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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Kira

  1. WWII air raid siren
  2. https://avgeekery.com/new-xfinity-ad-reuniting-old-pilots-will-bring-a-tear-to-your-eye/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1g1jnoXQtJfT_equjl0uGupPlO94ua9bvWXPnrt6D_rUk1rQTiZFQjO-g_aem_AeCqIMs4qr_eSjuO26vxO7mSy0AQlhOPekx1zgfDOt1W0PbHcSGgo9BibNgDDDYo88UzDbJAiVZ9bictXcv86m2Y https://avgeekery.com/douglas-a-4-skyhawk-that-little-attack-jet-that-could-and-did/
      • 1
      • Thanks
  3. WWII Rescue Buoys. Yes, there's at least one shot of an aircraft in it!
  4. Persian Gulf
  5. From the 'Free Documentary - History' Youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/@FreeDocumentaryHistory/videos
  6. Apparently was ferrying the thing to New York. Ran one tank dry, switched tanks, but the fuel selector wouldn't switch/fuel wouldn't flow from the fuller tank. Landed with the assistance of a driver who recognized a problem, and blocked traffic for him. They pushed the plane off the road, got him fuel, and he took off again, on his way.
  7. How the Soviets were able to publish their own F-14 booklet, even though they never received one of the Iranian F-14s: https://theaviationgeekclub.com/heres-how-soviets-were-able-to-publish-this-f-14-booklet-for-their-top-fighter-pilots-although-russia-never-received-any-iranian-tomcat/amp/?fbclid=IwAR1VlKbTCnZwxyqFL16POqPUyR4jqxpFVkZrpGQYToA_cwQ5zSEmlYyOQdY
  8. I'm getting an odd four pitch background noise in the A. Annoying as all get-out. I've isolated it to the left TF-30. When I shut down the left engine, the noise seems to go away. Any idea what it is?
  9. Mostly Vietnam era stuff:
  10. Not a video, but...
  11. Have a parody:
  12. Would be fun - if I could make it. We'll see about times.
  13. Two "confirmed" trailers:
  14. Pardon the horrendous earrings: Pardon the horrendous music:
  15. A few other, slightly unrelated videos by this guy:
  16. Encompassing the highest kill rates, as well as a rundown of the most successful aces at the end. Some glaring inaccuracies, but overall, relatively decent.
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