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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Stingray

  1. Thanks for the conf.ini things, I'll add them and see how it goes. I have an ATI 4870 video card, looking at benchmarks it seems like the most bang for the buck, it whomps 8800GT, and the only thing that really beats it are SLI/Crossfire cards, or the new GTX280 (The GTX260 is better sometimes).
  2. I picked up a 24" BenQ V2400W LCD, 2ms response time, 1900x1200 native resolution.
  3. Yo, anyone know of the possibility of this type of setup: dual displays, with the second display just showing the instrument panel? I think this would be very handy to keep tabs on that little black ball that I can never seem to keep in the center, airspeed and altitude and would over all increase the "uberness" of my setup.
  4. Ha, I had an inkling he was going to turn out to be an instructor.
  5. Yo! Good luck, have some fun, I've never fished in the great lakes, but I did just spent a week in Northern Ontario, mostly bass fishing and horseback riding, good times!
  6. Yo, I've signed up for the JO Virtual Combat School for August, looks awesome!
  7. Yo! I just ordered the Saitek Rudder, should arrive in a few weeks, and got an X-52 Pro yesterday, still haven't used it, but it looks and feels impressive.
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