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[rgmw]largie last won the day on March 31 2016

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  1. Evening Chaps Thought you might like to see this, despite my long absence from the virtual skies. It's me, wearing my Dogz T-Shirt in the back of Spitfire MJ-627 (T9) at Duxford prior to a 20 minute flight during which I actually got to take the controls ) ) Many thanks to my dad for the best birthday present ever ! Cheers Dave [rgmw]largie
  2. ~s~ HI guys, not posted for a long time and flown for even longer ! Just throwing a quick heads up that apparently an ME 262 will be flying at Farnborough Airshow this year along with a Gloster Meteor. Date is July 19th / 20th http://www.farnborough.com/public/page.cfm/action=library/libID=5/libEntryID=8/listID=1 Hope its of interest ! Cheers Dave
  3. ~S~ Chaps Not been round the pound much this year, indeed I've not even played IL2 since I moved house last May (2012) !!! Anyhows just to say that I'm going to be at RAF Hendon on the Friday and at Duxford on the Saturday (missed last years). I'll keep an eye out and hope to spot some of you there. Cheers Dave
  4. Quick heads up, Debenhams Blue cross sale has reduced the Airifx Spitfire 1/24 kit to only £18 with free UK shipping. Got mine ordered for when I finsh my 1/32 ME-109 ! http://www.debenhams.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Navigate?ps=&storeId=10001&catalogId=10001&txt=airifx+1%2F24&x=15&y=8 Best be quick I suggest !!!! Cheers Dave [rgmw]largie
  5. Hi guys Not been round much recently ;- moving house, jobs & country (well, England to Wales) since start of the year. Currently living out of a suitcase in South Wales while the rest of the family still in the North of England. Bah. Anyway I came across this earlier and haven't seen it previously ;- it's the AAIB report on the collision that happened at the end of Sunday's show between the Skyraider & Mustang. http://www.aaib.gov....-AZDP 02-12.pdf Hope you find it interesting. Cheers Dave
  6. [rgmw]largie


    I had the Tokyo Maryu AK-47 AEG (Automatic Electric Gun) and was very happy with it. Chrono's @ 290fps out of the box. Stick a 600 round hi-cap in and you're good to go. If you feel the need a simple spring upgrade will take you to 350fps which woudl be illegal in the UK at least. Otherwise a lot of people played with the TM M4A1 which has lots of upgrade options and the MP5A4 was also popular (Large stock means you can get a large battery in). I had a load of fun playing but unfortunately trouble with my knees stopped me ( Sure your lad will love it it's so much better (IMHO) than paintball ! Cheers Dave
  7. I recall a documentary a few years ago where the pilots admitted that if they had to drop the bomb they knew full well that there would be nothing for them to come back to in the UK, so the plan was to push on to Siberia ( He also said that thye were trained to fly with an eyepatch on one of their eyes so that if a nuclear flash went off and blinded them they could move the patch and fly using the other eye ! With a co-pilot as well they should have 4 chances to get to the target ! Dave
  8. RIP Jim I know not what to say so I'll take some words of somebody else: "Peace, peace! he is not dead, he doth not sleep He hath awakened from the dream of life 'Tis we, who lost in stormy visions, keep With phantoms an unprofitable strife, And in mad trance, strike with our spirit's knife Invulnerable nothings. — We decay Like corpses in a charnel; fear and grief Convulse us and consume us day by day, And cold hopes swarm like worms within our living clay. The One remains, the many change and pass; Heaven's light forever shines, Earth's shadows fly; Life, like a dome of many-coloured glass, Stains the white radiance of Eternity, Until Death tramples it to fragments. — Die, If thou wouldst be with that which thou dost seek! Follow where all is fled! — Rome's azure sky, Flowers, ruins, statues, music, words, are weak The glory they transfuse with fitting truth to speak." (Excerpt from Shelley's Adonais) ~S~ Dave
  9. ~S~ Jim Can't add much more than that that's above, except to say that the Dogz are a credit to you and that I have always been delighted to see the warmth you have extended, equally, to everybody, whether on their first night online, a frequent flyer or when returning after a long layoff. I'm sure that this is what has done so much to build the atmosphere that the Dogz work within. It was a delight last year to meet you, Helen, and all the other Dogz last year at Duxford and I'm sure that that trip will be carrying on for many years to come,. Cheers mate. Dave
  10. Hi At the risk of asking a daft question is the server going to be "friar.servegame.org" with the normal port number after it ? Cheers Dave
  11. As I understand it the Sky raider was displaying and during a pass across the airfield failed to notice until the last minute that there were two Spitfires landing. He was obliged to pull up sharply at full throttle and subsequently took no further part in that display ;- presumably due to shock. Again, I was not there but it seems to be a common story from a number of witnesses. Cheers Dave
  12. I read somwhere that the pilot of the Fokker was caught in the propwash of some aircraft being run up as it was landing. This caused the plane to tip to port causing the port wing tip to hit the ground causing the whole thing to tip over. I wasn't there so can't confirm that that's the case however. Cheers Dave.
  13. Finding it most confusing, having met you in real life BEFORE meeting online ) Enjoy your time here and welcome aboard ) Dave
  14. Just read onthe UK Airshow review about a crash @ Duxford this afternoon: "Hate mentioning this but P-51 Mustang "Big Beautiful Doll" has crashed at Legends, after a mid-air collision with the French Skyraider. The pilot was seen parachuting out and is ok - this has been announced over the airfield. The Skyraider, missing a large chunk of it's right wing, was able to make a safe landing at Duxford. It happened after the break away at the end of the Balbo. " http://forums.airshows.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=35085#p352022 ( Dave
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