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Everything posted by Vila

  1. It is impossible to move seat in German plains. Ende.
  2. Yeap, it looks just like you said TOAD. I misunderstood something about entire topic as it seems. Anyway, best thing (beside tracks on You Tube) that I found about topic and BF190 generally is posted by Arsenal. Who ever is interested can find it here: http://www.angelsandairspeed.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=154 and here: http://www.angelsandairspeed.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=215#p724. PDF format, FW190 and La5. Smart, simple, useful and good stuff. And of course...practice, practice, practice.
  3. No Trout . I said that you posted...well to be precise..."This is from the game's aircraft guide: Most of the dogfights on the Eastern Front occur at lower altitudes where the 190 does not yet begin to shine. It should use energy tactics against most Soviet fighters, as they’ll usually outturn the 190 rather easily. Its main advantage however is its phenomenal roll rate. High-speed rolling scissors rarely end in anything but a clear victory for the 190." So I put shorten version of it ..."Trout posted that most of contacts between FWs and LAs in condition when FW had La on 6 ended victoriously for FW. I believe him, guy didn't sucked that out of his thumb." If you misunderstood me, that's probably couse of my peasant, incorrect English . Like you, I tried rolling scissors. Maneuver don't worked for me. Couse I don't know how to do it properly. I want to learn how to do it properly. So that damned thing could work even for redneck as I am. So next time when Malish stick to my ass, I can show finger to him and give him a goood .
  4. That maneuver suppose to give us advantage over La5FN if we are inside FW190 A5. Trout posted that most of contacts between FWs and LAs in condition when FW had La on 6 ended victoriously for FW. I believe him, guy didn't sucked that out of his thumb. My simple question is HOW TO DO IT properly? Saw drawings, texts and some tracks, but when I try to do rolling scissors with La on my 6 I end up dead, or heavily damaged and then dead...like last night during SEOW when Malish glued to my ass after some 4 minutes of dogfight. Damned that man. So where is the secret? I know that I should maintain the speed, have eye on bandit and try to do...what? Coaching required over here brothers.
  5. This is old topic but...just use mouse man. You move rear gunner MGs with mouse. Believe it's by defolt.
  6. Oooooo that story is familiar. Came home last night in such condition that I'm still not sure did I lie down in my bed or on my dog .
  7. Heil to you my brothers. You've been more than helpful. Thanks from the hart.
  8. RGR that bro. Im concerned doe. If anything happens to you, who'll lead me through all that hardware - software stuff of yours? So I already spoke to close protection detachment Commander. He says bunch free of charge whores and 5 liters of Slivovitcha per day can make the job done. Greedy bastard. Anyway, I'll cover that.
  9. Gents, you are trying to help informatical illiterate person. Now that's a challenge isn't it . But, I can manually set FT to run on any fps. Usually, that's between 19 - 25 fps/s, and I adjust it every time when FT is switch on. Jabo, I more then appreciate your effort, and went on Website with autohotkeys but brother, for me all that stuff could be written in Hungarian . Didn't understand a single piece of it. AP1, I'll found specs for my cam, review that link you gave me, and than send you PM. THX for patience m8s.
  10. Got myself Thrustmasters T. Flight HOTAS X controller. I know that you guys fly with fancy stuff, but that's what I could afford (45 EUR) if we put Bank robbery solution on side .
  11. My respect m8. Glad that one of the Dogz made it. A big Salute.
  12. Kingdom of heaven belongs to those who are poor in mind . What can I say Tonar. Until today I was mostly reading things related to SEOW. Last 4 hours there is nothing for me to do so I started to read everything that Dogz posted. Ever. Off course for me it is impossible to keep mouth shut. I really hope that you had a good laugh m8. I most certainly would. Stay sharp ace
  13. I use to fly some 5 month before BFS on Join-ops. Buzzing around all over Hiper lobby and was pretty sure that my skills are growing on daily bases. All I did was building bad habits. After second BFS session, I was socked and cover with sweat. That SEOW campaign that we fly against 69th is really something, but until now, I never meet couch a challenge like BFS. Imagine Balkan barbarian with his incorrect, peasant, no good English saying "Caen tower this is Victor four three seven foxtrot echo on final for runaway 200 request for touch and go over". In same time when trying keep the heading, avoiding first pair of pillars, dropping third knot of flaps, reducing throttle and looking around for boogie intrusion.
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