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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2024 in Posts

  1. UPDATE 10TH FEBRUARY 2024 V2.7 Changed F16 planes to facilitate "Link16" capability. There are now 2 groups of 4 aircraft "Viper-1" and "Viper-2". This means that the "Link16" can now be used to lock your wing-man or flight lead and be able to track them in the helmet / HUD also to see which targets they are locking etc. Thanks to @fruitbat for technical support and for assistance in testing. Link system also now configured correctly for land based F18's to share information. F18's can also donate to F16's and vice versa. Added notification for when AI planes are starting to be generated on the Western and Eastern zones. Hidden Attack Town reinforcements so that they can not be attacked until the correct time. Hidden Attack Town Leader so that the escaping vehicle can not be attacked until the correct time. Added 4 x Mosquito, 4 x Spitfire, 3 x P51, 3 x P47 to the airfield for sight-seeing and photo opportunities with the modern fighters. You can of course go ground-target hunting but will be up against modern defenses. And also....1 x I16 at the airfield for FT
    3 points
  2. Morning @BluBear I did a bit of searching this morning over breakfast ref your issue and found this after seeing lots of people having the same issue in v3 or earlier. The guy from Meta Forum (my link in this topic) has found solution for this two weeks ago after almost 3 years of investigation. Open Command Prompt (cmd.exe) and paste this: reg add “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Oculus\RemoteHeadset” /v “numSlices” /t REG_DWORD /d “1” /f Of course you have to use straight quotation marks (this forum changes them to typographer’s quotes). It’s necessary to restart Oculus service (or better restart your OS if you don’t know how to do it). You can experiment with different numbers (“4”, “3”, “2”, “1”), however only “1” (one slice) works for me with cabled connection. Quest renders image using 5 slices and when 1 of this slice (usually 5th one) is not encoded correctly you get this white stripe. The command above changes image rendering to 1 slice. This adds some latency but I haven’t noticed any performance drop so far. If you want to remove this fix use this command: reg delete “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Oculus\RemoteHeadset” /v “numSlices” I got the above from here in case you want to have a read through https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/quest-2-white-artifact/579744/10
    1 point
  3. Thanks mate! Yes I think I stumbled on a similar post somewhere else. I'll give it a try. Sounds like it's a problem that only arises when using link cables with Quest 2 and 3 and not over airlink. All fun and games!
    1 point
  4. WHY? The MSFS I can just understand, but the other two. shakes head and walks away.
    1 point
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