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Everything posted by [rgmw]largie

  1. We're currently going through the pre-Christmas clearout and the last 4 years of RAF Cosford souvenir programmes are about to be binned. Hence if anybody wanted them they could have them for the cost of postage. You won't learn much from them but there's plenty of pictures ). Cheers Dave
  2. Penblwydd Hapus Jim. Dave
  3. Good luck with the chemo JIm ;- it *does* work ;- We were delighted to get news just over two weeks ago that my aunt had been given the all clear following the treatment ) Fingers crossed for you ) Dave
  4. Well done Nick. Not the easiest of time currently to find a new position that suits (Both my sister and daughter lost their jobs in the last week) so congratulations definitely in order. Cheers Dave
  5. So there I was in our local B&Q (DIY warehouse type thing). Turned the corner by the paints and ran into the nose cone and cockpit of a Seahawk ! I've no idea why it was there and didn't want to ask as that would spoil the mystery ) Dave
  6. Crikey Jim, don't know how to say how sorry I am to hear your news and I can only hope it all turns out OK. Give Helen my very best as well will you as it must be difficult for her. Dave
  7. ~S~ This is where I camped last year. Great campsite BUUUUTTTTT quiet after 10:30 so I suspect that the owners wouldn't take to kindly to the dogz arriving en-masse. Nice site / adequate facilites, too far to walk to the show and sadly on completely the wrong side of the museum for the hotels ;- Only thanks to Nick & Rog I was able to get to and from the Red Lion otherwise £15+ each way a minicab. Cost wise it was £5 / tent and £5 / car per night. If you want to know anything else about it just ask ! Cheers Dave
  8. ~S~ What you'll need if you're starting from scratch is IL2 1946 v4.07 which is the version on the DVD which is a compilation of all the previous releases on it. Then you'll need to patch to version 4.08, then version 4.09m which gets you up to date with the standard game. Currently the Dogz are running UltraPack 2.1 so you 'll need to download and install UP2.0, then UP2.0n, then UP2.1 and finally UP 2.1 Hot Fix. At this point your game is finally good to go ! At least the above is the procedure that I followed recently that worked for me ! Others may have an easier suggestion for you. Comms currently is Team Speak3. HTH Dave
  9. ..................as discussed with Painless at Duxford, don't let the kids on the PC !!!!!! 2 nights I was away..........only TWO NIGHTS, I am still sorting the PC out now 9 days on.. Goodness knows what they did to it while I was away but on my return IE8 only worked intermittently, the sound card needed to be re-installed, Windows needed a system restore to the day before I came away, Internet favourites and desktop wallpapers were gone and the keyboard had become a US American one. To add insult to injury I have only now got IL2 (patched to UP2.1) working again having had a rock solid install for months. (It completely refused to load and finally I have got bored of trying to fix it and removed & re-installed from scratch.) Thankfully all is now apparently working so ROOLZ TO BE ME again !!! If it wasn't for the fact my anti-virus is bang up to date I woudl be rather concerned as well !!!! Dave
  10. [rgmw]largie


    Hiya Lobster Cracking to see you at the show mate and glad to see you've "thrown your hat in the ring" finally ;- . It'll be good to fly with you again. Cheers Dave
  11. +Loads to what everyone else said. Blindingly good weekend, museum, airshow, weather, mates, campsite, pub ;- everything came together to make it so memorable. Mega thanks to Jabo for both arranging stuff,and collecting me from my campsite, and to Rog for offering me a lift, Mrs Rog for driving all the way back to my campsite and all Rog's kids for one of the most entertaining journies I've had at that time of night for a while ( hope I didn't leave them toooooo wound up mate ! ) Cheers guys Dave
  12. I'm hoping we go Saturday as well ;- I've pre-boooked my ticket ! Dave
  13. Hi Nick Shirt arrived this morning. Top notch. Many thanks for sorting it out. Tent's been aired over the weekend as well so all I have to do is pack my picnic and I'm sorted for Duxford !!!!! Cheers Dave
  14. HI Jabo Just to give you a bit more work ), could I have a Black, Medium T-Shirt with the embrided logo on the front with a "Largie" and a 39 on the back ? Cheers Dave
  15. Thanks for the thought but three airshows in a year might cause a bit of a domestic !!!!! Shame as I would have thought the F22 display team will be putting on quite a show ! Cheers Dave
  16. Similar question;- did we decide what colour shirts we were getting for Duxford and if so was it the embroided polos or printed T-Shirts ? Something else I need to get sorted ! Cheers Dave
  17. As my ticket arrived this morning I thought I'd ask if anyone else is planning on going. No Vulcan or Apache this year but there should be a Harrier and a pair of Tornados during the day, both of which were sadly missing in recent years. http://www.cosfordairshow.co.uk/index.html Dave
  18. Well, on top of booking my campsite..... I have now booked my ticket for this years Flying Legends ! My missus is most annoyed at how efficient I am being in arranging this compared with the kerfuffle I made arranging, well, almost everything else.
  19. Cheers Jabo, that's a really great offer. Tinned beer is OK but draft from the hotel bar would be cracking ! Dave
  20. Wotcher. Sadly the Red Lion is the other side of IWM Duxford, but this is still the closest campsite I could find to it. Distances are Campsite -> IWM Duxford 3.08 miles IWM Duxford -> Red Lion 1.9 miles Campsite -> Red Lion 4.9 miles If you do fancy camping I *ALWAYS* have a box of beers with me and would be delighted with the company (you'd have to bring your own tent as mine is on the "Bijou" side ! ) Cheers Dave
  21. Hi Just thought I'd start a new thread in case anybody fancies camping for the weekend. I am booked into "Apple Acre" campsite for the Friday and Saturday nights. Cost is a very reasonable
  22. Hi I'm attending the Saturday airshow and camping over the Friday and Saturday nights going home Sunday. Add me to the list please ! Cheers Dave
  23. HI Kimosabi Don't know if the above worked for you. If not I use a program called JBindX which maps my joystick button two to "Scroll Lock" which I use for my PTT button. Cheers Dave
  24. Just thought I would post this in the hope it saves somebody else from pulling their hair out. I installed Teamspeak3 (TS3), apparently successfully, but found that despite Setup allowing me to define a PTT key it would not allow use of the microphone and once online would not light the blue light to indicate I was trying to speak. Everything worked fine in Windows COntrol Panel and Teamspeak2 (TS2). After *much* messing about and internet searches the only way that I can get it to work is: :fighting: Load TS2 Load TS3 Connect TS3 to the required server Close TS2 At this point everything works perfectly until I close TS3 Apparently this is a known issue, possibly related to older soundcards. Hope this helps somebody out. Cheers Dave
  25. [rgmw]largie


    In keeping with the spirit of multi lingual greetings, "Nadolig llawen a blwyddyn newydd dda." Dave
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