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fruitbat last won the day on January 10

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About fruitbat

  • Birthday 02/19/1976

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    SE Kent England
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  1. Some screenies of a flight from Bagram to Jalalabad in Afghanistan,
  2. Where did you get the new pics from?? I'd heard through a pretty reliable back channel that development was a little stalled at the moment, a little while back, hopefully it's not any more!
  3. RIAT would be my preference to go to, despite the weather last time we went, I really enjoyed the show.
  4. I'm in, hopefully i wont have a bloody disconnect in the middle of it this time😬
  5. Looking forward to this Colin, thanks for all your hard work on this👍
  6. My new favourite D.E.A.D platform, took 3 sorties and some actual planning, but completely cleaned out all the caucuses SAM sites up to Sukhumi, SA-2, SA-6, couple of SA-8's, SA-15 and a SA-19 plus all the AAA guns. Got my reward to strafe Sukhumi Babushara aircraft landing and parked up!
  7. I don't dee that as a problem. Sundays have always ben where we traditionally hold event nights (for the very reason of getting people from both sides of the pond involved) Any Sunday you want to host your missions you get to host. What about all the other Sundays? Even if it was an every other week swap between the two, that would at least allow the DCS fliers from both sides of the pond to fly together or is that somehow unfair??? And besides, If your using the server, I can always host for the people who don't do Il2 anymore and want to fly DCS that night instead, which doesn't affect your missions with the 352nd.
  8. Always thought the Super Sabre is one of, if not the best looking jet of that era, be a great addition. Put me down for one!
  9. A few thoughts. The previous poll was relatively useless, as a load of people who don't fly anymore and still don't fly voted in it, so hardly representative and therefore was a waste of time. Also, BVR is just as skilled as a WWII dogfight, its just different skills. If it wasn't skilled everyone would be able to do it, and few actually can. And once you merge into BFM you still get to use your WWII skills.... Next, I'm unlikely to ever reinstall IL2, its a dead game to me at this stage. And lastly, I'll turn up to fly DCS nights whenever we decide they are. I do however miss flying on a Sunday where its easier to mix with both sides of the pond.
  10. oooh oooh a discord widget would be nice as well as the TS one!
  11. Thanks Rog, Appreciate all you do Sir!
  12. I'd like to go to one of them this year👍
  13. On are way back to said landing, after a very successful mission, multiple SAM's and enemy jets. 1 Jf-17 for me along with 2 SA-8's and an SA-6, whilst Tom had 5 enemy jets.
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