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Everything posted by Deputy
DOH!!! Thanks Roger!!!!! You are exactly right. There are two versions of the drivers and modems and they are not compatible. DANG! Sorry Jabo...I keep forgetting we are an international bunch. Sorry I sent you on a wild goose chase
Sorry I couldn't help. Wireless modems seem to be the only stumbling block with 64 bit. Not the OS fault. Dang manufacturers just don't provide them. Eventually they will though. Dep
One other thing. If you previously installed 32 bit Linksys drivers on the 64 bit comp, you need to get them completely removed from Windows registry. I suggest this one: http://www.ccleaner.com/
Okay....here's the instructions. First you should right click on "My Computer", then click on Hardware and Device Manager and look to make sure your wireless device is present. It should show up under "Network Adapters" and there will be a little exclamation mark next to it showing that it is not working. If you don't see the device then check all the connections on the device and computer to make sure they are secure. Right click on your adapter and select "Update driver software". When the Hardware Wizard opens select "No, not this time" to search the web and click "next" then select "Browse my computer..." and click "next" now click on the "Browse" button and browse to the drivers you extracted from the .zip file you downloaded, click on the .inf file (it will be the only available file when you get into the folder containing the downloaded drivers) and click "next". If you get a "driver not signed" message or anything else click on "install anyways". After it is installed close the windows out. You should be back to your desktop. An icon should show up in the taskbar and say "wireless networks are available" you will need your encryption key and such to set up your network. Make sure you know which network is yours because the key for your network wont work on someone else's network and vice versa.
Jabo: Did you follow the installation directions exactly? They are posted in the thread. Oops...my bad. I should have posted the thread...hang on... rgr - hanging on...
Just ordered this video card for one of my workstations
Deputy replied to Deputy's topic in Hardware Hell
Awww heck BG...I wasn't trying to twist your arm. I kinda like working on these comps. Like hot rodding old cars, only your fingers don't get all greasy -
Just ordered this video card for one of my workstations
Deputy replied to Deputy's topic in Hardware Hell
I will confess that if I knew what the internals were of the two workstations, plus the surprisingly good performance I get with the dual Xeon xw8200, I probably wouldn't have bought the xw4200. Then again, I haven't really put the Pent 4 3.8 through it's paces yet. The Xeon was a crapshoot, since it's more a business-oriented design for people doing CAD work. If it didn't run the games well, I could use it as a general purpose comp. But the Xeon setup has worked amazingly well with games. The only time I heard the processor and video card fans kick in was during Crysis. And it ran Crysis smooth as silk. I may try upping the settings to see how far I can push it running that game. B16: Did you run Crysis with everything set to max??? -
Just ordered this video card for one of my workstations
Deputy replied to Deputy's topic in Hardware Hell
B16Enk: Thanks for that info! I'll file it for future reference. -
Just ordered this video card for one of my workstations
Deputy replied to Deputy's topic in Hardware Hell
BG: I am limited by the computers I am using. My power supply is only 400 watts and it can't be upgraded. It's a proprietary system. Meaning I can only use an HP power supply of the same wattage if I want to replace it. Most of the better video cards require a higher wattage power supply for them to work properly if at all. With this card I get 2 GIG of RAM that Win XP 64 bit can recognize and use, as well as excellent card specs. And it will work with my 400 watt supply. Sometime better isn't always better -
Sparkle GeForce 9600 GT Video Card - 2048MB GDDR2, PCI Express 2.0, DVI, HDTV Since the comp can only take 4 GIG of RAM, I use the video card to increase the useable RAM above 4 GIG. Note: You can ONLY do this on 64 bit operating systems. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?Sku=S15-9610
Jabo: I FOUND THE DRIVER FOR YOUR LINKSYS http://www.savefile.com/files/1226675
I've got XP Pro 64 bit on both my workstation comps. Only driver I had to search for was the one for the Linksys wireless modem. And I found that at the Linksys forum they had 64 bit drivers posted for download. I EASILY found drivers for the sound card and video cards. My CH Combatstick was recognized immediately as was my external DVD drive. Those who post against 64 bit are basing their opinions on old problems when it first came out. They are like the same guys who didn't want to switch from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95, Windows 95 to Windows 98, Windows 98 to Windows XP, etc.,etc. They also ride around in cars with carburetors that start using a crank and have wooden spoke wheels
I know it's a little late to post this, but if you go to this website, it can tell you the type of RAM you have, the quantity installed, and the maximum amount you can use: http://www.memorystore.com/?ad=voltage&cp=yahoop4p&kw=computer+ram+for+sale Remember that if you are using Windows XP Home or Pro edition, your computer will only be able to effectively use 3.5 GIG of RAM.
