area now where you will see TS details etc.
  5. I'd go for black, add £10 and get the dual core one: http://configure.euro.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?oc=d005705&c=uk&l=en&s=dhs&cs=ukdhs1&model_id=inspiron-570& Or if budget allows: http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=FS-265-OK £333 + delivery
  6. Sou you guys like the flag add-on then If/When you want a nick/handle change Will I can do that for you, as can Jabo or FruitBat. Just PM one of us, or stay as you are - your call!
  7. And welcome to the pound Mailliw. I see FruitBat has done the honors and made you official, you should see more content now including our private TS details.
  8. Holy crap. That was unexpected. I saw a looping chopper at the Red Bull 3 years ago in London, seemed so wrong... yet cool!
  9. Create an account over at thinkbroadband.com. The create a monitor (left menu under tools - look for Broadband Quality / Ping Monitor). You will need to enable ping response on your router for this to work. You will then get (eventually) a graph like this: It will show if you are suffering contention issues
  10. I like that Sleeping Dragon, I see you have been around for a while but are staying quiet, you an IL2'er too?
  11. B16Enk

    Snark The Fox

    Yeah, I was surprised how gentle the little blighter was!
  12. B16Enk

    Snark The Fox

    Really cool, thanks for sharing. We have a fox here that wants us to feed it, unfortunately it expects us to 'give' it our chickens, so not as cute as yours.
  13. The Vulcan is a beautiful thing. I read the account of the Falklands bombing run they did, an astounding feat. Wish I still had the book
  14. Jaw dropping faux pas from the Weatherman on the BBc, wonder what his mind was on? http://deadspin.com/5886424/and-now-for-your-uk-weather-where-the-forecast-is-bucketloads-of-cunt
  15. Hi. We have open Co-Ops every Saturday night, and we host a public TS3 server for it on dangerdogz.com:9988 We also enjoy inter-squad events (does not need to be squad vs squad either) including SEOW etc. What time zone are you and your guys in? We are spread across Europe and NA so flying times are quite broad. We have our own dedicated Moving Dog Fight server, not published on Hyperlobby, that we run one off missions and long term campaigns on too.
  16. Ahh. So nice to see what passes as normality has reasserted itself here
  17. Hi Gman, should be sorted for you now. Let me know by PM if not and I'll either fix it properly or PM the file to you
  18. For the record, discussion of politics is tolerated on the proviso that it doesn't get out of hand and personal insults etc. don't creep in. I can count on one hand the number of times I have had to step in and say 'No' when a topic has derailed. No one, to my knowledge, other than me (and I include BG) used their mod rights to doctor posts that they disagreed with and the dust always settled quickly. Religion is another thing entirely, and our brief dalliance with that proved to be quite damaging to the aura of camaraderie that pervades the dogs. 'Attila the Hun' ? Don't really know how to respond to that, pretty sure it was very muffled because a tongue was so firmly stuck in a cheek
  19. OK mystery solved. I know who edited the posts, the data base records the user and date/time the posts were edited. Both were edited by a DangerDog who has decided to login anonymously (hidden) and he has not stepped forward to confess. As a result of this I have removed the moderator rights of the entire group, which is pretty sad after 6 years of trust... oh well..
  20. A mystery indeed, logs don't show it as a mod or admin action... IIRC if you edit your own post it doesn't get logged, but then the same may be the case for admin edits too now, need to go play
  21. Damn.. missed the 6th annivrsary of the site with all the hoo-hah

    1. Jabo


      what date is the anniversary Rog?

    2. B16Enk


      08 February 2006 was the day it came into being

  22. This is closer to what it should be:
  23. lmao - sorry you are having issues in CM postcode area... I'm CB and about 50 miles away from Chelmsford.
  24. Yep. 50Mb Virgin shite, been struggling for months now at peak times. Spent hours on phone with their crap support too 'nothing wrong with your connection sir'.. Trouble is there is no real alternative here either, BT is just as bad. Getting better though lol:
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