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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Reggie

  1. Guys I am very sorry, but I will not be flying tonight, although on Sunday I said I would, I have got progressively sicker over the last 2 days. It is not Covid thank goodness, but I am under instructions from "she who must be obeyed" to stay in bed as I am off work too at the moment. Wish I was with you, 😞 best of luck for the op 👍
  2. Great show chaps - you did extremely well. Apologies for my controls issues, although I didnt join the pre op dogfight, I had tested them earlier offline and they were fine. In the mission everything worked fine except the joystick - which you kind of need...I tried everything to get it all working again to no avail, once the game kicked me to desktop, as soon as I restarted it everything worked again fine. Very odd 😞
  3. Been feeling pretty ill this weekend chaps, but have missed you all, so I am planning to be there
  4. Very sorry to report chaps I will not be able to attend tonight due to home issues. Apologies for the short notice, I shall miss your peerless company 😢
  5. Interesting that it says I was awarded the Purple Heart.....I certainly wasn't wounded, so not sure why it has awarded me the Purple Heart
  6. Reggie will be there this evening awaiting the operational debut of my new skin, which I believe has had a special "anti stall" liquid built in
  7. Yes, 'twas a good one. I have run a test and have figured out what happened to me last night - 'twas as suspected, my rpm was set too low at 20, and when increasing throttle it didn't pick up revs fast enough, upping the revs picks it up again, but it takes a little while to catch up. I sadly didnt have enough speed or altitude for that to happen last night - lesson learned, it wont happen again. I guess that may be why in the P47 they allowed throttle and RPM to be linked/locked together so they would always work in tandem if the pilot decides to be a dumbass.....
  8. Duxford didn't really look anything like the real Duxford to me, unless I am missing something?
  9. Pretty amazing, you can clearly see HMS Victory, and the Mary Rose museum too. 😲
  10. Hmm, ok, thanks guys, it will take me a little bit to get used to, lets see how I go :)Appreciate you all taking time for my little questions
  11. Thanks FT - that seems to work, so in order to see the icon, I have to have the instrument panel visible as well by the looks of it, do you all have that visible too?
  12. Hi guys, I have logged into the DD server with the mod activated, and it does not seem to be working, as there is no icon above my aircraft at all as FT said there should be. Does anyone have any ideas? I have mods enabled in the game, and get the expected warning whenever I start the game - "Mods are enabled - blahblah" I also have the icon mod enabled through JSGME as shown in the screenshot below. This is how the mod creator stated he enables it as well in the thread (https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/38978-mod-icons/) Inside the mod folder below I have the "Data" and "SWF" folders, so it is not due to not extracting the folder properly. I have tried all the variety of the mod, and none of them seem to work. Any ideas would be appreciated so I can try and get this working to be on a more level playing field. If not, I will post in the IL2 mod forum as well
  13. ok, so I have downloaded and installed the mod, it shows up in JSGME, I have enabled it in JSGME and received no errors on enabling it - all looked good. Went into game and set up a few quick missions, I dont see icons on enemy aircraft in any of the missions, it is as if the mod just isn't working. Is there something I have forgotten here?
  14. Thanks everyone, I will give it a try and see how I get on. With this aid in place I may even be able to return to VR, as I only stopped using it due to my spotting being so poor in VR. 🤔
  15. Noooooooo - I don't know what to say to this, I was a FOD for many years, and attended this airshow every year without fail for around 15 years. This is horrendous news. FL was/is huge - I have been to an airshow at Sywell, to be honest I am not convinced it could cope with similar sized crowds, certainly not give the same view. If it leaves the UK, that will beheartbreaking, as it will also mean that many of those flying aircraft of WW2 vintage will go with it Has there been anything mentioned about the other regular shows?
  16. Afraid I won't be able to make tonight either guys, sorry for short notice. Good luck though 👍
  17. Hi All, It was discussed on ops last week that you all use a mod which allows for icons to be displayed, albeit small. This is why you could all see the enemy aircraft below the cloud, but I could not as I am not using any icons of any sort and never have in all the years I have played since original IL2. Could you let me know which mod it is you use please so I can have a look at it, and ensure I am not at a disadvantage in spotting. I think I may have frustrated Artie and ApeHill by staying above the clouds, for a fair bit on the op as I could't see the contacts. It would be good to be in the same ball park as the rest of you. Just to add - I have looked on the forum, but the mods room here seems to be all old mods for CLOD, nothing to do with BOX. Many thanks
  18. Wahey, I am finally on the roster with a completed mission 😃
  19. Interesting that there is no wake of any kind on take off or landing. Is this an early version before they put that in? Oh - an stop tempting me on this please, I just bought Normandy - 😨
  20. Too true, I have only been here a few weeks - the chains around my wrists and ankles are really starting to chafe now 😲 Welcome Walker, I shall look forward to sharing the newbie cell with you
  21. Sorry to resurrect such an old thread...I have had a look, and tried to use the ammo settings and config.ini settings as outlined on the first page. I did not actually have a MOD folder in this location : \Users\Username\Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover - MOD From memory I seem to remember that was created by the TF patches. I created one manually and added the files, but the loadout for example are not appearing in game, and it looks like the info windows aren't updated either. Should I dump them in the main \Users\Username\Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover folder instead - and ignore the "MOD" part? That seems to be where the existing files are.
  22. This guy is a huge inspiration to me. Must record a cover of one of his songs actually. That would be fun
  23. So chaps I re-installed CLOD Blitz Edition - thought I may as well give it a bash if I get some time as it has been a long time. Is the stuff in this thread still accurate do you think, or will it all change due to Tobruk which I am contemplating picking up at some point?
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