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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Trout

  1. Trout

    This Movie???

  2. Trout

    This Movie???

    I must say, while overall the movie Pearl Harbour was total Hollywood crap and not something us "WWII air combat" know-it-all's would appreciate, the footage, story and CGI part covering the BoB section early on was pretty awesome.
  3. paBANG!
  4. On a less serious note... (i forgot this guy!) Hoorah!
  5. Because this simple "animal" has more ballz than I do..... Gander, a Newfoundland dog who started out as a mascot of the Royal Rifles of Canada, became a hero for saving many lives of his regiment in the defence of Hong Kong Island during WWII.
  6. That's sweet!
  7. The problem seems to be isolated to WMV files.
  8. Today I opened my email and clicked on a couple vid's some buddies sent me.
  9. That 109 pic with the Spit and hurri is gorgeous!
  10. No bragging involved Sweper.
  11. Good pic.
  12. LOL.
  13. Thanks for the tip DT.
  14. That was awesome!!
  15. Not me pal - I was just having a dig at Tonar for his use of the old "arm and a leg" joke , that makes us amputees squirm so much. None of it is intended to be a joke at your expense, I'm sure. Sorry to trespass on your thread - I hope you have fun with your new rig, it sounds great. X2 Trooper.
  16. One arm, and part of his left leg. That's way too much. I got the rig pictured and it only cost me an arm [attachment=1] B Not sure if i should laugh or not but here goes..... LOL.
  17. That's hilarious Lothar.
  18. I really didn't understand what he meant by "recycling his semen"... until he went on about the taste.
  19. Very informative.
  20. Jedito has it right Sweper.
  21. Trout

    Dream Girl

    That was aewsome!
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