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Everything posted by Zip-Zap

  1. I've missed many flights and I'm sorry. But now its Summer so I'll try to save my saturdays for myself and come fly
  2. I won't be able to make it. I am home, but we have guests. See you guys next weekend.
  3. Well tommorrow I have a graduation to go to so...I'm crossing my fingers to make it to a few matches later in the day.
  4. Sorry fellas. I showed up partially but in the middle of a game I had to leave. I wish I could've stayed.
  5. Okay. I'd love to still play on saturdays.
  6. Yeah Jediteo, I checked out some of the threads, and I see many of you guys know about your planes I can't wait to hear about the results of the meeting about deciding to let me join you guys or not, I hope its good news
  7. I've always loved aviation and I liked physics. I found youtube videos of crashes in the game and I bought it on steam. I'm hoping to join the Air Force and be an aviation mechanic, but its just a thought.
  8. I'm fine with installing it myself. Thanks for the offer though. I'm gonna wait and do it on a day where I'll be gone for a few hours so I can get through it with ease.
  9. Unfortunately I only have IL-2 sturmivik 1946 right now. I'm looking into trying out the demo of ROF, if my laptop will let me.
  10. Boys thats a beauty. Poor pilot must'ove wandered till he passed.
  11. In advance thank you for your consideration in making a decison-Its truly appreciated. I understand safety issues and if it would be so, I'd let you guys get your alone time on certain days if necissarry.
  12. I'd be super happy if you guys gave me a chance and I'm relieved you aren't mad at me.
  13. It won't be the same...This is like the only group that suits me and I can't join...
  14. You might as well put the luck down the drain....I won't ever find a group that'll accept me... And Tonar, I've seen and heard things too at my age...
  15. Well, I guess it was gonna come to this. I'm breaking the rules. I'm only 13. So kick me out, I don't care...I just wanted to join the group. I'm sorry for doing so, but every group is, like, 18 + or something because idiots have to ruin the fun for others who know how to act right..
  16. Sorry but I don't have a headset, but thats okay, I can live with typing Thanks for the access.
  17. Louisiana. I've never installed the HSFX mod...Do I need it?
  18. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. To the dogz!
  19. Yes Arthur they were fun! Thats where I heard about the group so I decided to join. Can't wait to fly some more.
  20. My names jake and I've been playing IL-2 sturmovik 1946 for about 5 months. I've learned the ropes with my joystick and I'm well with flying. Emergency situation? No problem, I'll be sure to bellyflop the plane or land without a left Gear very easily. I think my favorite plane in-game would be the Bf-109 or the P-51 Mustang. Why is my name Zip-Zap? I am well at maneuvering when in danger and when I get in a Head-On pass I dodge at the last moment after getting some good shots at 'em. I hope to be a Danger Dog like all of you. Cheers -Jake
  21. Thats pretty cool.
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