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3. Danger Dogz
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  1. I'd just like to thank you for the advice, got a nice Microsoft ffb 2 stick for 20 eur, it really is a big improvement over the logitech one. I'll still fiddling with Freetrack & FaceTrackNoIR, but the head tracking is a really nice additiion to flight simming as well.
  2. Hi there, Have you (or anyone else) tried FaceTrackNoIR? http://facetracknoir.sourceforge.net/home/default.htm I've installed it yesterday & so far it seems to work pretty good. Discovered it just as i finished my Freetrack headgear, which worked fine also, but with thsi tool, all you need is a (decent) webcam. cheers Badger
  3. thanks for the quick response, altering the config line solved the problem!
  4. Hi there, I've just installed UP 3.0 & now my cockpit view in IL-2 seems to be stuck looking at the right back of the cockpit. Is this a known problem? Anyone know a fix for it? The outside views are ok, just the cockpit view is stuck looking at right back. Pressing a numpad key briefly glances in the pressed direction & then return to right back... thx Badger
  5. Thanks for the advice. So you prefer the microsoft because of the precision over the X52, or is it because of FFB? Anyone have any experience with the Logitech G940? Reviews on this product are very diverse on the internet... Also looked into the freetrack option, seems pretty cool, might just give it a go, as the components are really cheap (got a webcam already). Do you have any experience with it? Is it worth the trouble? cheers Badger
  6. Hi all, I'd like to enhance my IL2 & Rise of Flight gameplay, but i'm doubting about getting either a new joystick (i currently own a Logitech Wingman Force 3D, which i find kind of sloppy), i was thinking about getting a Saitek X52Pro. The other option would be getting a TrackIr. Any advice on what to get? What would be the best option from a gameplay point of view? thx badger
  7. Hi there, I was wondering, is there a way to make new maps? Can't seem to find that in the FMB, but apparently new maps have been made by ppl? thx B
  8. Badger

    Multiplayer Help

    Hi there, Had some fun last night, read the orders now, (what exactly is vulching?). I'll post a proper intro on the propaganda forum later today, thx for all the help so far. cheers B
  9. Badger

    Multiplayer Help

    Thx for the advice Klinger, i'll read throught that guide. Been a while since i played flight sims, but i can still get a plane off & back on the ground, so thats an ok start right? @Blairgowrie How do you know server names etc? I'd like to try out online flight, as to become member of a group, sure, if you'll have me . I'll most likely need a lot of practice though. Do you ppl fly coop or dogfight or a bit of everything? I'm from Belgium, but thats close enough i guess? Whats times (GMT) does your group fly? cheers B
  10. Badger

    Multiplayer Help

    ok, got Hyperlobby to work got into my first game, though i didn't get to shoot anyone do to lack of spotting abilities. Extremely fluent though
  11. Badger

    Multiplayer Help

    hi all, Just installed 1946 & i was wondering how to find online games. Having a search for servers din't yield any results, are there any lists of server names, or do you guys meet on msn first? Any help would be appreciated. thx B
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