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Everything posted by Doogerie

  1. yeah my brother came home early and took the computer but i will try and get onine today sometime
  2. so anything happening I have got all the mods installed correctly now i think apart from 8.1 and 2if you give me the links i can try downloading them again and then i should be ready for you more often also i finish my exams next week i have a few TC A's and then a poster presentation on the 12 (this is for the general public to look round if that want well that and employers) so if you want to see my web developer (developer NOT designer) skills come down it's on the 12 of next month then I Finish for Good i suppose i will have to final grow up after my poster presentation day I ran spell check for you Doggerie so some of the Dogz can understand what you are asking. They can barely read as it is.
  3. i would really like to see the bombing of mosco by the axis
  4. Doogerie


    i will be up for that can you pm me the link and anny aditonal info ow hatever infact even better put it up here or tel me it on team speek i will be on at about 7.20 or 7.25 probly
  5. Doogerie


    i will probly be online any thing like a dog fight or somthing going on tonight i need to bolw off steem after a hard few days in southapton Post times and sever url and any passwords here oh year and what version we are using thanks
  6. Do you think i should bring down IL2 or just keep it down here in Reading. I still have exams and a posster presnatation but apart from that i have a lot of free time so what do you think? Also i will be installing it on my BEAST of a meshen wthis summer anyway when i bring it down here and start on my proper job.
  7. thankfully i did infact improve a bit thanks to everyone
  8. time last night guys thats what i call a crash course well for me anyway lol
  9. I think it's sorted so i will try agane tonight and monday my lessons start at 2 on tusday so wil go down tusday morning
  10. Doogerie

    messed up

    Ok so can playoffline but Hyper Lobby can't seem to finfd my game i have serched and found it manually and still no luck so i may have to wate until i get my uni computer home befpr i get to play with you guys anyone that saw mw on teamspeek today thats whay you did not see me in the air
  11. BIT Bussinuss with Information tech so all good
  12. Ok so I am going back to uni for a few weeks End of idssatation and exams (fun ) but i can't complane as it's nerly over then i can get befpor i go home
  13. Doogerie

    my mic

    ok what version do i need to run to play with you guys
  14. Doogerie

    my mic

    I got my new mic yesterday i just need to deal with the configration and downlodes now
  15. Doogerie

    my mic

    AAA 1 to 8 yeah all the AAA ones
  16. Doogerie

    my mic

    is crewed it keeps on cuttingout (thats whats wrong zooey) so untill i get
  17. what about some of the italian bombers or the Dollitel raid on Japan or the dam busters
  18. yeah thanks is trim like flaps and stuff
  19. looking at the FMB i found a few bit's of land that can be used but i think just for small islands so use the coral sea take a look and that may help but full swaith of land i don't think that can
  20. Guns 250 Cannon 300 I like too get in nice and close (50,60) almost point balnk then open up I know somw people will hate that others love it i just find it easer
  21. cool thanks it's just i know that thats how you guys fly and i wan't to be abel to keep up usaly offline i just hit max power and go
  22. can someone explane that to me please
  23. have you guys ever thaught of like blooding the new guys i mean set up a closed server once a month new guys onn red regulers or long time members on blue justa genral thaught
  24. the store is closed but i am downlding all the mods and i foud my old mic so i should be up tomorow
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