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Everything posted by Squawk
DCS Event: Ramrod 564 - The Amiens Prison Raid [REDUX]
Squawk replied to DD_Fenrir's topic in DCS Series
I would love to Gents but I'm just not available during Dogz time, I do miss the old days. Once the eldest is in school, I'll have some time during the week again. -
PWCG P-38 Lightning Strikes Co-op Campaign
Squawk replied to DD_Fenrir's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
Good show Gents! Well done Fenrir getting the campaign up and running again. I'll be back after the snow flies.. so much work to be done still. One small home repair has blossomed into a major fixit. Presently backfilling and grading around our foundation on my free time to prevent more water getting under the foundation in spring, and causing more cracks and heaves. Its alot of dirt... -
PWCG P-38 Lightning Strikes Co-op Campaign
Squawk replied to DD_Fenrir's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
Seconded. Although 2 fingetrs on my left hand look like clides abovre albiet wiht a few more holes. Friensdly tip. Dont referee an argument betwewern two lagre dogs. good thing its not my shootin hand. -
PWCG P-38 Lightning Strikes Co-op Campaign
Squawk replied to DD_Fenrir's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
Squawks in for another round. -
PWCG P-38 Lightning Strikes Co-op Campaign
Squawk replied to DD_Fenrir's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
Looks like I'm back in the game. Be there this sun New pilot will be "Ross Parrot" workin on a nose art, but she'll be called "3rd time lucky" No more following Mr P in the dive for me, its apparently detrimental to my health -
PWCG P-38 Lightning Strikes Co-op Campaign
Squawk replied to DD_Fenrir's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
Sorry about this one Gents. Didn't mean to make it look like a Rage quit, I had chores on backorder, and I was a bit sore at myself. Thats twice I've lawn darted. Post (mortem) Flight: Great fun in formation, you looked great out there 485th. Watching the 402nd chew into those 88's was good fun until the 190's dropped in. From there it became a bit of a mad house. Crash and I blew through the merge and stayed high on Fen and Bob's 6 to let them work, but on the second circle I called out engaging as a 190 climbed up in front of me. A few bursts and the canopy popped and he went down flaming. Before I can find him I hear Crash in trouble but I tunneled on the 190 and had no idea where he went. Sorry for loosing you Crash. And I damn near did it again, sorry Mick, I looked but didnt see you tailing that FW and he was big as Christmass in perfect position for a bounce. I think I need more stick time with you fellows as Im a little out of sync. Painless found some ground targets, and we decended to bust some howitzers. He smoked most of the line and I lined up to pick up the stragglers and thats when it happened. Didn't think it was that steep either, but sure as shooting, she just didn't pull up and I clipped the trees level at 5 feet. I really do enjoy and look forward to these missions, Thank you for putting them on Tom. Hopefully the 3rd time's the charm. -
PWCG P-38 Lightning Strikes Co-op Campaign
Squawk replied to DD_Fenrir's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
In for this afternoon! -
PWCG P-38 Lightning Strikes Co-op Campaign
Squawk replied to DD_Fenrir's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
Squawks in for today -
PWCG P-38 Lightning Strikes Co-op Campaign
Squawk replied to DD_Fenrir's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
Flying as Red4 in 485th. Uneventful flight to target, spotted the 410th in the distance as we entered the battle zone, Capt Rea spotted the targets and Red 3/4 went in with guns blazing to silence them. Attacked 2 groups of targets holding in the woods like scared little rabbits hiding from the eagles. Red 3/4 went in and had good drops on the first group, but poor results on the second. Once all ordanance was expended we ventured to the south to drop the proverbial chamber pot on the local geman airbase. Again Red 3/4 dove in, eager to trade some lead with the Jerries, while Red 1/2 played bait. (Red 1 played the part particularly well and caught an 88 for his troubles) Both Red 3/4 hammered our targets however. Upon watching Red 3 pull up and away while I stayed in the dirt, I mused that the silly bugger is going to get plastered. Coincedentally an almighty wallop introduced itself to my aircraft. I immediately called hit and turned for home and started assesing the damage: #2 engine hit, fuel leaks, and the wobblies. Reducing throttle and adjusting rudder trim I climbed to 4,500 and took stock. Both engines seemed to still be operable and she was still flying. I elected to return to base. Overflying the field Flaps were extended to combat and the roll nearly took her over. Retracted flaps and decided on flaps up landing. Gear came down with no trouble. two decending orbits later I was lined up on final and touched down with an extra 20mph for luck. Everything held and all that was left was to have a beer and count the holes. (140 by my count, and missing a flap) -
PWCG P-38 Lightning Strikes Co-op Campaign
Squawk replied to DD_Fenrir's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
in for today -
PWCG P-38 Lightning Strikes Co-op Campaign
Squawk replied to DD_Fenrir's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
