Okay, have finished chucking it all together and it's an understated thing of beauty but.......I downloaded Win 11 Home edition onto an external USB hard drive. I bought myself a legit (and expensive!) Win 11 Home product key. I plugged in the external hard drive, a key board, mouse, monitor and connected it to my router. Took a deep breath and pressed the button.
Hey! It fired up, the fans worked, the cooler pump is working as far as I can tell. Windows started loading thing and everything is fine until I get to that bit in the Windows loading screen where it says 'Connect to the internet' and nothing happens. I can see from the lights indication on the ethernet port that it's working but nada, nothing connecting.
Any ideas greatly appreciated. I can check the router and it's working and connected to 'old faithful' but when I connect my new pc to it, nothing is showing on the router page and Windows loading screen is still waiting for an internet connection....
Ignore the BT hub in the background. I'm not trying to plug into that.