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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Deputy

  1. Just a heads-up to an old thread, but this mod has changed to the B.A.T. mod. Supposedly much more reliable and more inclusive: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,53691.0.html
  2. Well I can install that HSFX thing, but I am not back to the level of where I was before as far as flying and air combat is concerned. And my notifications have started working, so I got that going for me.
  3. Well I found a monster patch that brings it up to 4.12.2m. Is that okay? Also, for some reason I can no longer enable swastikas. The mod I had doesn't work any more. Any fixes for that? I like to be historically accurate. Also, for some strange reason I am not getting notifications. My e-mail is right and I am following this topic. No idea what's up with that.
  4. Geez! Thought you guys all forgot about me! I got IL2 installed again. Was VERY weird to do. I read up about installing it into Win 7. Had to do some real weird stuff to actually get the install to work. It kept hanging at about 3/8ths install. Now I am having problems patching it. Seems I can't get registered at Mission4Today.com. Sent in registrations for two different e-mails and neither one has gotten a response. Is there any presence from those guys on this website? What version of IL2 are you guys using? I have 4.09b1m installed right now. Wanted to get up to the newest version.
  5. Hi all! Been a LONG time since I posted. I am re-installing IL2 as we speak. Hope it works okay in Win 7. Sure missed all you guys. Will report back later. Dep
  6. Deputy

    Salute To Bg

    BG, As you know I've been away from the sim for quite a while. But I will never forget the kind treatment you gave me and your invite to join the squadron. I learned a lot and had a great time while I was here. I will never forget the help and friendship you provided for me. Dep
  7. I can help you with that. E-mail me Dep
  8. Deputy

    XP 64 Bit

    You might want to go to the ATI website and check there to see if there are any new drivers available. If it's like nVidia, you just tell them which video card and OS you are running, and they tell you the correct drivers to use. But I would still consult with Roger. I think some ATI drivers don't work well. He would know.
  9. Deputy

    XP 64 Bit

    I would say the 6.14 number is the driver version. The other number is the package version that includes all the rest of the stuff that is included in the install. But better ask Roger to make sure. I run nVidia so am not that familiar with ATI. Dep
  10. Deputy

    XP 64 Bit

    Good point Snacko!!! I have had the same situation with some patches I downloaded for other games. Gotta make sure it goes in the right Program Files folder.
  11. Deputy

    XP 64 Bit

    There's no doubt Microsoft is pushing 64 bit as the OS of the future. I see a lot of folks talking up VISTA Ultimate 64 bit.
  12. Deputy

    XP 64 Bit

  13. Holy smokes!!!!
  14. Thanks Roger. I knew you'd know the answer
  15. I dunno. I don't think so. Have to ask Roger. I think I would have the same bus speed under either OS, since that is a hardware limitation. According to HP, the main benefit to running 64 bit on the xw4200 is that the system is able to take advantage of larger virtual memory and process sizes. That would only affect the actual operation of programs, not hardware specs.
  16. Deputy

    XP 64 Bit

    I'm basing my statement about 64 bit being shipped by the number of posts asking for help with it
  17. I don't see your logic in that. First off the only change I did was from 64 bit to 32 bit. No hardware changes were made. The tests are OS specific...there is one for 64 bit and one for 32 bit. The test isn't testing the operating system' date=' it's a hardware test. So the test should, in theory, be identical or very close as far as results in both operating systems. Since my motherboard is a 32 bit motherboard that uses an Intel 925 Express chipset, it can run under 64 bit, but I don't get the memory benefits of a full 64 bit chipset motherboard like my Xeon has (it doesn't use the full 4 GIG of RAM like a 64 bit system does). So there [b']shouldn't[/b] be a benefit from using 64 bit on this computer. The only possibility I can think of is the drivers for the 64 bit system are more efficient/effective than the 32 bit system.
  18. Deputy

    XP 64 Bit

    I just did a Passmark test on my HP xw4200 workstation after switching back to 32 bit Win XP Pro. Very disappointing. Scores were down 200 points from the 64 bit system.
  19. Just did a test on the same comp with a new nVidia 9600 GT video card with 2 GIG of RAM on the card and 4 GIG system RAM. Score was 645.5 with everything running' date=' 647.8 with End It All. Not a bad increase from the previous 454.2 with End It All and the crappy Matrox 2D video card I had. [/quote'] Well this is weird. I just installed Win XP Pro 32 bit and did a test and it came out 490.8. A major drop from using the previous 64 bit system. Bummer.
  20. Deputy

    XP 64 Bit

    With all new Windows OS, I take a "wait and see" approach. I still haven't gone to VISTA and I probably won't. To me, it's like Windows Millennium...an interim system until a better one is released. I hope the next incarnation of Windows is 64 bit. I truly believe that is the system of the future. More and more comps are coming straight from the manufacturers with 64 bit pre-loaded on them. It's a much more stable platform, and if the game makers write the programs for 64 bit, they work more efficiently too...as can be seen with Crysis.
  21. Deputy

    XP 64 Bit

    Roger: Looks like yours is working great!!! My Xeon setup really works well with IL-2 and other 32-bit programs in WoW64 mode. So far Win XP Pro on the 4200 workstation seems to be working quite well. It recognizes the Hyper Thread ability on the Pent 4 processor and IL-2 works smooth as silk. I haven't had to mess with virtual settings at all. No stuttering or dinging the hard drive at all.
  22. Deputy

    XP 64 Bit

    Don't feel bad Jabo. While my dual Xeon workstation works great with XP 64 bit, my other workstation won't recognize the 4 GIG of RAM under 64 bit because of the motherboard chipset. So I ended up going back to Win XP Pro on that one.
  23. Deputy

    XP 64 Bit

    DANG! Then I'm stumped.
  24. Just did a test on the same comp with a new nVidia 9600 GT video card with 2 GIG of RAM on the card and 4 GIG system RAM. Score was 645.5 with everything running, 647.8 with End It All. Not a bad increase from the previous 454.2 with End It All and the crappy Matrox 2D video card I had.
  25. Deputy

    XP 64 Bit

    Jabo: One quick question...did you check in your hardware info to verify the modem is showing up with the the exclamation point?
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