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  1. Yes, i have. Will contact him, thanks. Thor
  2. Hello boys! Not sure am i on the right place, but where can i sign up for axis side? Don't know how much time i will actually have to play, but add me please to who ever axis group is. Thanks! PS i liked a lot concept of your last campaign. It took lot of sweat to compete with you guys. Keep up the good work! Cheers, Thor
  3. Ok, i have no problem with flying any side. If they have space, please ask them.
  4. Hello guys! If there is any free slot left, i would like to join. Cheers, =VARP=Thor
  5. Hello gents! Is there any of you who would like to fly Mediterranean mission once a week at Tuesday 22:00 CET? At first we started as red side together with 102nd,Giap,IAF,JG77 and EAF against Spanish guys from ALA13,Grij and E69, but they decided to leave campaign after 3 missions because some argue with admin. Right now situation goes like this:admin switched Giap,Stg77,Finish squads and VARP to blue side against IAF,102nd,JG77 and EAF and we will just continue the same campaign without restart from mission 4. At this moment we need more pilots.All types of pilots, but especially ground attackers and bombers. There is at least 10 slots available at this moment for permanent flying. On this link you can find rules and other stuff,and I would really like to have you guys on our side there. http://seowhq.net/seowhqforum/viewtopic.php?t=2807 Mission 4 will start 05/11/13 Salute all! =VARP=Thor
  6. Enjoy the show guys and have fun! Also, drink few beers for us too... Who knows,maybe we will come next year. ~S~
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