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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/2020 in Posts

  1. Really, really good fun....!! I wouldn't want to see anything changed but, following feedback from others, will go with what you alter in order to make it more enjoyable for all. So: Keep: Settings as they were Remove: Nothing My comments from last night's 'after battle' chat: 1. Any icon over a tank will destroy any stealth or camouflage and any advantage created by the driver. 2. I think it is difficult to bomb a tank or strafe it and cause sufficient damage to destroy it. Air attacks on tanks last night generally broke tracks which resulted in the driver having to conduct repairs by switching the engine off and waiting a few minutes leaving him vulnerable to tank shots and air attack. I think bigger bombs may give a pilot more chance of damage or destruction of a tank but it is still reliant on hitting a tank or dropping closer. Cheerzen
    3 points
  2. from the feedback during the chat after the event 1. Player only icon on map (I would actually like this too). This would help getting players to the point of action quickly and so make it more exciting for them. Yes, we all have compass headings but the safety net of your triangle just to confirm you are heading in the right direction will help. I did not think this was possible but during the chat when we finished it seems it is so this is something I am going to include. Some people may not agree with this, but I think it will help the majority have more fun. 2. Flight time for planes could have been a bit longer. I put the airfields in close to keep the pilots part of the action. The problem was that if a pilot was killed it did not take them out of the fight long enough for it to have made a difference. So perhaps they could be moved back a bit? 3. Add in more count down timers. I think it would have helped to have, as well as the 30 minute a 15 and 5 minutes to go. generally the feeling was that everything else worked so glad you all had a great time, I know I did. Salute to Artie for his excitement at taking out Sid! Salute to the Allies for the overall win, both sides taking the flag twice, just the allies did it last. Salute to FT for his technical assistance and advice with the hosting. Finally, thank you to everyone that took part and committed to this new venture so enthusiastically.
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Thanks Col, that was a great deal of fun! The ground/air coordination added a challenging element and I think the capture the flag objective worked just right. You evidently put a lot of effort into this and it paid off, kudos to you sir. I look forward to the next one. I just wish I'd recorded the moment I flew under the bridge in a 110 as a Sherman crossed overhead. 😄
    2 points
  5. Just uploaded a document to the vault. To use How to use it? Measure your targets size in the sim, using your tank's stadimeters, its Start from the left, choose Front or Side, depending if the enemy is more facing you or is more sideways to you. Then you move right to Size in Mil, and use the line most closely to the size of your target. Then look for the column of your target tank and go down until it hits your targets Size in Mil. Boom you got the range, set the gunfight and fire!
    1 point
  6. To whet everyone's appetite once again for tomorrow's instalment, here's another little movie of a close call a couple of missions ago.
    1 point
  7. I pasted a picture of the file twice and could not remove one.
    1 point
  8. I had to roll back to a back up point after 20Hwhateveritwas. Who would have thought that a Widows update would break things
    1 point
  9. Colin thanks for putting it together and I appreciate that it was a tank focused mission but I have a few suggestions on how the air side could be improved for future. 1) targets It is very difficult to hit a moving tank, ( I only remember one hit all night by plane) especially so in cover, so perhaps add bridges fuel dumps or repair buildings or supply trains.etc to make air side more varied. Spread targets around , so not concentrated in one area, having only one target makes it easier to defend against bombers. 2) agreed airfield was too close together and too close to target say bombers 10 Min flight to target . 3) increase choice of plane and loadout, 109 couldn't carry bombs and only had 15mm cannon 4) air icons , I just couldn't see planes so if possible add air icons only. I think most of this was in original scenario S
    1 point
  10. At first but not anymore, TITANIUM TOAD Now 😎
    1 point
  11. Hey Todd, does having one brand new left knee and one old right knee mean that you can only run in clockwise circles now mate ? 😳🤔
    1 point
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