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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Dagger

  1. Hey guys do you know a software that will allow me to se up sensitivity curves for the joystick and not just for Il2. I need a program that will work for any generic joystick AND not specifically for Il2. I looked around and all i could find was this : DX Tweak 2. Unfortunately I have no ideea how to operate it. http://www.wingmanteam.com/latest_software/gadgets.htm#DX Tweak 2 It's a long shot but some(most) of you have been using joysticks for along time someone might know something.
  2. For a moment there I was thiking "C'mon that's not dangerous".
  3. Happy B-Day!
  4. Happy birthday BG!
  5. What do you do with these? Sell them, keep them?
  6. Yeah awesome!!
  7. Alright thanks, I guess a little bit more RAM is the way to go.
  8. What is IL2 needing more of for smoother play: Better microprocessor, better videocard, more ram? Considering they are all pretty well balanced to start with, wich of these should one increse if there was only one to choose?
  9. On no, you broke filefront
  10. Part of a documentary on WW1, called WW1 in Colour - episode 3 focusing on the planes. http://files.filefront.com/WWI+IC+3rar/;12460270;/fileinfo.html
  11. Dagger


    http://rutube.ru/tracks/1065830.html?re ... 3e21e3d2ac FFS they can't be serious. That's not yoga that's porn with clothes on... "kinky arm stretching" ? on a different note, a bit of luck goes a long way http://rutube.ru/tracks/1003871.html?v= ... af40dd3e0a
  12. Dagger


    Works like a charm, even the sound is better. Thanks
  13. It's in german but the images speak for themselves. http://www.poetv.com/video.php?vid=40392
  14. Dagger


    Yeah that's right, porno. But it is Safe For Work! http://www.220.ro/Porno_la_care_te_poti ... 11281.html
  15. About drifting Horse carriage drifting Half car drift
  16. Indeed they 'sang' together.
  17. Dagger

    BOB Stuffs

    Maybe a 3'rd party upload site. Maybe filefront? It's free and easy. http://www.filefront.com/
  18. Dagger

    BOB Stuffs

    Well now that BOB day is over I was hoping to see screenshots, tracks, movies, etc? I for one was way too busy to even take a single screenshot...
  19. I don't know how's it over there but here the media is all over the Large Hadron Collider and how we're all gonna blow up in one black hole (or many small ones) Anyway I foud this fun picture The right man in the right place
  20. Got this one I found somewhere.
  21. Impressive. Got a link for the website where we can take an indepth look at this?
  22. Why not just use Winamp? You can keep them in mp3 and it works at the same time with IL2.
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