3. Danger DogzContent Type
Everything posted by Stingray
BG: Several years ago I posted on the UBI forums looking for some people to fly with, you quickly sent a message... something about beer drinking and sheep... and possibly some flying... and I knew that DD was the place for me. I don't fly much these days, but I know I will pick it up again someday when I have the time. The DD battle of britain that we did a few years ago is probably the best online memory I have (aside from when I was 14 and discovered internet porn), I also fondly recall some of the DD aerobatics practices with MerDog, Bojan, and the rest. I'd like to give my heartfelt thanks for putting your time and energy into giving this pack of strays a home. ~Salute~ Stingray
yo gec, and Snacko! Thanks, I managed to find the 9.10 catalyst drivers on some shady site and installed it without scanning for viruses, and the amount of porn popups on my computer hasn't increased from the "normal" amount, so I am assuming that it was clean. I just uninstalled cat 10.2 and am just running 9.10. I also have a 4870x2 card, the thing heats my apartment, but seems to drive IL-2 pretty good! Now just need to get the latest Il-2 going, as word on the street is that 4.09 is out and these mods are in vogue. Thanks, Stingray
Yo JensenPark! School is..... "good", still working on the PhD, end is in sight, but still not done. Bad news though: I don't think I got your last email, as I would have loved another meet up. You'd better talk to your cooks at that place, because I suspect they laced our food with cocaine or something; ever since our last meet up, I have had uncontrollable urges for another steak sandwich! It might have ended up in the spam folder or I might have just missed it, I will investigate. Olympics have been pretty good actually, in fact, I am going miss the no-parking signs they have put up downtown and along some of the major roads in Vancouver, such as Granville, as it has made driving around quite bit faster actually. You make it across for any of the events? I need to figure out this new computer and get IL-2 back up and running. I stupidly had devoted my computer to my "work" and haven't had IL-2 on, wtf was I thinking?? Later, Stingray
Yo, having these issues: blocky unreadable text, flashing cockpit when firing, pretty much unplayable. I am using catalyst 10.2, but I hear a work around is to put the ati .dll from catalyst 9.10 in the IL-2 folder. Anyone know where to get said dll? AMD doesn't seem to let you download older versions that I can find, Stingray
Howdy folks, long time no see! I haven't been around or played IL-2 in quite a time, just trying to launch it up and see if I can remember how to crash and get shotdown, my primary skills at Il-2. Is there an update of the 352nd mod pack that I should get that includes the 4.9 non-beta patch? Just looking to get updated, get my new comp working with IL-2 again, etc Word? word! Stingray
my saitek pedals came with some double sided tape I used to stick them to my hardware floor, they don't move at all, maybe try some double-sided carpetting or moulding tape
wow Snacko, the i7 965 extreme is a serious CPU!!
Howdy Dogz, I am putting together a machine to do some serious number crunching for my "doctoral research".
nice link, this one is my favorite:
Those look awesome.
If you use Windows XP Professional, you can control your computer remotely using the Windows Remote Desktop.
I would love to get a 10k rpm drive and just put FSX, DCS:BS,Lockon, Il2 and other games on it, I am sure the load times would be dramatically improved. Stingray
I received an odd email from a strange man the other day, claiming we had "met on the internet", and "had some sheep all tied up out back" and some sort of proposition involving a free meal and drinks. Being a starving student I never turn down the opportunity for a hot meal, even under such suspicious circumstances, so I bravely made the trek downtown to what appeared to be the shadiest of downtown hotels (hourly rate on all the rooms of course), where I met two fellas at the bar: one self-described "geek in a suit", and another man who could be described only as "Grizzly Adams". Luckily I had brought offerings of WW2 novels and the zeno warbirds collection with which to barter for my life should the meeting turn sour. This gesture seemed to soften up what appeared to be two hardened criminals, and they allowed me to dine with them, and then strangely proceeded to ply me with alcohol. The next thing I remember was waking up in a ditch with a full belly, and somehow my knowledge of WW2 radar had vastly increased since the previous evening, a strange coincidence? Thanks JP, had a great time meeting you and Waldo, Stingray
Howdy Tonar, I don't know if this advice comes too late for your formatting adventure, but one thing I would highly recommend doing is downloading Windows XP Service Pack 2 or 3, and burning it to disk or having it on USB key and installing it right away after installing XP.
Yo Cold_Gambler, just wondering what AA and AF settings you are running wth your 4850,
Just to chime in, the other flight sim I play is Lock On Modern Air Combat (LOMAC), with modern fighter jets, and there is quite a bit less "fiddly" bits to play with on the engine.
Yo, I get the same artifacts occasionally with my 4870, and it seems that running the fan speed higher sort of made them less frequent, but they still occur.
"He also told me of a time when he got hit by flak while strafing.
I agree, go wide screen.
yo JP, Make sure that your trackIR profile has all 6 the axises of motion enabled (X,Y,Z, Roll, etc), when I first got the 352 mod package, I only had two of them enabled and couldn't figure out why 6 DOF wasn't working, Stingray
I've never been into the RC scene, just checking out some youtube vids, wow, crazy
wow... looks pretty neat
Howdy, saw this posting on the ubi forums, thought I'd put the word on here, as this looks like a good tool: http://game.amd.com/us-en/drivers_fusion.aspx?p=1 http://techreport.com/discussions.x/15536 Looks interesting, I haven't tried it out, but will this weekend. Quote: What does that have to do with AMD's new Fusion for Gaming utility? Well, the app revolves around a similar concept, but it goes about it in a much smarter way. Rather than potentially cripple a system by leaving key processes off, the app lets users turn "unneeded" processes and background tasks on and off with a single click. AMD's spiel is that you can click the button in the Fusion for Gaming tool, hop into a game, then click the button again once you're done to restore everything to normal. While chopping down non-vital processes is the key idea here, AMD Gaming Strategist Brent Barry told us the app takes care not to shut down "anything that might cause your PC to become unstable or insecure." That includes anti-virus software, at least in the default profile. The application nonetheless warns that it "may adversely affect the stability and/or security of your computer" in "some situations," so some important apps could potentially slip through the net. But wait a minute—can disabling background tasks really impact performance significantly, especially on a multi-core system? Barry says gains can range from 2-5%, although that can obviously vary quite a bit depending on the PC. The Fusion for Gaming utility has more tricks up its sleeve, though. Depending on the profile you've selected, the app can also overclock the graphics card, processor, and apply "hard-drive acceleration." One of the components—AMD Boost—can also shut down "some of the things that happen within the processor that you really don't want to have happen while playing a game," such as Cool'n'Quiet and power-state switching.