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NEW DISCORD SERVER DETAILS - SIGN UP NOW - Dogz Members Only Private Thread ×


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  1. 6S.Manu

    Salute To Bg

    I'm so sad to hear these news. ~S~ BG, by the entire 6S squad. Most of us have enjoyed their time on Ubizoo and know you well. Regards Manuel
  2. Buon Compleanno! (HB )
  3. 6S.Manu


    Until he returns I'm going to reserve 4 slots as Allied fighters for you guys. We are building the campaign squads and if the slots are too few then it's really possible to fly on Sunday too.
  4. 6S.Manu


    Hi Dogz, The campaign is going to start the day 3 May and it will continue every Tuesday at the 21:30 for a pair of months. As I said to Fenrir we need a referent for your squad to have voice in the tactical room. Usually these private rooms (Allied and Axis) are hosted in 22GCT's board.
  5. Another server: BoB1940_by_LW10. Very good ping and nice people too... (heavy mission... high "Transferring Mission" time)
  6. 6S.Manu


    Hi guys, Maraz says the next Monday (28) there will be another test but this time we are going to fly a night mission. RAF will attack with 24 Halifax e 8 Mosquito B MkXVI; the latter are going to be armed with TI (Target Indicating) bombs and so will be used as pathfinders. Luftwaffe will fly with 8 night fighters Me110 G4 and 4 night fighter Ju88 C6. In the same mission there will be a german raid on england: 16 Do217 K1 will attack while 4 Mosquitos FB MkVI are the England's night defense. Every pilot will receive his personal targets plus the recon picture: note that these infos are not going to be public until mission time (this mission will be a Search and Destroy, noth side will not know the enemy's path). Infact for both sides there will be SEOW radar with IFF. If you want to partecipate all you need is the HSFX 5.0 and these new files to be installed: 1) Hotfix 1: HERE (it's needed to disable all the mods before the installation) 2) Transferrion Mission Mod: HERE You need to extract this rar in the jsgmemods folder and set the lines below in the conf.ini [Console] LOG=1 LOGTIME=0 LOGFILE=log.lst LOGKEEP=0 This mod will track the net packages of IL2 in a file (log.lst) that you should send to Maraz after the mission so he and the other dev guys can try to debug the code (the infos from net section of conf.ini aren't very useful since ROX and Fenrir have different datas but still they had the problem, as other random 8 pilots between each side; this is the reason the slot number has been decreased) 3) 512M EXE In the folder HSFX V5 Tools & Read me's you find the file named All_Ivans_il2_exe_s.rar. Inside there are these EXE Mods to be used (copy in jsgmemods folder). We really need to find a way to correct that bug, because this mod package is so better than the stock IL2 that it's going to be my definitive IL2 version (until CoD) and in the future there will new things (I'm thinking about the default trims set on Arming Menu for example). Today I was so sad about the CoD's news that my teammates have invited me in Coop over the a Channel: the skins, the sounds, the FMs , the effects are so beautiful that I've forgot CoD (and I fled on a Spit ) ): months will pass before CoD can be a reliable game (anyway I'm going to buy it to support 1C). The Mod to be set to fly the mission will be: - History HSFX mod - 6DOF (optional) - Hakenkreuz Enabler (optional) - EXPERT mode - TRANSFERRING MISSION MOD (optional) - Exe 512MB 6DOF
  7. On HL you should find a server running this set of mods: =gRiJ=HSFX5+Expert Mode You find all the info in the ReadMe of the package, but I'm going to show the greatest differences here: So you'll improve your gunnery since the guy ahead will not evade from your attack when you're still far from him. They will see you only because of your tracers (but you should have already damaged them!) Tanks' armor values and bombs' damage power... see why I always said that I really don't trust the stock game... Of course it's not like all the planes have being improved... for example some 109s have being nerfed.. Knowing all these old aspect of IL2 I'm scared about CoD, above all after the russian betatester has said that "now the 0.303s are really effective" (like the russian green ray of death?) EDIT: I've just seen the new video (the interview to Luthier); I'm not afraid anymore.
  8. 6S.Manu


    Hi fruitbat! The start of the campaign is planned for mid of April. Tonight there is another campaign but it's closed. I can't wait.
  9. 6S.Manu


    The test has been very useful: there were almost 80 pilots inflight and the "Transferring Mission" is a bug related to the number of players in game... so the admins think to decrease the pilot slots to something like 60 for every mission (adding some AI bombers), but they are planning to play 2 different missions a week so every pilot can fly it (this campaign had one of the highest number of demands for admission I've ever seen... the "Big Week" is a really attractive scenario). Remember that yesterday the pilots weren't coordinated by Radar; it was like a coop on HL while the next missions will be planned more seriously (you need to follow the USAAF message board that probably will be opened soon). Again I'm sorry for the problems, I would have the bug myself instead of you guys. EDIT: Maraz needs the details of your ingame Network configuration and the name of the ones who had the TM problem.
  10. 6S.Manu


    Great! Chap has provided the detail for Server and TS. If you need other info contact me (with my poor english ) or Chap.
  11. 6S.Manu


    Ok, 6 RED slots for your squad! Select some pilots! B16Enk has the FTP details to download the Beta for the Monday test; otherwise you can wait for the official version. You need to install it over a clean 4.10.1 . By JSGME you'll activate the Hsfx History Mod and the 6Dof.
  12. 6S.Manu


    Oi! This software cost us, you leave our editor thingy alone If this HFX5 is a large (aren't they all) download and can be got by torrent I can pull it onto the server and split it up if required.. It would be great to have another mirror when the official 5.0 will be out!!! For the moment the Beta is on a private FTP. Tomorrow I'll give the account data via PM.
  13. 6S.Manu


    whaddya reckon? I had already informed Maraz and Gross some time ago (when you had PMed me) so it's all ok! As your fellow countryman I thought Chap could be your reference in SEOW and could lead you in the setups. I know about the beta version and it's up to you: sure it's good to do a test for guys who never fled a SEOW campaign. 22GCT_Gross and 6S.Maraz are the managers of this campaign and the 22GCT board is usually the official forum for these campaigns. Anyway I'm contacting Gross myself in advance. I'm going to inform you about the number of slots.
  14. 6S.Manu


    Great! I got problems while editing for some spelling mistakes (surely not all corrected ) and my No-Script did a mess with the forum editor, busting the link.
  15. 6S.Manu


    Hi fruitbat, Negative, it's the HSFX 5.0. There are many and many new improvements; some examples: - Targets: factories are represented by new “area target” objects. These are very large objects (circles of 400-600-800m diameter) but very tough. A single bomb will not be able to destroy one of these factories. You will need tons of bombs, whole flights of heavy bombers, to destroy one. But partial damage to a factory will be logged and will be registered by SEOW engine. So you will be able to destroy a factory area in several missions. As an approximate example, you need a flight of 4 B-17s with maximum bombload, all bombs hitting their target, to completely destroy a medium sized factory area. - Sound engine: no more "engine radar", finally you can ambush your enemy at his six matching his speed. - New FMs calculated with a professional aeronautical engineering software. (for example some 109s has been nerfed, but the 190s have been improved: don't know about Red planes, I didn't follow their developments) - Can't remember if external radar control was in 4.11. Anyway in SEOW you can assign one of your pilot to simulate the HQ with the task to manage the inflight pilots by web interface. - 4.10.1 with 6DoF and improved cockpits, graphics, sounds ect... Charlie will give you the links for the download!
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