X2. I am running IL-2 and all my games in XP64 and no problems with install or running.
Roger: I agree 100% that a faster hard drive will have little if any effect on framerates. Maybe it would be effective for those who have a "RAM ceiling" of 3.5GIG and are still having problems with paging the hard drive. So far my dual Xeon and 4GIG of RAM has had no stuttering problems with IL-2 and doesn't ding the hard drive at all. I am downloading FRAPS right now so I will test it out and see what I am getting. I think many of us don't want to limit our computer upgrades to improving the performance of just one sim (IL-2). I want an OVERALL performance boost where I can play most any of the current games without lowering the game options to graphics that look fugly. I didn't try Crysis at full settings, but I have no doubt it would be low in framerates and stutter like crazy. The graphics level of that game is just plain awesome. Dep
Strider: I too am following this thread closely. And I'd be a lieing sack of poo if I didn't admit I have Passmark envy over some of the scores. I have a comp with an AGP slot as the only video slot. That one was the one that has the Rambus RAM that I recently upgraded. But the Pent 4 2 GIG processor was a major limiter to better speed. That's why I bought the two workstation comps. I haven't really got a chance to test the xw4200 with the Pent 4 3.8 GIG processor because I ran into a glitch with improving the power supply. It appears I am limited to 400 watts. So I will probably install the same nVidia video card I have in the Xeon in the Pent 4 comp. It's a good one and should work fine. I can't even conceive of guys that are using 2 or 3 of the newest/fastest video cards joined together. The benchmarks for those comps must be fantastic. But the price for a comp like that is also fantastic. So I will stick with what I have. BTW...I downloaded the demo of Crysis. It's similar to the Tom Clancy FPS games, only more modern. I ran it on the Xeon in 64-bit mode (it gives you a choice of 32 or 64-bit) and the best settings I could run at were medium. Even at that setting the graphics are spectacular!!! Not really my type of game, but I can see where this game would kill a low end comp. I wonder if the BoB sim will be written to both 32 and 64 bit? I sure hope so!!! BTW....there IS an AGP card that is supposed to actually exceed some of the low-to-mid grade PCI-E cards in performance. Here's the link at Tiger Direct... http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3805427&CatId=318 It's an ATI card and I'm not a very big fan of ATI. You can see other posts in this section that describe the various problems some folks have with ATI. But I could make an exception for this card if it can bring an AGP slot up to PCI-E levels. Dep
BG: I think you are exactly right. I wonder if there is another test that doesn't show favoritism for certain processors?
So far the hard drive I have in the one comp seems to be able to handle things okay. If I go to a new one, I am looking at the Western Digital Velociraptor Model: WD3000GLFSRTL. It has good size (300GB) and good RPM (10,000). http://www.wdc.com/en/products/Products.asp?DriveID=459
Package finally arrived today.
WOW!!! Falcon 3.0 and DOS!!! I remember tweaking DOS like crazy to get it to work
Rattler: the nice thing about the old manuals like Falcon 4 and Jane's was you could have them open right next to the comp for immediate reference. I've printed out PDF manuals, and flipping through page after page for the correct command is ridiculous. I loved the old reference cards that told you every command and showed it on the keyboard.
Pretty impressive BadAim!!!