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  1. 402nd Attacked targets at Emmerich, triple AA and transport. Estimated some 35 pieces destroyed. As we still had some bombs left, we ventured south and attacked AA guns and field artillery. Red 2 - dd_Jabo got hit by flak, nursed a/c to Ophoven base. He landed safely there. Rest of us (4 a/c) landed at home base. Good show 402nd!
    3 points
  2. Well for this F-14 crew, it just got a LOT harder... https://www.f-14association.com/tales/crash-landing-a-crippled-tomcat.html Geez...!
    2 points
  3. Hm, I will probably be calling you Dave, Gary ... Sorry, to the four of y'all
    2 points
  4. Will that be "Ponty" for short?
    2 points
  5. 485th did not have the best of days ! Red 1 (myself) and 2nd Lt Artois, got hit by 88 Flak at around 11500 ft alt well into enemy territory. Had to hand over 485th to Capt Cloister (Friar) and make for a friendly airbase with holes, no right aileron, damaged right engine and three fuel leaks. Stellar Artois also had serious damage and made for his nearest friendly airbase. We both made successful landings thankfully . After completing an extended patrol over enemy territory Capt Cloister made the decision to bring the remainder of 485th home without attempting any ground attack which given the circumstances was probably wise. All was well with the 5 ship formation returning home at around 1500ft @ 250mph when Mobius had a sudden and catastrophic airframe failure resulting in his demise ! We think due to an earlier flak burst causing a delayed structural failure ? So, no enemy aircraft sighted, no ground kills, two damaged aircraft, two long truck rides home, one lost aircraft and pilot..... HQ... please send hookers and whisky !
    2 points
  6. 410th BG Debrief A successful mission was carried out by Delta and Sid. We were tasked with bombing the railway station in Krefeld. Cloud cover dictated that we stayed below the cloud at approximately 6000ft and we set ourselves up for a run in with a tailwind. High windspeed, 10m/s, at this height provided us with a very gusty and wobbly platform...Sid dropped close but missed the train...Delta dropped down whilst Sid diverted the flak's attention, Delta then carried out a perfect low level drop along the line of the track and took out the train and rolling stock. Both aircraft made a rendezvous at Venlo and landed back at Eindhoven with no damage to either aircraft. No other aircraft were seen and flak over the target was relatively light. Major E Shoo
    2 points
  7. Not sure about Ancient, I am thinking Pontius is a good pilots name. ☺ Actually I am not bothered if I get an official rename. I would like to put DD_ in front though.
    1 point
  8. That sounds good to me. I am in the process of learning this sim, so if you want an old pre-schooler I would like to fly with you. PS. I don,t mind AOB as an allround Moniker. It stands for Ancient Old person born out of wedlock. ☺
    1 point
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