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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Parts

  1. Doh!!!!!
  2. I am not sure if I am missing something! I have just stuck on the latest update from IL2 tank crew and found that there are no tank setups! Choose a tank like we do, go to setup to personalise your tank and nothing is there!? Is it me?? 😏
  3. If this is true that is pretty special modelling
  4. Welcome back into service 🤙
  5. I really enjoyed the multi crew and comms set up tonight chaps. Thank you all.
  6. Given I do not have a clue what TS can offer in this type of setup, I am just going to throw. Can we all go in one channel (comms silent except for when in contact, and have two whispers. One for chit chat and one for multi crew. It is obvious now that multi crewed tanks need to comms chatter with each other way more than single crew. Just wondering. Why is it always the 'C' word!?
  7. Nice one Sid. I will work through them as my key bindings are a little alternative in places. Good info though. Thank you
  8. I enjoyed my Saturday night tanking thanks Col. I made a proper pigs ear in the slalom competition, royally smashing our tank to pieces by crashing into the revetment! Sorry gents! Our only saving Grace was that the final target wouldn’t pop. The field battle was good as a multi crew. I’m not taking anything away from AP Hill (no offence Tom) but it goes to show that running solo makes for easier pickings. More to come I hope. Thank you again Colin
  9. Hello Sid - We did speak about this some time back but I thought that I would drop it into conversation again (drop a bollock lol!) I wanted to have a skin with a decent pair of nads (The Dogz bollocks so to speak). I couldn't find an image of a good pair of K9 clusters so I thought that using something like the comedic cartoon nuts in this image (not the whole image) might suffice. Just something to hang off the back of my tank really. Possible do you think?
  10. Cant wait to give it a go
  11. I really enjoy the team work aspect of Tank Crew. I suppose the clue is in the title (crew) I don't know if TS allows it but is it possible to have joint channels and then at the flick of a switch take yourself into a whisper mode? This might allow for the best of both worlds. I think the comms would ramp up in battle with 2 or 3 in a tank. There would potentially be a lot of chatter between the crew so 3 or four crews trying to manage a situation, I am sure would soon get loud and frustrating. I would also vote for way more enemy to deal with. This might prove twofold - Plenty of hunting for all, and prevent the lone wolf as it would be much harder to survive on your own. I know I haven't been around long, so I choose my words carefully. It does not take long to notice that there are some that prefer to work in isolation. That is cool too, it is after all all about the fun factor otherwise why bother doing it! However if rolling off on your own inevitably meant death would you still do it? Multi crew tanks - loads more enemy - and clever team speak all the way for me. Thank you again for another fun night Col
  12. I don't think we can complete this mission without top cover / air support. I also think that this is one of those missions that will require a full DD'z turn out to allow completion. (prove me wrong!)
  13. I'll give that a go shortly, just updating.
  14. I’m available now to assist with testing Col if you want to put it up. I can’t get on until late Friday night. Happy to test freestyle or with any specified section. Let me know
  15. Parts

    AMD Radeon issue

    Hello Dogz I am wondering if any of have encountered this before. It has now occurred about 4 times. I turn on the PC no problems. I can be using it for around 30 minutes when the monitor goes blank and does not return. I force the re-start and all (touch wood) appears to be back to normal. Strange this is that this appears to have occurred when my PC was being used for browsing and twice of the 4 times whilst in the DD forums. Does anyone have any ideas of what might be going on please?
  16. https://www.loc.gov/collections/world-war-ii-maps-military-situation-maps-from-1944-to-1945/articles-and-essays/the-battle-of-the-bulge/interactive-timeline/ I have stuck this up as it gives a good way of viewing the progress (or not!) of the campaign around the Ardennes
  17. Of course Col
  18. From a fictional perspective we could run a well defended search and destroy the airfields campaign. Also any town, well held by forces unknown, could be sited as a through route to a fictional destination. We could be ordered to run a convoy escort mission, ordered to take and defend a town from counter attack (at least whilst we wait for counter attack all the comfort breaks can take place) The list is endless Col really. Factual and historic are much nicer but as long as there are some well hidden nme who make our lives hell I will, for one, still enjoy tanking.
  19. Hey Fumps happy Birthday man 

  20. Hey Colin, Sorry I am a bit late in saying but thanks for last Saturday night (Mission 3) good fun but I let my enjoyment of the earlier rugby and the beer that went with it get in the way of a good tank session. That'll learn me! 0- kills and 6-KIAs 😝
  21. Roger that sir! Will there be bratwurst and pumpanickle for for the successful among us! 😁
  22. 😃
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