Debrief: Quite the sobering first mission for Norman Gannet. He arrived back to base under a black cloud shrouding the 485th, And the day had started out so glorious. Launching on his first early morning raid with the 485 Norm was struck by the beauty of his first combat sunrise. The luminous orb outlining his esteemed commander, such a sight. Surely a good omen. The reality of war, soon disavowed him of that illusion. Shortly after sunrise Lt Johnson, RTB'd with engine difficulties. The rumors in the training cadre about the cold winter weather being unkind to Allison engines, seems to be bearing bitter fruit. Left without a wingman, Norman was given the choice of attaching himself to white flight but, chose to remain with his commander and chip in where he could. It would not be long before he would regret that fateful decision. Prior to target we encountered 3 enemy bombers escorted by fighters, however both sides elected to continue on mission, there were jobs to be done after all. Over target : To quote the British, "Bloody 'ell!" So much AA, Norman had never born witness to such a display. To see Maj Painless and Lt Reginald simply dive straightaway into the teeth of such fire gave Norman such pride. He too shall not quail! Giving the lead pair much distance he dove in as a straggling #3, and promptly buggered up his run and held his drop. Climbing back up he watched as the Maj and Lt wreaked havoc on the AA. Picking his window of opportunity he dove in on a halftrack and managed to hit one of two vehicles. As the airspace was crowded he requested to hit the rail yard solo and placed one 500lb square in the center of the enclosed station. It was difficult to see weather or not it had any effect. By this time the AA had been diminished and He was eager for a few of his own. The first few runs he seemed to fit nicely into the chaos. with everyone calling in and out on target, the 485th doing serious damage to the enemy. It was only when running in on that one damn gun, It had spat such a mouthful of venomous 37mm directly at his head that Lt Gannet lost his nerve and broke away to the safety of the South, where the AA had already been hammered. Directly across the path of the oncoming Maj.Painless. With an almighty "NOOOO!" from the radio echoing in his ears, Lt. Gannet was looking rearward for tracers when he saw the good Majors aircraft strike his tail and disintegrate before his very eyes. 'It was at that moment, he knew he @#$%ed up.' Witnessing the remains of the Majors aircraft cartwheeling into the river, Norman quickly checked his aircraft over, and was astonished to find absolutely no damage. The guilt and remorse would have to come later, there was still a job to do. Lt Reginald bought it shortly after, he was hit by Flak and seen to go in. With the 485th now at half strength, Lt Artage of White flight spotted aircraft lights and investigated to find a lone Ju52 attempting to sneak in under our noses. He looks to have damaged it severely as Lt Gannet saw it bellied up in the snow a few miles short of the airbase. Lt Gannet found another train hiding in a nearby village and strafed it with Capt. Rea of White flight providing cover. Back at target Capt. Rea made one last pass before calling us off to return home, laying a beautiful stick of 3 bombs right down at the bridge footing and decimating the Germans hiding there. Not a moment too soon as well, for a marauding flight of FW190's appeared. Lt. Artage and Capt. Rea soon got stuck in with the flight of 3, and Norman dropped his remaining bomb on an 88 crew that had the misfortune of being between him and the fray. With one 190 down to the Captain, and Artage poking holes in the 2nd, Norman Gannet locked his jaws solidly on the tail of the 3rd 190 and chewed it like a bone until finally the bandit rolled over and buried itself in the forest below. With ammunition low, It was past time to leave, and we departed for home. In the process of organizing the remains of the 485th, Capt. Rea's radio gave up while crossing the frontlines, and Lt's Gannet and Artage landed at the nearby friendly field of Ache. Looking back on his first mission, Norman had the stark realization that there is no glory or excitement in war. Only Fear, adrenaline, and determination. Also regrets.. lots of regrets. Who ever said it was absolutely correct. "War, is hell." -
PWCG P-38 Lightning Strikes Co-op Campaign
Squawk replied to DD_Fenrir's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
Norman Gannet reporting for flightline -
Background on the TBM Avenger that crashed in Florida a week or so ago
Squawk replied to Kira's topic in Jim's Place
Dan Gryder provided a LOT more info than Juan Brown. Lots to unpack here. Initially I was inclined to disagree Sid and give the benefit of the doubt to the pilot, but in this case after hearing the facts, the only thing he did right was not hit someone. WOW I'm amazed VAC haven't wrecked more aircraft. Flying itself is inherently dangerous but the risks are usually well managed, I would assume much like Fire Fighting. Procedures/regulations are in place for good reasons, (usually the result of previous unfortunate outcomes) I understand the old adage "You get what you pay for" But the VAC seems like the keystone cops of volunteer organizations. (making the largest donor the Director of Maintenance, and he's not even a certified mechanic??) But some rare pilots make it look easy, the late Mr.Hanna or Mr. Hover, who have done seeming spectacular things with aircraft, each demonstrated reliably their complete situational awareness with their aircraft and surroundings. There are way too many "hold my beer" clips on the net of pilots doing insanely stupid things with aircraft, (perhaps some shouldn't have ever received their licenses, a rant for another time) However there are also well flown and scripted clips that from the outside look reckless, but are well planned and well flown. (drunken piper cub pilot demonstration). I feel that there is still room out there for a little spectacle, if done appropriately. -
