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1. DDz Quorum
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Everything posted by B16Enk

  1. Just realised I'm working when Leg Ends is on, so f*&king pissed off now

  2. I stopped using discrete soundcards a while ago, since going multi-core really and my Audigy frying itself. Missus used an Audigy until a couple of months ago until it too fried out, I think performance benefit these days is barely noticeable. However the higher end cards will have better fidelity, but my 51 yr old ears would be deaf to that any way, and the kids music I'm sure would only sound worse
  3. Good point Snacko.. I PM'd the details to be on the safe side, Fruity may have already done this..
  4. The all important power cable! Got 3 of those sticks my self, best thing MS ever made.
  5. Bloody good to hear! If not too late say hi from me too, miss the old bugger
  6. Putting images in is quite easy I hope: Upload to gallery View image and click Options button to right: Select 'Share Links' option and you get: Select the top option, and copy contents Paste into the post and you are done
  7. I only got a 9.1Mbs download speed for it Will give it a whirl when I finally finish work today..
  8. Iron Front, not heard of it before. Probably nodded off, looks like it could be interesting and is released this Friday. No doubt the air aspect will be as console like as it is in Arma.. http://ironfront.deepsilver.com/en/
  9. It's pardoning them that encourages them! And welcome to the pound Sfrost!
  10. Got it back Only took two days, good old Valve... My friends list has been purged, so add me back! DDz group too..
  11. What other games do you play? My eldest is 16 (also a Jake) and he had his own clan @ 13, not so many of them now though. And please do check your email for the validation, you need to finish signing up by proving the email works. It is the only way you can get your password reset too. Ignore - someone put you in that group!
  12. You could Help Zip-Zap by validating your email We are keen to make sure that all parties are looked after here, we do have to consider that you are a minor and therefore safety is an issue for you as well as us. Please don't disappear - contribute, watch out for Saturday nights when we have public flying and join in, you can easily see if people are online in the Public TS server widget showing on our forum homepage
  13. It was worse than that. They even got my gmail account, and I dont know the password for that myself. Just spent past two hours changing every password, because some geezer in teh Czech republic managed to get into my gmail.. Well scary: Browser * United Kingdom (xxxxx) 01:37 (0 minutes ago) Browser United Kingdom (xxxxx) 00:28 (1 hour ago) Browser United Kingdom (xxxxxx) 00:13 (1 hour ago) Browser Czech Republic ( 23:21 (2 hours ago) Browser Czech Republic ( 22:16 (3 hours ago) Browser Czech Republic ( 21:46 (3.5 hours ago) Browser United Kingdom (xxxxxx) 20:19 (5 hours ago) Browser United Kingdom (xxxxxx) 16:31 (9 hours ago) Browser United Kingdom (xxxxxxx) 15:05 (10 hours ago) Browser Czech Republic ( 14:27 (11 hours ago) Guess which Ip address is going to get a DDOS?
  14. So if you get snotty messages from me on Steam, it ain't me. I'm more subtle than that! Watch your accounts guys...
  15. This is difficult. We have a young 'un who is clearly keen, and picking up on some important history here. An opportunity for some shaping of the next generation too @Zip-Zap Comms is important, not for how you sound but for how you team work. Your honesty is certainly appreciated by me, and several others and I for one would rather see you hang out with us who are a pretty safe lot. Hang around mate, join us on comms and feel no shame.
  16. Bit more for you, from http://www.sevenforums.com/hardware-devices/193323-possible-use-full-4gb-ram-win7-x86.html#post1628096 Quote: Originally Posted by flemur13013 Yes, it's possible to access 4Gig from 32 bit Win 7. I've been doing it for a while and never had any problems at all. Find "4GB-RAMPatch-Multilingual-12.7.2010.exe" and run it. That's a hack of unknown origin and while it may work, it runs inside the Windows kernel and with full privileges over the entire system. To trust something like this not to mess up your system is insane... It also violates licensing agreements with Microsoft. That was one posters comment, so far I have gone 3 or 4 pages deep in google and not found an original source. Underline and bold is my emphasis (as is the red lol). Now if you were doing this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366796%28v=VS.85%29.aspx That at least is clean, but still leaves the system doing clever stuff in the background, and you are still 32bit at the base.
  17. Mick. Stop now and just install 64bit. If patches like that were deemed robust, ignoring the drivers aspect and inability to run true 64bit apps and any potential issues with Windows update, then you would see this on production systems. I can tell you one thing for sure, the only advantage to a 32 bit system is it's ability to run 16 bit apps. Unless you are a geeky nerd with a hankering for the 80's you will never need that. The vast majority of people and serious gamers are all running 64bit, any one who syas 32 bit is superior is demented and/or seriously deluded. Any time you move away from the core install by patching to gain extra functionality (yes you can say 'Mods') you are entering a world of potential pain and there will be few with the experience to aid you. Install 64bit over the top and be done with it, seriously Mick. After 20 plus years in the business that is the best advise I can give you. PAE and similar workarounds are no more than kludges that will introduce latency, your CPU has to work to do the remapping, why bog it down with more work?
  18. I think I know what the issue is with the emails now.. possibly.. IPB in their infinite wisdom added a 'Follow This Topic' button. What this does is make the topic appear in the search 'Topics I am Following' and not an email when a reply is made. Apparently the upgrade removed everybody's email notifications... To get an email you have to visit your user control panel-settings and set the notification options: This image shows why I too don't get emails for followed topics: And why I DO get PM notifications etc:
  19. Well now I know I can look into fixing that David! Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  20. Move along, his prescription is about to be filled..
  21. Hey Prop - you got the backup from our RoF server? Been meaning to re-instate it, just need your configs and I 'll do it
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