Ugh, finally I found the thread again. I came across it a couple of days ago and thought: neat idea, you should try to do the same. But of course, I lost it. Searching for it again however was a mess so I'll drop some keywords now. ;P
Force Feedback, Gamepad, Modification, Mod, Joystick, FF, ForceFeedback
Now that that's done I must admit I can't even get my force feedback gamepads to work with IL-2. I have a couple. A logitech, a Saitek no-name editition (called Impact) and a MS-Tech SF-15 or something like that. But none of them, even after installing the drivers, gives me any force feedback whatsoever. I could fly the Airplane with the pad but it didn't rumble on stall or gear out. Did it work for you just out of the box or is a special trick necessary?