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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Snacko

  1. This is a great video with the author of X-Plane, Austin Meyer, explaining how OpenGL works and how much better/smarter Vulcan works with X-Plane by pre-loading everything and removing studders and increasing FPS by 30%++
  2. I made it out of Oak. Inspired by this model I saw in Fine scale Modeler of a Mig-21.
  3. I got playing with those skins last week and came up with this crazy steam-punk fictional skin for the Jug. I know it's not everyone's 'cup 'o tea' but it was fun making it. And I learned a ton about using GIMP Paths. Cheers! Snacko ? P-47D DDz.dds
  4. You might find this useful in understanding the Radar operation. It's for the F-15, but useful in understand radar in general.. https://tawdcs.org/radar-f15/
  5. 1. BoX 2. DCS 1. Tue 2. Thur
  6. Well, we(you all) have been through this process a few times in the past few years. It seems not to have brought in the new members or gotten people to show up in the past that you have wanted. I hesitate to post an opinion because I'm not a regular anymore. I mostly don't fly online anymore because I'm getting older(sleep/attention focus problems); and I'm doing other projects. But for me, my favorite part of flying online was flying actual simple missions. Something that was short and sweet and fun. Then, do it again, and again. The dogfight servers where everybody does whatever they want, I find boring. I can do that on my own.. ie:learning a DCS/Box plane. Once I can takeoff, nav, land and bomb/dogfight I would be ready to have fun online in a good mission. Or, if there was specific aircraft training, that I think is fun too. Touch and Gos, bombing range, all practicing a specific aircraft so we can fly that fun mission.. I will say that most of the successful online groups focus on 1 primary sim. Even in DCS that gives you ~30 complicated aircraft to fly? Even that is hard to get everyone to fly in a mission(ie. can't have a Spit on a mission with a F-18c). So, it's hard keep the old players and recruit new ones. So, I guess I agree with what Fen said in an above post. You need to pick 1-2 sims, state what day you fly them. Have regular "FUN" missions. That's my 2 cents.
  7. Following.. ?
  8. Snacko


    Somehow I feel disturbed by this..
  9. Was this guy an actual back seat jester? Seems like it would be better if he had the experience of that job to make it more realistic. He's laughing at points where he almost hits the ground. Where he should be saying shit, shit, shit! Oh well, we'll see what the end product is like. But there should definitely be some swearing. I think that will probably need to be a mod.
  10. What is GB? Sent from my Moto Z Play using Tapatalk
  11. IL2 1946 is silky smooth!? Your liv'in the American dream! Sent from my Moto Z Play using Tapatalk
  12. Minty green tree colors can be caused my old shaders if you did an DCS update and not a clean/new install. Just delete the ...Users/xxx/Saved Games\DCS\fxo and ...Users/xxx/Saved Games\DCS\metashaders folders. The game will rebuild those shader folders for each Theater. So, then fly a quick mission in each theater and wait for it to load.. and wait... and wait.. Once they are built it will load faster. If you are getting 100-150 fps you can turn your graphic settings up much higher. Try to match your refresh rate of your monitor. My monitors are 60mhz.. So, I shoot for 60fps on average, and turn my graphics up until the fps are hitting around that range. Cheers!
  13. Finally got mine working. Had to unplug my Thrustmaster T300rs Racing Wheel. Now, can I just copy my saved clod settings over? Or is it not compatible? Sent from my Moto Z Play using Tapatalk
  14. Thanks, yes I know. I have posted with their devs. This morning they are saying it is a problem with Logitech controllers or Wheels. I'm in no hurry. I think they will get it fixed. Cherrio!
  15. Crash, Crash, Crash. Not Crash, I mean Blitz. So far that's all it's good for. But it's great for showing that new Logo before the crash. Event Log says it's the ntdll.dll causing the crash. Devs say it's a 32bit overlay probably. Others say they have fixed it by unplugging their controllers the first time they run it. None worked for me. Oh well..
  16. I disagree. Flying past something at 700mph is smoother IMO. Most of the time you won't notice it, I agree. But there are times when it looks smoother. I'm not sure if it's because the eye has more frames to choose from as the brain processes it or what. But I have seen the difference even in hdtv sets where the are trying to show off their solutions. It's always in a scene where the background is moving fast. Just my opinion.
  17. Can give me a link to these?
  18. Yes, Prop Pitch is called 'Propeller RPM control'.
  19. I had not flown BoX with anyone until yesterday with Jack and AP. I found out that Jack can host with no problems on his local pc. Gustang has made many missions and knows the editor pretty well. And you can see your aircraft on the o map by pressing the i key. It shows up as a black aircraft icon. We just flew one mission, but we started on the runway with engines running. Just had to know how to set 2-3 things before takeoff. One of the things that had confused me is that I didn't know that you can have duplicate hotas assignments in your settings. I thought they would conflict. You can setup an axis for something in one aircraft and the same axis for something else in another aircraft. I had not assigned an axis to the La5's cowl flaps because I had used all of my axis for other planes. But Jack explained that was not a problem. I can just assign it again.
  20. Yea, but probably too late for me. I go to bed around 9:30 - 10. Do you guys start earlier? No weekends?
  21. When do you guys fly Jack? Any weekends?
  22. Not me. I bought an Oculus Rift 3 months ago and tested DCS, IL2 BoX, Elite Dangerous, and other games. I don't like VR for DCS. The game is too complicated to play without seeing my keyboard, hotas, and second monitor. BoX and ED are playable with it and it looks ok. But the graphics quality is reduced by at least half for me. I have triple screens and graphics quality looks great on them. VR is still in it's infancy. It will be several years I think before I see it mainstream. The most impressive tech I have see is they use eye tracking to only process the best graphics at the point where you are looking. That looks very realistic and is far less demanding. They were getting very high fps and what the user saw was much more detailed. But I digress. I guess I have just spent so much to get very high graphics to lose so much of it in VR. I consider VR a fun toy at this point.
  23. Yes with vsync on you get no tearing. I'm just saying that with it on you get 60 fps only if your card is producing 60 or more fps. When the card produces 59 fps(or less) vsync only gives you 30 fps. I saw a great video about how the buffers work last week.. Not sure if this is it, but this explains it well also.. Sent from my Moto Z Play using Tapatalk
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