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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Parts

  1. Facinating! Das boot!
  2. Welcome mate look forward to seeing you about. Salute!
  3. Glad she's ok BA. Sent from my iBrick via my finger!
  4. Ditto! Sent from my iBrick via my finger!
  5. Happy Birthday Squawk man! Have a good one!
  6. That is funny as fook! Sent from my iBrick via my finger!
  7. Happy Birthday mate!! xx and many more
  8. I'm working both this Sunday and next on nights. So I'm not going to make it. Good luck though. Sent from my iBrick via my finger!
  9. Parts


    Praise the lord !!!!!! It is now December!
  10. Parts

    Cbbc Do Bfs!

    Oh and if you are trying from a device it will probably require wifi! Sent from my iBrick via my finger!
  11. Parts

    Cbbc Do Bfs!

    Don't be a biff painless! Look on BBC iplayer for let's play pilots! ;-) Sent from my iBrick via my finger!
  12. My fire engine got called to assist rescue some old feller who's nut had gone through a bath seat drain hole. It may have been many years ago but it still tickles me even now when I think back to the faces of all involved! Sent from my iBrick via my finger!
  13. Parts

    Cbbc Do Bfs!

    The link does work for me! Sent from my iBrick via my finger!
  14. Parts

    Cbbc Do Bfs!

    Ill sort the link out when I'm next on PC. I did the post from my phone and was not sure it would work! Sent from my iBrick via my finger! Or you could just look at let's play pilots! Sent from my iBrick via my finger!
  15. Happy birthday sir have a good one x Sent from my iBrick via my finger!
  16. Happy birthday Dom and many many more x
  17. Parts

    Cbbc Do Bfs!

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/mobile/iplayer/episode/b01p118f Sent from my iBrick via my finger!
  18. Parts


    Movember fury catapilar lip! Sent from my iBrick via my finger!
  19. I would like to have a go at this if you think it would be ok!? If you are looking for the savage win then I may just a little tinsy weeeeansi bit NOT BE THE RIGHT MAN FOR THE JOB! However if you want a committed tryer then I am your man! Lets get them gits!
  20. New pants please!!!!! (that's jocks to you USA boyz!)
  21. Happy Birthday FT you are a total gem for hosting so much and it is very appreciated! As we might say here in the UK "You are the dogz bollocks!" or it might be "The K9 Kahooooooonerz" Have a great day man!
  22. I am indeed interested and will chat with barney soon! Sent from my iBrick via my finger!
  23. Well here we are then!? Somewhere in the skies over Europe when all of a sudden you realise that DD-Parts is flying formation with ya! SHIT! you say, and quite rightly so! especialy as i have no clue about flight sims air combat or any other flying interests accept enjoying some time gaming with mates (which I hope we become ~ Its too late for Painless he became one of those many years ago ) I am Pete I live in the Windsor area so have lassy neighbours who wear silly head dress! I have a lovely wife who somedays, and I have to honest, deserves better than I! I have too many kids to talk of and love them all to bits. I like to enjoy motor sport but mainly on four wheels. I do like sheep but only the slow ones! I work for the fire service and actually started my life as a civi RAF fire fighter trained at Manston back in 1989. I guess putting them out on the ground appealed more than flying around them! Not that I was ever going to have the qualifications to do that!!!!! Anyway theres a little about me. The rest you can find out on line when we have the time to chat about life, love, and clunge in general. I am looking forward to getting to know you guys. See you in the blue! ta ta for now DD-Parts (AKA Pete)
  24. Blooming heck Painless! There's nothing like a bit of retail therapy! Sent from my iPhone brick via my finger!
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