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  1. Forgive me for completely disagreeing here, but no you DON'T have to turn off UAC under Vista as I use Vista64 just fine with it on for all programs I run. (Saitek drivers, Hyperlobby, IL-2, COD, EQ2, LOTRO, etc...) And no I don't get UAC prompts all the time due to following the below rule. I agree with not installing under C:\Program Files as that is considered a protected area under Vista and any program that is not written for Vista should not be installed there. C:\My Program Files would be a good place if they only have one drive. This one thing is 99% of peoples problems with running games under Vista.
  2. Well done to you both!
  3. Great card sir! Merry Christmas to you, and all the rest of you flea bitten pack as well!
  4. Great news Rattler! My nephew is in Iraq again, so know the relief when they are able to come home.
  5. Awesome, can't wait to hear some of his experiances... I was just talking with a co-worker a few weeks ago and turns out he knows a Whitley pilot that is working with his group and is going to see if we can setup a time to take him out to dinner and get some war stories. btw, the Whitley is I think the first stress skinned bomber Britain had, and is the one that looks like its diving when flying straigth and level
  6. Welcome to the pound Farret! Watch out for the
  7. Carp are acutally alot of fun to catch, kinda yucky tasting though. On a Light rig like that it would be like deep sea fishing for the big ones, but on the cheap
  8. Shayd

    Linux undelete?

    Ohno, I was afraid of that... guess I might as well stop
  9. Shayd

    Linux undelete?

    Anyone know of a user friendly undelete for Linix? Seems that in ext3 when you delete something like a directory it actually goes through all the underlinked files and directories in the allocation tables COMPLETELY deleteing the references and clearing all allocation references where the files/folders were on the disk. This of course removes any possibly of a simple recovery that at least I have found. So that means that if you delete a file, you can't just say oops, and relink it like you could in Unix for years. Now all you can do is recover blocks that contain something, and you have to try and rebuild the files from these blocks and there are gazillions. Even for text files. Anyone had an idea or am I just screwed for performing an ID-10-T error?
  10. Hi tonar, I have G4, and previously had the G2 as well. The new version is great. I miss the mood music though! Have to see if I can find that option somewere. I picked up a CX 2 Blade off of EBay that I'm fixing up and G4 has a simular dual rotor I can practice with. Flew Gliders years ago in Torrey Pines, CA and my one power plane was a styrofoam cub .49 that was in pieces moments after I snapped the wing down the middle. Of course it took the wings another 3 minutes to reach the ground lol, longer then the flight
  11. So anyone ever fly this multiplayer? I know we have one RCer about.
  12. Shayd

    Java error???

    hmm...thats quite odd. Unless there was a new Anti-TOAD device recently installled it sounds to me like it might be a corrupted file. Something in the mission that the created is different... maybe get Klinger to send you the mission and see if you can run it locally...my bet is that it won't load for you there either and you might have to see if you can figure out in the log file what is dying if thats possible.
  13. Shayd

    Java error???

    Same error over and over? No matter what game you join does it do it now as well?
  14. Shayd

    RAID configuration

    Jabo, You have to have a system with the basically the same Raid chip, and you have to let the system know on bootup that the two drives are a Raid 0. This is generally done by enabling Raid in your bios, telling the system what drives to use as the raid drives, and what type of Raid you are using (0-5 etc.) Its not an easy answer to type out here as there are so many factors involved. You also need to make sure that you have the drives in the right order when you plug them in, or when you setup the controller to access the drives to place them in the right order. I don't know if I have helped or confused you more.
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