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3. Danger Dogz
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KG26Alpha last won the day on March 23 2018

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About KG26Alpha

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  1. Thxz FT I'm stuck with IL21946+ for the moment.
  2. https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=205068
  3. Cool shot
  4. Just done some online testing regarding this as its not really happening in the stock version Apparently rendering of some "franken planes that are used be it AI or human can cause the problems, the log files may show errors related to aircraft usually modded beasties, even some load outs were affecting warping rubber banding. One of the biggest results was people flying outside the cockpit and or scrolling around other aircraft and returning to thier cockpits, this can cause problems too in the presence of modded aircraft.
  5. Firefox and Chrome addon allowing PB images to be viewed in forums etc. http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=230052
  6. Cliffs of Dover So much is missing from the original concept. Release of the source code means nothing. They need to find the missing code that was removed from the original version.
  7. GTG - Belgium WW1 Battlefields 20th/21st May 2017 http://forums.mercedesclub.org.uk/index.php?threads/gtg-belgium-ww1-battlefields-20th-21st-may-2017.158935/ I'm attending this but as always it will be last minute but the groups a nice bunch and past meets have been fun !! You don't have to have a Merc
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  8. https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/28348-team-fusion-simulations-patch-v4312-available-steam/
  9. Hi My apologies as they have an newer one now mines the same but white. The Modem you need is the grey black one looks like this
  10. Have a great 2017 guys
  11. Just to add something here. After extensive testing under HSFX expert mode with new bomb fusing. Russian bomb arming is different from GB/USA/JPN/etc Fusing and delay are critical to arming the bombs especially at low level. Tested all RU bombs and most have an arming delay so they need altitude to arm correctly. Low level the cassette is recommended as it kills everything including tanks. I recommend you personally test the configurations under HSFX 703 expert or HSFX 703 and see your results with arming and delay settings. With realistic bombing unchecked bombs revert to old system where they are still armed via delay. Sorry if it sounds confusing but you need to test for yourselves and see the results.
  12. Very cool
  13. Deleted content
  14. Ok First quick impression is pretty good At times it looks like I'm wearing a new pair of glasses and I cant put my finger on why. I suppose its a huge difference for people not using high settings on other game versions and having their game video settings set correctly. Definitely a lot of re-texturing and other clever stuffs been done, I just cant nail it though. Exhaust flames are a nice touch, on the main stream aircraft, and the water is Carmasters mod that I'm running in HSFX anyway !! Its worth a look if you have nothing better to do and have plenty of hard drive space Will investigate further...................
  15. Installed and now testing this new mod. I'm using it along with HSFX and v4.13 as a separate game and not a replacement. @ 37 gigs http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=50919.0 Will report back with some screen shots.
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