3. Danger DogzContent Type
Everything posted by Eraser
make sure you have both monitors set at the Same Resolution & Refresh Rate.....I have never had that issue to happen to me with mine.....
awesome tip you posted here........Thanks......were you doing the flying ??
I thougt it would be like the other settings while online......but I just wanted to make sure.....thanks guys....
ok...here is my question.......say I have my Clouds Settings in the game set as Detail or Medium Clouds and you have your game set as No Clouds......and I fly into the clouds for cover......can you still see me since you have no clouds.....or do I just disappear from your screen ??
sounds like fun......nothing better than getting a new toy to play with.....
........Happy Birthday Pal.......
I keep mine very simple....I don't use the SST Program....I just map my buttons Inside the game controls.....and I only use One Mode.....
It has been a blast flying & dying with you guys these past couple of nights......flying these new birds is challenging & exciting for me......without all of your help with your experences with these birds....it would have taken me several days to master their Takeoffs.....so I have to say....Thanks Guys.....
you're absolutely right Rattler.....about the manuals....I still have the original Falcon 3.0 and add-ons....and Falcon 4.0....all originals wiith the original boxes...those were the days.....and don't forget old Pete Bonanni with the "Ary of the Kill" book & movie training.....I burned the old VHS onto a DVD so I can still watch it from time to time with todays technology....
welcome aboard........flew with ya last night.......loads of fun......
Congratulations.......sounds as if you have earned yourself a huge pat on the back.......
Awesome.......I don't know nothing about sports......but they could play with me anytime they want.....or vs versa if they're willing.....close my eyes and pick one.....they all are awesome....
ok cool.......
Ok I finished d/l'ing that Mod you linked.... so install the game......install this one Mod (the one you linked me to)......then install the Patch......right ??
ok....Blair....I have d/l'd those 4 Mod's on the Mod Page....the one you posted the link for is the last one listed....as I'm d/l'ing it now...it's a duzzy.....1.20GB....so you are saying for me to ONLY Install the Patch & THIS ONE MOD....for now....also I can leave all those Split Files alone....and also do not install those other 2 Mods....as the other Mod File was just an PDF File.... so install the game......install this one Mod (the one you linked me to)......then install the Patch......right ??
Trout.....I rarely go to the Treasurenet forum...but that is our parent website...I'm a member on it...but never ost...my username on Tnet & the Whites Forum is
Thanks guys.......Logos siad it got hot during the summer and shaved all his hair off except some fuzz...then he posted a picture on the forum....scared the crap out of most of us....so some of us did the same thing as we didn't want our buddy to look that bad all by himself.....so you can imagine how that must have looked....I can post a picture....but consider yourself warned.....I can only hope his flying equals that picture....if so...one down........he can be My Wingman.....
Hi everyone... My name is Robert...45 yrs old....live in GA USA....aka The Eraser.....some buddies of mine many years ago nicknamed me "The Eraser" when I used to fly Falcon 3.0 and most all flying Sims back in that era....as I would erase all targets in front of me...as they would say.....if they missed the target...I'd show em how to hit it.....I have never flown a real plane.....but I used to be pretty good in these Sims on realistic mode...(with the exception of engine mixture).....Falcon 3.0 was my favorite...I still own the Original Falcon 3.0 & add-ons such as Mig29 & Hornet.....also I have the Original Falcon 4.0....man oh man those were the days....I also enjoyed MS CFS....CFS 2....CFS 3....IL Sturmovik....IL Pacific Fighter.....MS Flight Sim all the way to the Flight X.....over the years the industry has came a long way in graphics....and I found myself deleting the CFS's and only flying MS FS X & Pacific Fighters....but as all good things in life....it started coming apart as all my buddies (for whatever reason) got out of the sport.....then I found myself with no one to fly with....that was appr 2 years ago....I haven't flown since then....so I started getting back into my other hobby of Metal Detecting....and became a Global Moderator on White's Metal Detecting Website....and that's where I met my buddy Logo's.....he's a trip....thank God his hair grew back...not that it helped any...but it's something....through general talking he led me to this site....so here I am....for better or worse...I'm out of practice...but it'll all come back to me (I hope)....so after looking at this site yesterday....I joined immediately....I'm extremely excited about flying again...so being the newbee on the block...I'll try to earn my wings as quickly as possible....so watch YOUR SIX....it might get Erased....then again....it might be mine that gets Erased...........
Thanks Blair.......I just finished d/l'ing it now........ I'll read/look at that site tonight to become familiar with the group.....I became aware of this site from a friend who said he flies on here.....Kevin aka Logos007 on a White's Metal Detector Forum.....I "thought" he said he was known as aka Luftwussy on this site....that's how I got this link I stand corrected....I looked through the member list....my buddy is
Thanks everyone.... I'll get the 1946 dvd version tomorrow at Walmart...I like having the game dvd in hand instead of a d/l version...now I gotta go find the Vault and d/l that file so I'll be ready tomorrow... Looking forward to start bcak flying this game again...
Yep my local Walmart has the IL 1946 for $19.95.....I see that I can d/l the newer version for my existing game IL to version 4.04......but wasn't sure if that would work on here....didn't want to buy the 1946 version if I didn't need it to play on here....if so..I can get it tomorrow when I go to town.... I'm in the US....State of Georgia
I have the Stand Alone Version of IL Pacific Fighters....I haven't updated it in awhile....still on version 3.04....as I quit playing for a long period of time....now I'm wanting to start back playing... So my question is.....can I fly this game on here with you guys (w/updated version..if so which version # do I need to D/L)