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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Kimosabi

  1. Hi! Hi! Nothing happened Crash, except life and shit. I have re-located to Svalbard, the high arctic(yeah, like Norway wasn't enough), so we gotta keep them snow teddys away from time to time. They seem especially fond of goofy looking trackIR hats, so it's been a challenge. Now I live in a bunker and ready to go. Still tuesdays, thursdays and sundays? UbiZoo on saturdays? Cheers!
  2. Hallo! Crash pm'd me the log on stuff at IL-2 BoS forums back in august, how many more months of quarantine for the logons before they can be used/safe? I have a couple of dogs now, just for you guys.
  3. I particularly like the airbrakes more than anything. That and the climb indicator. More than anything.
  4. Excellent new picture viewing thingy on the forums, Rog. I like it!

    1. Kimosabi
    2. B16Enk


      :) Glad you like it. Some missing icons which I hope to fix shortly!
  5. And it's all done in "silent mode"!
  6. Celebrated my return to boats with dropping a gearcase on my foot. It's all good though cuz my foot saved it. It's good to be back!

  7. That's it. Next payday I'm getting an external HDD and copy all my shit. Sorry to hear about your loss, Arthur.
  8. Mah G-suit squeeze mah balls. *eeeeeeeeeeee*

    1. fruitbat


      muhahahahah, i just shot me a mig with a missile, try running from that biatch ai:)

    2. Jediteo


      The Aim9B, the ultimate "Oh no you don't" weapon.

  9. Hello Gothkrieger Steve! Welcome to the Dogz!
  10. I was getting rid of WoT today but the stinkin' folder thing keeps crashing windows explorer.

    1. Crash


      does it show in control panel/ add-remove programs?

    2. Kimosabi


      I uninstalled the game from there but I want to get rid of the folder as well. Looks like I have to disable a couple of DLL's to get proper access to that folder.

    3. Kimosabi


      YESS! I got the feckin WoT folder deleted. Had to disable thumbnail view in Explorer to access the folder. Enabled it again, after deleting WoT and all is well again. :)

  11. Average gunners in 4.10.1 are awesome. Four B17G's should go down but won't. I want but they won't. May have to upgrade to a Knackfurst.

  12. +1 Noob in the cockpit. Over correcting and making things much worse for himself. Atleast the first one Bluebear posted had an engine mishap and the pilot literally saved the aircraft.
  13. The best part for me was the pass. That sound is just so brutal and throaty I have to admit, I almost creamed. Engine, fuselage wind and prop noise packed together with the doppler effect. Shit!
  14. Well Toad, I was Alzheimer enough to promise to lend a hand to my dear mother and sister out for their annual trip to IKEA on saturday. I was back an hour late to make TG. Yeah, both Woodie and Vintage are really nice blokes and easy to talk to. I've flown wingman with both and they both are superb wingmen. Congrats Bojan! Well deserved!
  15. Unless Painless or Bojan posts up the final scores, I will. Those were qualification scores from yesterday, no post up on final scores yet. Besides Painless and Bojan, I was kinda hoping Vintage would battle it out on the top there.
  16. Finalists V391FE_Bojan - 580 pts. N213FE_Eagle - 580 pts. V309FS_Hollywood - 510 pts. V250WL_Eshark - 430 pts. V518RN_Vintage - 420 pts. Other Scores V131WL_Painless - 410 pts. (Alternate) V513PT_Eddy - 335 pts. N093SD_Raptor - 310 pts. Bojan was all "oooh, Eddy's a lion" and stuff on TS the other day. I guess he had the lion caged in his back yard all the time. Good thing I messed up and couldn't make it to TG, I wouldn't have had a chance against those dudes.
  17. Playing Flatspinman's "Defence Of The Reich" campaign again. Again I'm clueless about how to complete mission 5. lol

    1. rox


      I should try out that one myself

    2. Kimosabi


      Best Luftwaffe campaign there is. He also made a 190 version of it. M4T is your friend. :)

    3. fruitbat


      yup, really good campaign.

  18. Noone bites. I'm such a bad troll. The owner of these planes(not the Hogs) and airstrip is an inventor? I read on the comments that he developed a pretty nifty flow meter.
  19. Counter rotating props is impossible. The shaft would just twist and snap.
  20. PCI-E x8 won't limit your high end card more than probably 1-2%. Either way, that's for crossfire/sli setups. I don't think CoD:IL-2 will support CF/SLI. The high end P67 boards usually have a NF200 chip, to duplicate PCI-E lanes from x8 to x16, but some geeks says that it adds latency so you won't get full x16/16 anyway.
  21. Ofcourse, the waiting game always favours the latest. 1366 is going to be the top notch chipset for atleast another year but Sandy Bridge has the snappiest procs in all the land. Clock for clock they won't beat the hell out of a 970, for example, but the price will. I'd go for SB myself but not right now. In two months yes. Yeah, BA, I got the 55 and 56 mixed up again. LOL
  22. And you're going to try out Intel? Ok, right now I wouldn't recommend Sandy Bridge(1155) because it seems they have some probs with the SATA ports on their P67 boards. Ivy Bridge(1366 successor) is still nowhere to be seen and they are talking about a 2012 release for Ivy Bridge, so that's out. You are left with either 1155, which is being phased out by Sandy Bridge once they have solved their issues, or 1366. The safest bet would be 1366(i7 950 and upwards). Do you overclock? If no, you should go for the faster i7's, like the i7 960 or the i7 970. If money is no object shoot for the i7 980 Extreme. Do you have any particular motherboard in mind?
  23. What socket do you have, BG? 775, 1156 or 1366?
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