PWCG P-38 Lightning Strikes Co-op Campaign
Squawk replied to DD_Fenrir's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
P-38 Pilot: Norman Gannet reporting to the 485th. After 2 weeks of (wo)mandatory sensitivity training, and proper pronoun radio etiquette courses. He will be permitted to fly. -
PWCG P-38 Lightning Strikes Co-op Campaign
Squawk replied to DD_Fenrir's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
As per the Italian P38 story told on the way to target in 485th coms. I read it in "Fork-Tailed Devil the P38" by Martin Caidin. The B17 pilot was Harold Fisher, and the Italian pilot was Guido Rossi. Worth a look up. Short version, A P38 got lost and landed low on fuel in occupied Sardinia. Before he could destroy his ship he was dragged from the cockpit. Italians tested the aircraft and Rossi hatched a plan to use it to great success attacking allied bomber stragglers. Lieutenant Fisher was the first to survive the surprise attacks, and report the goings on. Lt Fisher came up with the idea to use a YB-40 ( B-17 gunship) to decoy Rossi into attacking an up gunned B17 (16x .50's) by playing lame. After finding out the who the Italian pilot was, Fisher painted the name and a portrait of the Italians Wife on the nose. Eventually he ran into the Italian P38 and when he started talking about the guys wife, Rossi lost his cool and recklessly attacked confirming the P38 was hostile and giving the gunners an edge in shooting him down. Rossi ended up ditching and surviving. Fisher perished in an aircraft crash during the Berlin Airlift. -
PWCG P-38 Lightning Strikes Co-op Campaign
Squawk replied to DD_Fenrir's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
Reporting for Duty! On a related note BluBear, I agree the trees are amazing. Caught this during my system test drive. Shot a Heinkel down and circled the woods waiting. -
Squawk is back in service and willing to be of service. If there is an open crew spot I will gladly fill or I can go solo as well.
PWCG P-38 Lightning Strikes Co-op Campaign
Squawk replied to DD_Fenrir's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
Alistair Starling re-reporting for duty! Some other poor sod has run off with the Generals daughter and he is no longer up the proverbial creek, sans paddle. -
Hello Gents, Im back in the digital saddle again. Got DCS, and Box running. Ive taken the old HDD where BoX was installed and just moved it into the new rig. Had issues trying to get it running without re downloading the whole game (limited internet speeds) Launcher ruan but when I hit play I got a dll error. turns out it was DX11 needing an install. One would think by now Win 10 would come preloaded with it. just need to get ts up and looking forward to flying with you mutts again!
- 3
Very nice! Looks darn near like what I see from the office. Question is.. Is airborne Icing going to be modeled. Hahaha
PWCG P-38 Lightning Strikes Co-op Campaign
Squawk replied to DD_Fenrir's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
Seems like the Gremlins have multiplied. Did Snafu and Fubar feed them after midnight? It looks like I'll be out for an undetermined period of time. My 980 started going shiny side down and I'm making do with an old Nvidia 570. With the "Great Desert" that is the current GPU market, I don't know which direction I shall go. Don't feel like paying $800 for a card that has lower performance than my old 980, so thinking of getting a Prebuild just for a card. Was hoping to pick my parts but I think this would do. 'IF' its in stock as it says. Intel Core i7 10700K 3.80GHz (5.10GHz Turbo Boost), 8-Core 16-Thread NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 8GB ASUS PRIME Z490-P (WIFI) RGB AIO 240MM Liquid Cooling G.Skill TridentZ RGB 16GB DDR4 3200MHz 1TB Intel 660P M.2 NVMe SSD 750W 80 Plus Gold Windows 10 Home 64-bit Thoughts Gents? $2400 (probably usd so closer to 3k for me) Can add another 16GB ram when it ships. Also will need a usb hub. Mobo has less slots than I would have chosen myself) As for Alistair Starling.... Perhaps he got caught behind the hangar with the General's daughter and is on KP/Gate Patrol, and other "essential non flying duty's". -
PWCG P-38 Lightning Strikes Co-op Campaign
Squawk replied to DD_Fenrir's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
Manana mis Amigos! -
Its not so bad, as the kits are simple. But I have a magnifying lamp if I need it but it just makes my eyes cross. Here's my current setup. I've since organized a bit. Note the 69' Fastback in assembly. I started that kit in 2001. (Hated the look of testors enamel so shelved it. Its back on with acrylics.) These little buggers were hard to see. Yes they are bog standard army men. (were) Mostly to try out some paint and brush techniques. Getting a little wild. Dollar store toys are cheap practice. Close up on the Mustang. First order was to prime and repaint over the metallic red seats. Not sure what I was thinking back then. Faux wood trim and 2 tone withe leather seats looks much better. Don't like the box art so Im going with a dark gloss blue finish. The shelf of future possibilities. (boxes for the yak, mig, and cobra still on the shelf.)
PWCG P-38 Lightning Strikes Co-op Campaign
Squawk replied to DD_Fenrir's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
In for tomorrows mission.