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Everything posted by PropNut

  1. No TrackiR or VR Pretty though. I was all set to buy in but...no pretty pretty 3D.
  2. Morning everyone...well afternoon for some of you. A couple of months ago I put up a Korean War DCS public dedicated server that has been running 24/7 since then. The name is "The Forgotten War 1950-1953" If anyone is interested it is a Player vs Environment (PvE) mission with lots of ground targets via the F-10 comms menu. Mark smoke, details, etc. F-86F Sabre and P-51D planes available. There are also lots of AI Mig-15s in the air to play with. There are also Hueys (no weapons) to server as Bell-47Gs for pilot Medevac. The mission is edited from Surrexen's Operation Secret Squirrel. Mig-15s are also available to fly and missions for RED is also available via the F-10 menu. Since the Korean War server had been doing well I created and hosted a second public 24/7 dedicated server called "The Vietnam War". This server is also PvE. This server features the FREE community created A-4E-C Skyhawk ground attack jet as well as the F-5E Tigershark. There are forward FARPS for Huey gunship attacks. Again this is an edit of Surrexen's Operation Clear Field. Mission status/target designation/CAS and SEAD support mission are available via the F-10 coms menu. The server PC is dedicated for this use only, so it is pretty smooth overall. We have been doing weekly co-ops with 8-12 pilots with no problems. i7-8700 @4.5 32gb RAM 500GB SSD no GPU. Anyway, enjoy.
  3. I eventually did finish my 6DoF. After talking to Sid tonight I remembered this thread.
  4. PropNut


  5. From the album: PropNut

    Here you go Nick :)
  6. It is on sale from DCS right now. 10.00 USD off...still on the fence on that one though.
  7. I have booked a room for three nights in Cambridge and have tickets for both Tuesday and Wednesday. Let me know how or where I can meet any of you, I would very much enjoy that. Tomorrow I am off to Silverstone to watch some races.
  8. I have not booked it yet but I did find a room to rent in Cambridge for Monday-Thursday so I could attend both days. It looks like there is a shuttle running from Cambridge to the event every half hour.
  9. That sounds great, I will look for a hotel room in the area for Tuesday through Wednesday nights. I might not make the show on Tuesday but definitely looks good for Wednesday.
  10. Thanks BluBear, I might do that. I am going to spend one more day in London and then I will head north to Duxford for a day. Kent is an easy hop by train I assume. Any recommendations on where to stay?
  11. They are now on my list, thanks again
  12. Oh good call! The HMS Belfast is one I had not thought of, good call. Duxford is on the list.
  13. I finished my bicycle ride from Krakow Poland to Hamburg Germany a week and a half early. So my wife said go to England. Here I am standing in line in Hamburg at the British Airways counter looking for suggestions. I have scoped out the Shuttleworth collection, where, how to get there, etc , and also plan to visit the British Museum, Donnington, Silverstone and other cultural venues. Any other suggestions?
  14. That is the roller coaster modeling the "racking" that you feel on the old wooden stuff. Flying is not as jumpy.
  15. My wife riding a roller coaster. I have a lot of smoothing in the profile and it still needs lots of tweaking.
  16. DoH! It took me a while to get that.
  17. Need to clean up the wires, and make an arm for the monitor and keyboard but otherwise it is done. Works rather well. Need to tweak the motion a bit to smooth it but in DCS it is pretty cool.
  18. Yes, that is why I chose to do full six degrees of freedom (6DoF)
  19. https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/44048-motion-support-for-il-2/ My latest version is almost ready
  20. Sorry for the late response Crash. Yes I have seen that before, I am a moderator at XSimulator.net. Nice rig. On my own 6DoF; the guy that is selling me my motors should have them off his rig by today and I am supposed to pick them on in Detroit on Thursday. He as messed me about before on this so I am not holding my breath. I already have five motors (three on my driving simpit) and he is selling me all six of his. Worse comes to worse I will have to wait until I find another matching motor and use the five that I already have. Course if I do get these six motors I will of course still find a sixth matching motor and turn my driving simpit from 3DoF to 6 DoF of course
  21. Thanks gents, it was fun to make. This is current project : Turning this: Into this:
  22. Thanks Dave. I get a giggle every time I see your signature picture.
  23. So, I wanted a new set of rudder pedals; my Siatek combat pro set were getting on my final nerve. Then I saw something that made my heart bleep dedey bleep. The new Thrustmaster Pendular Rudder System. Wow, I really liked the way they look....and then I saw the price. And I gulped, gasped, and coughed. 550.00 USD.....ouch.So. I made my own for 20.00 USD The black 3D printed bits here and there are mostly housings for heavy duty flange bearings that I had a box of in the shop. More bearings inside the brake pedals to keep things smooth. The center hall effect pivot is a 1/4" bolt with skate bearings supporting it on both sides of the steel arm. This thing is unbelievably smooth and strong. The adjustable springs make it easy for me to dial in the tension that I want from none at all to some type of Russian interwar years experimental biplane experience (think East German Womens weightlifting leg exercise machine) The brake pedals are equally adjustable from tension to the angle position. Took me two weeks to reverse engineer thrustmaster's design and build this but well worth every second. If my own rough work is any indicator of how good the Thrustmaster pedals are, and you can afford them, go get em. This thing is amazing. Started with some pictures of the spendy set, and created a solidworks model to see how to make things fit. Realized that I needed some linear hall effect sensors...so I designed some using a magnet and hall effect IC. Tossed in yet another Teensy ++ 2.0 and kicked it with a touch of MMJOY2. Adjustable throw for the rudder and tensioning system. Total out of pocket? 20.00 USD did I mention that?! I might canabalize my Saitek combat pro's for the really nice brake pedals in install them on my new rudder system. My pedals look a little crude...but they really do a nice job. Need to think about that for a while.
  24. Thanks guys, I will look at my options once I get there. My wife did urge me to grab a plane from Hamburg to London for a few days so I am pretty sure I should be able to show up for at least one event if not the big one.
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