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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Jediteo

  1. Is it a contest? Mine are pretty nice.
  2. Jediteo

    Breitling Wingwankers

    It supposed to be walkers, wingwankers is a show I just don't know if I'd watch. Would be quite impressive though.
  3. Ok, there we are. For achievements above and beyond the duty to troll the 1c forums, for displaying great awesome in face of douches everywhere, I nominate Bongo and Fruity for picture of the year.
  4. Jediteo

    P38 Display

    Fenrir porn, keep out.
  5. Jediteo

    Screen 120711 232642

    JTAC humvee getting a personal airshow.
  6. Jediteo

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    Fen showing off his low-level skills. Lower than a snake's belly. Half a second later he pranged it.
  7. Jediteo

    Screen 120711 225152

    This'll be expensive.
  8. Jediteo

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    Fenrir and I take a trip up the coast.
  9. Smoking and airplanes full of ammo and fuel do not mix Rog.
  10. Sweet, I'll be on TS if anyone wants some help. Just be wary, the torque of the 'stang is like riding a bucking bronco if you just push the throttle. You have to treat the old girl nicely or she will bite your face off.
  11. They are, well the codes rather. All you need to do Sid is to download DCS world and the modules and you can copy the serial code from Steam. I bought my DCS warthog that way.
  12. Download the A10 module and DCS world and you should be able to fly that with us If you want the fly the mustang in a mission, just buy, download and install that module in DCS World. DCS World is the core game, containing all the units etc. The individual modules contain the cockpit data and such, thereby, you can fly in any mission provided you have at least 1 of the planes types. Although I can heartily recommend the Mustang, sure is the nicest prop aircraft I have seen in a game.
  13. It is awesome! Got a server running.
  14. Sure the guy can drive, but he has the sartorial cunning of a blind man. I'd take Steve McQueen's turtleneck any day of the year.
  15. No. Nice one Kev!
  16. Intel is your best bet these days. I use a 17-2600k (they didn't have the i5 in stock). Unless you have cooling issues in general or plan to overclock the CPU substantially there is nothing bad with the 3570.
  17. The i5 3570K is the new Ivybridge patten 22nm instead of the sandy bridge 32nm. It is clocked slightly higher, and has slightly better support for things such as pci-e 3.0 and should have a lower power consumption (which should lead to a lower temp, but I've read reports of it being slightly hotter due to the die-shrink). If it is only 8£ more go for it.
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