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Everything posted by BSword

  1. Turns out his monitor died last weekend. He has a new one and right now it's just me and him flying, if anyone else wants to join...please do!
  2. Yup it's down yet again. Something needs to be done, are the tech people in charge of getting the forum to run properly aware of this?
  3. Well it's work again (for now) so thanks to whoever no doubt read this topic and rebooted Hammy.
  4. And several times in the last few days it's been down for long periods but I was able to get on eventually. I think someone needs to give Hammy the Hamster another kick up the backside! I am getting withdrawal symptoms from not getting my daily fix of endless pointless arguments about Bf-109 handling and Obama.
  5. Ok, BG sent me that info when I joined this site. Unfortunately those times don't really work for me since I live on the West Coast, Beebop's 6pm pacific games on Saturday really fit my schedule. So last Saturday you guys just joined up on the DD TS3 server and played from there huh? I guess I'll look into signing in there if Beebop is a no-show on another Saturday.
  6. Hmm how would I join that and do you have regular times?
  7. I checked in on TS at the usual time (6pm pacific on Saturday) and I didn't get a connection and got some sort of TS message like "maybe the server isn't connected to teamspeak" or something, so I gave up after a while. Any schedule change? Since the recent refurbishing of this site I haven't been able to log in here for some reason until today so I haven't really been coming here for a bit so I dunno if there was a message about it.
  8. yeah looks like an F-14, you'll notice the dials in the screenshot match the ones in the pic greyknight posted
  9. I've been enjoying flying co-ops with Beebop and HH/DD people on Saturday nights (since I live in California it is the time slot that is friendliest for my schedule), but a lot of people do not have the latest patch.
  10. The original:
  11. S! and again I am sorry to hear of your loss, Beebop.
  12. Every winter I get the regular flu shot, and haven't gotten the flu in years.
  13. Yeah I figured out finally that the erratic movement is due to reflections from my glasses.
  14. I tried the mic clip but it seemed a lot more erratic than the hat clip, seemed to cut out when I turned my head to the left, and it's heavier.
  15. He hasn't flown recently but he sometimes joins our TS server to shoot the breeze when Beebop is hosting the Saturday night co-ops. If anyone feels like joining us we could use some more fliers, in the last few weeks it's just been me and Beebop and sometimes BadAim and one or two others.
  16. Unfortunately when I click on that I get "The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you," not sure what I need to do.
  17. If you are JP from Canada then yes I flew with you once a few weeks ago, ~S~! Anyway I'm not sure what to do here or what times you guys fly.
  18. Hello everyone, I was invited over here by some of the HH guys here after they inducted me into the Hellhounds.
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