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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Stingray

  1. The ports in the back are all built in, they will work out of the box.
  2. This is dependent on your motherboard.
  3. Wow, I just played on my old 19" LCD at 1280x1024... wow, what a difference, feels like I am playing with blinders on
  4. Stingray


    Yo jensenpark, A lot of what are running are "services", and you are right, many of them are not needed and you can stop them.
  5. It should be fine, depends on what resolution you are running, 1280x1024 I suspect?
  6. Just a quick note on video cards: for a number of years I have been nVidia only, but ATI's latest offering of the 4850 and 4870 line is awesome: better performance than nVidia, lower power requirements, lower heat and generally cheaper.
  7. Here is something similar to what I just built: Motherboard: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6813128337
  8. Yo... yes, the costs sure do add up quickly... If I understand this site correctly: http://www.intel.com/products/desktop/m ... erview.htm The DG35EC motherboard is a micro-ATX form factor, which is designed for very small form factor PC's using the micro-ATX (or mATX) power supply and case specifications.
  9. SLI is a way of using two video cards at the same time.
  10. The three axis controllers on the saitek aviator use pots, yes.
  11. Yo, that computer will probably run IL-2 fine.
  12. Yo, just posting a couple of links to info, I am a n00b and this stuff really helps me (I was finally able to pull off a proper hammerhead after reading some of this) http://www.citabria.co.nz/PAS/Aerobatics.htm http://www.fulldeflection.com/index.php/manoeuverscatalogue/34-aerofab1/46-manoeuvers http://www.fulldeflection.com/index.php/manoeuverscatalogue/42-catalogue http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_combat_manoeuvring http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerobatic_maneuver http://www.limalima.com/airshow.htm http://www.dubairchobbies.org/aerobatic_maneuvers.htm http://skylinesoaring.org/docs/Aerobatics%20Manual.pdf And a few youtube videos: An example of what can go wrong
  13. Yo, This weekend in a flash of inspiration/stupidity I decided that it would be a good idea to take my spare joystick (Saitek Aviator) that I wasn't using, and hack it apart to make the throttle controls and toggle switches more accessible when using my X-52 throttle.
  14. There are two articles on formation flying at M4T:
  15. That time won't work well for me either, or probably most of the people on the pacific coast of North America
  16. Yo, here is another Youtube video, check out the hardware these guys are using, Looks like they may all be in the same room, kinda cool: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdRDlyiTWFY Stingray
  17. OMG those vids are awesome.
  18. yo, I am interested in doing some acrobatic flying.
  19. doh! My typo when listing the monitors native resolution
  20. Just wondering, why are you using 1900x1200 instead of 1920x1200??
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