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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Bucky

  1. Bucky

    Salute To Bg

    Jim, I first met you in December 2006 on the ubizoo forums, back when my callsign was Stihlcanuck.I joined up with the Danger Dogz a short time after and you remembered me from the ubizoo.You helped me get setup to fly online,as I was new to everything.The DDz are the first and only squad I ever joined. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Sincerely, Bucky
  2. Well I'm home,but haven't figured out the resize thing yet....but I was able to upload this vid to utube...
  3. Y'know what guys, I'm gonna wait 'till I get home tomorrow to post more pics....the internet is slow friggin slow in this hotel. Oh,I also have some video too. B.
  4. My "friend" Bonny wanted to take these 2 A-10 pilots home as a souvenier,but all she got was a lousy t-shirt...lol
  5. Hey Guys, The airshow was great.I'll post pics once I firgure out the resize thing. Some disappointing stuff... The opening skydive act was scrubbed 'cause they couldn't fly out of Kelowna-weather. The CAF F-18 wasn't there 'cause the plane and pilot was deployed to Libya. The American fuel tanker plane wasn't there 'cause it was deployed to Libya. Some good stuff.... The weather was pretty decent....no rain,some sun...windy at times. The Snowbirds put on a great show. The Mustang showed up!...after they said it wasn't coming. The USAF F-16 show was incredible! The heritage WW II flight was the finale..... This was my first airshow I ever attended and has wetted my appetite for more! Bucky.
  6. 7hrs 'till the gates open.Local radio is saying the Mustang will be there....hope so.Weather report says high of 19C...slight chance of rain....slight chance of sun....middle of July,it should be 29C.A cool & wet spring/summer this year...
  7. thnx for the buzz kill,jp.....lol anyway,settled into my hotel room,stocked the fridge and the drinks are going down good. ..i'm on the 2nd floor looking over the pool.....pretty sure i could make a big splash...... ...ohh,...pizza guy just showed up. B.
  8. Hey guys, I'm heading off to an airshow in Cranbrook B.C....about a 3hr drive.It ain't no Duxford,but it's big here in the Kootenays.I'll post pics from my hotel room after the show....should be fun! the Snowbirds will be there,as well as a USAF F-16,CAF F-18,P-51 Mustang,F4U Corsair,and others. http://www.cranbrookairshow.com/pdc/airdemos.cfm
  9. thnx pooka,i'll check it out.
  10. yeah,..thnx for that proff....i was just amazed at how i could use google earth as a tool for approximately seeing what the shuttle was passing over...while staying at the same altitude...240 miles as the ship. i think you may have missed the point of my message...i should of been more clear...no biggee.. thnx again for your acedemic response....i like to think outside the box sometimes..lol ...hey isn't that what nasa people do?? cheers, B.
  11. just watched this on nasa tv.just amazing footage and comms. used google earth to follow the location of shuttle as announced by commentator. docking completed at 8:08am pdt.
  12. Bucky


    "Your'e going to spend hours with your nose in this glass" Ralfy. for me that's the best line in the video.
  13. I experienced a really close lightning strike last year while camping.A thunderstorm rolled in,and we were watching the lightning.All of a sudden,the air felt different,the hair on the back of my neck raised up,and I touched my lips with my hand and got a small shock of static electricity,and then...BOOM. A lightning bolt hit right in front of us.It hit a small birch tree. we saw splinters fly from the tree.Afterwards I paced the distance.It was about 60m/180ft from us.It was something I'll never forget.The weird part was how the air felt different just before the strike. b.
  14. yes it is....but Canada day is better...lol
  15. I officially decree that all DDZ members are now Canadian citizens....those who are already Canadians now have double citizen status and will no longer pay taxes. I look forward to celebrating my countries 144rth birthday with the royals as my special invited guests. ...party at my place...or bg's...whichever's closer... ps...pippa's at my place and has called dibs on the sofa.... plenty of parking in the rear. It's Canada Day...enjoy!! B.
  16. Bucky

    Email Hacked?

    OK, On Thur.June.2/11 an email was sent to my contacts that I DID NOT send.I've contacted Yahoo and asked them to terminate my stihlcanuck account. DO NOT open any mail from stihlcanuck. thnx B.
  17. ...my sister married well.what can i say.....
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADG8rW7IWq4&feature=related
  19. Bucky

    Email Hacked?

    Changed my password....hopefully that fixes it. B.
  20. My buddy Merdog (remember him?) told me today that my email was hacked and he was getting strange emails from me.Anyone that gets mail from stihlcanuck@yahoo.ca please delete until I change my password or something. thnx B.
  21. Hmm... Well said BA about the flappy thing. B.
  22. anyway,.....I enjoyed it.The last time I saw something like that was 30yrs ago.
  23. ....oh boy,...some people should just....-ah,nevermind......no comment.. @ FB great pics,professional looking rigging there... ..check this out...if it's not your thing please try and watch for at least a minute or so..... ....."and the trees are all kept equal by hatchet axe and saw"... - Geddy Lee
  24. Hey guys, I just had a knock on my door.It was the Purolator guy delivering my WD 1.5TB external hard drive.I ordered it from Newegg and used my new Paypal account to buy it. It only took 6 days to get here....yep,looks like I've discovered the wonderful world of online shopping. ..just thought I'd share this with you.... B.
  25. Your time suits me just fine... As you know I'm one of the few "Out West" DDz. I'm all for improving skills\practice etc. I have teamspeak and can host,....BUT I'm still trying to get my new rig config'd to do all this. Once my rig is ready I'll be more than happy to do some flyin' ..Western Style...lol B.
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